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Zai does opinions


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You are a straight cuck.


No, not really. Here’s some factual brutal sheet though.


You’re a terrible funking duck. Leave that sheet to the pros.


Also You need to reel back the whole “pay attention to meeeeee!” Thing. Validation is something that’s earned, not deserved. Be yourself and stop trying to get YCM to notice you like some aloof senpai. Loudly wanting to be acknowledged is the fastest way to be marginalized


You’re a decent dude though, no personal gripes here and we get along fine.


funk you do I really need to say anything?


You’re basically my best YCM friend and you’re awesome to hang out with. Literally the only bad thing I can even think of is that it really sucks when my overenthusiasm burns you out on something we’re working on. Just get into the hype dammit!


But for real you’re awesome, even if you’re quite possibly a degenerate weeb.


Slow your roll palpatine.


Also a cool dude, we bros. I like you a lot, we agree on sheet, and for a canadian you’re actually kind of a badass. Much too much convinced of your own correctness most of the time, but I’m just as stubborn as you are so I can’t honestly fault you for it.


10/10 would bang.

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Wow I really am throwing lots of shade at all my friends. Its only cuz I love you guys, remember that <3


Hina you’re cool, no personal complaints. But like holy funk woman chill with the huge SAT words. Just because you have a collosal, bloated vocabulary doesn’t mean you should take every opportunity to sounds as verbose and erudite as humanly possible. Plain speak meng, please. sheet drives me nuts.


O hey its the squid!


That’s rocket power-speak for new kid.


I just met you, basically, but you’re enthusiastic about RPing, a decent writer, and cool to hang out with. Nothing but good things to say, honestly, even though there aren’t many things to say.



inb4 no opinion

You are a strange, possibly insane communist who’s about as out there as winter is. But you’re very easy to have an actual conversation with and are probably slightly less likely to violently murder people if given power.


In short I like you just fine, we just don’t talk very much.

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You are a strange, possibly insane communist who’s about as out there as winter is. But you’re very easy to have an actual conversation with and are probably slightly less likely to violently murder people if given power.


In short I like you just fine, we just don’t talk very much.



If that's the read you got, then I must be doing a good job.

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This gif frightens me.


You’re a good dude with a great sense of humor ( who looks like me and also has the same first name what is this sheet) who lets things get under his skin too easily. I think you can be a bigger man than you realize, and I’m glad you came back to YCM.


give to me baby, uh-huh uh-huh

You’re pretty fly for a.... not caucasian fellow.


You troll too much but when you’re actually saying something worthwhile its clear that you have a good sensible head on your shoulders... mostly


We have one of those weird faux antagonistc friendships (aquaintenceships? Im not sure you consider me a friend) and for some reason i find it endearing and entertaining. Also there are tons of gay overtones everywhere you go.


if it involves leaving chats i will actually find you and shank you

You said it, not me. you can try and shank me anyway though.


But for real your conflict resolution skills could use some work. Other than that you’re a niceish guy who means well and I know genuinely wants a positive outcome. I’m not faulting you for it so much as I am trying to give you a little advice. Take that as you will.


Oh also you’d go from good to amazing at rping if you tried being more detailed when you post, imo. Jusssayin.




Ngl I think you might hate me. And Joe.


Which is weird because I don’t like, at all. I have pretty much nothing but good things to say about you and your writing.

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