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Best Little Treat [BLT] Tournament (Round 3 Batch)


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Every other match will have 3 contestants (until the extras are put in) so that the next round can proceed with the right number (except in cases of ties).


This is taking a little too long for being unable to use my own laptop for it, so I'll be doing less matches per batch than the other tourneys for now.

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[spoiler=Round 2 Randomization:]





Matches coming shortly.



I don't like dipping my potato chips in ketchup, and I doubt I'd like ketchup-flavored potato chips too.
Definitely the silliest thing I've heard all tourney. I've not even heard of anyone dipping their chips in BBQ sauce or vinegar, let alone ketchup, and could never think to do it myself. Flavored things are completely different than straight up combining them.
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Cinnamon Rolls moves on to the finals (well, I decided to break the tie in part because the tie appeared after trying to break the other tie), making a 2.0 for the other tie immediately. 


EDIT: Oops, I made a triple post. Was I not supposed to even be able to do that?

EDIT EDIT: Oh, I mean quadruple post. 

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Yeah, I just noticed that it is creme like the Creme Egg. Hershey's Cookie 'N' Creme people. I'm probably adding it to my sig to celebrate the occasion. 


2nd Place: Cinnamon Rolls

3rd Place: Kit Kat

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