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[CYHO] Dragunity Drive

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Dragunity Drive

Continuous Trap Card

You can only use the effect of this card’s name once per turn.

You can activate one of the following effects. You cannot Special Summon monsters, except “Dragunity” monsters during the turn in which you activate this effect.

-Target 1 “Dragunity” monster card in your Spell & Trap Zone; Special Summon it in Defense Position.

-Target 1 “Dragunity” monster you control; choose 1 “Dragunity” monster in your Graveyard and equip it to that targeted monster you control.


So a new Dragunity trap to go along with all the new Dragunity Support and its neat that it can set up equip and summons.

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*Looks  at name* I thought it looked familiar as it shares a name with the Japanese Structure Deck.

As for the card itself; It's so bad, inbetween being a trap and restricting you to Dragunity summons that turn (Preventing Crystal Wing plays), the first effect isn't gonna get used as the Tuners SS themselves anyway, and as for the other, I'd rather use Divine Lance or even Dragon Mastery (and no one uses the latter), and yes I am aware that neither equips from the GY, but at least I don't have to wait a turn to use them.

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The card is casual fun for the theme, not the engine.

It wants you to run it in a Dragunity build where Dragunities are their own boss instead of going to Crystal Wing, Quasar, or any other shenanigans.
Your boss has to be a Dragunity, and your equips must be something that makes use of the Tuners that aren't Phalanx.


That said, this is a Continuous version of Formation Union, and Formation Union wasn't that great back in, what, 2004?

This sort of lineup especially kills any hopes Barcha had of maxing out between Dragon Mastery and this card clogging the backrow if we speak support meant for them.


The only support that keeps equipping them on a somewhat consistent basis is Divine Lance. They need consistent +1 equipping tools, and possibly a a Rekindling for the Tuners (hear me Konami? *cough* )

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Looking past the negatives, I'm still holding out hope that the rest of the support in this set is somewhat decent, as there should be another main deck monster in addition to an extra deck monster (this assumption coming from a recent poster that shows a new monster which depicts a winged-beast that doesn't correlate to an existing one riding Kuse), hopefully it's a Link, but it's probs another Synchro, and perhaps we'll get a spell that does something beneficial (for example SS a Winged-Beast and equipping it with a tuner, so there's less reliance on NS).

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