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Spring Anime 2018

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Eesh, spring will be busy for me.



Cutie Honey Universe - Time to check out some more Go Nagai after Devilman.

Food Wars 3 - More of that good stuff.

Full Metal Panic 4 - I'm actually in the midst of watching the earlier seasons now, mildly enjoying things so far.

Golden Kamui - Been hearing good things about the manga.

High School DxD HERO - Anime is trash and so am I.

My Hero Academia 3 - This season is going to be absolutely lit, especially if it includes/ends on the arc I think it does.

Steins;Gate 0 - I'll never say no to more Steins Gate, just please don't start sucking like the other semicolon shows.

Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online - See High School DxD.

Tokyo Ghoul:re - The manga shook things up in an interesting way and is almost done, so hoping for a full, faithful adaptation here without that Root A bullshit.



Captain Tsubasa - I know it's a classic series, might check this out if people are enjoying it.

Hisone to Maso-tan

Piano no Mori

Persona 5 - I feel like I should really play the game instead though. Probably not gonna watch, but not ruling it out.

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i played steins;gate 0. flawed game but ultimately i love it about just as much as the original and it introduces best girl who's better than kurisu even


but i have no confidence for the anime adaptation. the format of the story is nowhere near as easy to adapt into an anime.


i guess i'll stay for the SHAMAN GIRLS memes


other stuff:

didnt expect tsubasa. i never watched it fully but the few eps i saw on tv were fun and the OP to one of the versions is 10/10 DRAGON SCREAMER. i'll try this

comic girls: i actually have tried this, didn't expect it to get an anime like years later. its just ok, just commenting cuz seeing it here was a nice surprise.

cutie honey is quintessential ecchi.

FMP if it comes i guess might make me finish S2

kitaro is another nostalgia hit, much moreso than tsubasa actually. wth we're getting a new kitaro anime?

LOGH is going to suck. give me my men back not these bishies

golden kamui i read the first few chapters when it began serializing, had a lot of promise but i got lazy.

high school dxd the newer ecchi, not sure if quintessential. the new artstyle sucks

HINAMATSURI i really really really really really really hope they don't screw this up. if i were to proclaim this as my favorite gag manga of all time i would proudly stand by it(or grand blue).

whatever bones is doing looks kinda interesting maybe

LOSTORAGE CONFLATED WIXOSS actually i never finished the first lostorage season cuz it was kinda sheet imo, or the first half of wixoss's S1(cuz it was kinda sheet until incest). still gonna try it though. wixoss is my favorite series that i dont watch. SUZU GANBA

tokyo ghoul:re more of an obligation follow, although imo the beginning of :re is the best part of tokyo ghoul. hoping this'll capture the fun parts of that.

wotaku ni koi i actually genuinely follow this because it's a fun romantic comedy written by a woman so the perspective here is kinda interesting.

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Now that is a good format actually. Most people seem to prefer to bold the titles to draw attention to them, but I was always wondering what to do with the section names you divide everything into. It'd look kinda stupid to also just be bolded the same, and they should have some more attention than not doing anything with them.



Aikatsu Friends! - Unfortunately Stars only ended up being a little over half as long as the original, but realistically, since they played the rival school off as a better actual rival than Dream Academy in the original, it is a really good ending spot. Seems like this'll focus more on duos than ever before, that's pretty interesting.

Amanchu! Advance - That is all.

Comic Girls - If I really enjoyed Mangirl of all things, and Mitcher says this is "just ok" this is bound to be in my top 3 of the season.

Gurazeni - Because it's literally anime Vinny! I think I even tweeted that to him once around when it was announced, but predictably got no response. Those of you in the know, a salute to you.

Kiratto Pri☆chan - Mirei finally got me to understand that PriPara is probably just as great as Aikatsu!, it's just even from the first 12 eps, they do have less song variation. But who knows when this'll get sufficiently subbed.

Steins;Gate 0 - Yeah, idk... Robotics;Notes is the only one with a drastically different atmosphere, and one that really does get me, and I wouldn't call it bad, but Stiens;Gate has been the only technically great one and seeing these other opinions on how it could turn out, oof.

Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online - Yeah yeah, I'm anime trash. I hear the author here knows more about guns than Kawahara did, and that the action could really be even better because of it. 

Tachibana-kan to Lie Angle - Yuri-poi.



Akkun to Kanojo - Dude is a tsundere.

Alice or Alice - Alice-poi.

Jikken-hin Kazoku: Creatures Family Days - idk lol

Uma Musume: Pretty Derby - Horse girls.

Yeah there could easily be others but those are of more immediate interest due to me not yet being into a lot of the other series.

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Aside from Golden Kamui and the new Digimon and Godzilla movies im passing.


But uh id just like to point out that that Caligula show comin out ya know...it kinda sounds familiar to me, what with all the world where people are stuck in a High School and they form an organization to fight back against an opposing force...I just cant quite put my finger on why that sounds so familiar to me.

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Devils Line: looks interesting enough, i'll give it the first 3-5 episodes to make an impact.
Build Divers: the first series of build fighters was god-tier, and the second series was pretty good, hoping this one gives me something worth watching as well.
Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: the premise sounds very gundam, and i like that a lot. first 5 episodes again, to see where it goes.
Hinamatsuri: yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes  yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes hell yes! that is all.
Hisone No Maso Tan: girl meets dragon? i can get with this.
Pandora: alright, the summary sounds standard, but i'll take a shot with it.
new Wixoss: thought the 2nd series was a one of and skipped it, but i suppose it's time to catch up with the 2nd series. more battoru is always welcome here anyways.
Mahou Shoujo Site/Ore: both of these sound like fun twists on the standard, so they each get the 3-5 treatment.
P5: loved the game, but i'm just gonna leave this one alone till it's over, just so i don't accidentally hate myself for watching it. i won't hate on it, but but i'm gonna wait on this one.
Steins Gate-0: definitely. i'm up for some more wholesome science and despair.
Goul:re: ...after the last travesty? i'll sit this one out for now.
New Digimon movie: Hopefully they can wrap up all the loose ends. I seriously doubt it though, there is so much missing that i'm really not sure they could fix it all in time. 


New Godzilla? This is what i LIVE for



all in all, this season looks pretty decent. i'll likely drop a couple and pick some op at the end of the season, but i'm liking it so far.

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  • Boku no Hero Academia 3rd Season - Still need to finish Season 2 lol, but it's ok I'm following the manga anyways. sorta
  • High School DxD Hero - Watched the prequels so why not. Although, I'm not sure if I'll like the new art style.
  • Persona 5 - Well I saw it coming.
  • Shokugeki no Souma: San no Sara - Toutsuki Ressha-hen - I'm interested to see how much they will adapt, cuz the manga isn't finished and I don't think there are any good "stop points".
  • Steins;Gate 0 - funk yes. I've been waiting for this forever.
  • Tada-kun wa Koi wo Shinai - An original rom-com eh? Gonna try this out.
  • Tokyo Ghoul:re - I heard manga was really good, so I have high expectations from this.
  • Wotaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii

Might try other anime as well if I have the time.

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MHA 3 funking hype! Absolutely gonna be the best season yet, non-manga readers have no idea. I've been waiting for these arcs to get adapted for so long.
I'm also excited about Golden Kamuy, heard good things about that for awhile.
I'm unfortunately not too sure about Gundam Build Drivers after how good Build Fighters and Build Fighters Try was, but I'll give it a shot.
I'm at the 7th palace in Persona 5, I should probably get around to finishing the game before I watch the show.
Steins;Gate 0 is gonna be hype, it was so cool when they did that rerun of the original series but with the alternate ending of episode 23 leading up to it.
Also now that this thread's been made I can clear out the Spring 2018 shows off the list in the Anime Announcement Thread, that'll clean things up a bit.

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BNHA 3 of course, need to keep watching as I've been keeping up with the Manga and keep going "Oh I want to see that scene animated...and that one"
Maybe Comic Girls

I am kinda fascinated by how "Fumikuri Jikan" is gonna be.

Last Period might be cute.

Oh god...Mahou Shoujo Site...I've been reading that...I don't know if I could handle seeing it animated >.>

Kinda want to try a baseball anime now that I've been watching Haikyuu and there's a couple of those.

Shiyan Pin interests me only because the spider girl looks kinda cute

Wotaku looks like it'd be cute too


Overall....nothing that's super "I need to watch" besides BNHA but some I might enjoy.

  On 3/8/2018 at 2:22 AM, Tentacruel said:

I'm a filthy casual so I likely won't be watching much of this, but I am funking HYPE for Boku season 3.

Even if the only anime you watch is BNHA then you're doing fine as an anime watcher.

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  On 3/9/2018 at 11:08 AM, Lia Mitchamitcha Leazas said:



S;G0 confirmed for only 13 eps. ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh



We probably gonna get another season or something, if this is legit. It can't be just 13 episodes wtf.

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Since there are way too many that are maybe for me this season, I'll only say what I'm definitely watching.


Aikatsu Friends! - I ended up liking Stars so much I don't even want this, but I know I'll like it, so I'm watching it.

Amanchu! Advance - For Best Girl, Not Best Girl, and FemTwin (what we called them while watching the first season, I jest you not)

Comic Girls

Uma Musume: Pretty Derby


Prooobs Steins;Gate 0 as well, just not as sure about that as these (but the fact I'm even saying it means it is more likely than everything I didn't mention).

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  • 4 weeks later...

Steins;Gate 0's first ep is out and it's heavily recommended you watch the alternate version of episode 23 of the original S;G beforehand. They don't bother trying to set up context for it(and I'm grateful, the ep's pacing improved) so newcomers might feel kinda lost.


oh my funking god maho is finally on screen

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  • 2 weeks later...

I can't believe how plainly and matter-of-fact-ly they're parodying the gacha system that the original game no doubt uses in Last Period. It's oddly fun. Wise-ma-n~


GGO seems to actually be fairly well written, but when it isn't the same author in the first place... well, it's pretty much a lot easier to get invested in MC's issues, I find.


I have predictably fallen in love with Comic Girls, I've hardly ever actually felt this much... this much... this muuuuch... moeeeeee before~~~~~~~~~~ (pun intended)

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