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The Maw [OOC/Not Started/Accepting/R-16]


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~The Maw~


~A Zai RP~


[spoiler=Rules & Info]Welcome to The Maw, the greatest Inn and Tavern in all the realms!


Its taken a little longer than I thought, but I'm proud to present (as far as I'm aware) YCM's first ever walk in, walk out, ongoing Roleplay: The Maw. Before I get into all the particulars a reminder that all YCM and RP section rules apply, yadda yadda yadda. Now lets get to the interesting part, shall we?


Like I said above, The Maw will be an ongoing RP designed for players to join and leave at their convenience. Naturally, this means that things are going to work a biiit differently than a typical RP, most of which will be covered in The Maw's House Rules section below. In brief, however, the idea is that the RP takes place in a typical (ish, the Maw is a pretty interesting place) fantasy tavern of the kind that adventurers usually visit between dungeon raids and epic quests on any given day/night of business. Players can create as many characters as they wish, enter when they wish, and when they've had their fun in IC, simply have their character leave The Maw and allow the RP to continue without them. Sounds pretty easy, yeah?


Now, the catch is that, for the most part, the RP will never leave the confines of the Maw establishment, but obviously there's a much wider world out there for characters to hail from. So how do we reconcile the limited setting of the Maw with a big wide fantasy world? Simple. We leave the world up to the players. Save for a few building blocks I'll be using to ground the setting of the RP, the world The Maw is set in is a blank canvas for players to fill in through dialogue and character interaction. The longer the Maw continues as an RP, the more built its world should become (I'll be doing my best to take notes) and my hope is that eventually this RP will have produced a setting capable of housing a site-wide project; one that everyone who came to grab some grog at The Maw had a hand in building. Pretty cool right?


But for now, settle in around the fire, let the bard serenade you, and enjoy some hearty food, strong drink, and the most interesting company in all the realms. Welcome to The Maw. We hope you enjoy your stay.



[spoiler=Setting and Premise]The world of Shuran is a wide, wondrous place. Home to grand kingdoms, ferocious monsters, great heroes, terrible villains, and everything in between. No matter who you are and where you hail from, however, the one constant seems to be the universal love of food, drink, and a good time. It is this that often brings travelers to the city of Greycastle, an otherwise unassuming provincial capitol of one of the human kingdoms that would barely be worth the ink on the map if it wasn't for one particular building located just a few hundred yards from the western fortress gate...


That building, the one with the gigantic dragon's skull hanging precariously several stories above the main entrance, its jaw wide open in an inviting, toothy smile, is The Maw: quite possibly the most unique (and greatest, so says its owner) inn and tavern in the entire world.


Thirty years ago a band of adventurers saved Shuran from the tyranny of Zegherad: the Ur lich. Years of war, plague, and attacks by foul beasts and mind controlled dragons were put to an end, and the heroes went on to become kings, oracles, master wizards, and other individuals of great importance in various parts of the world. All but one, that is. Senras Uhlmara, the greatest warrior of his time, able to channel his ki through his gigantic sword and perform amazing, supernatural feats of strength, skill, and daring, was nonetheless a simple man who cared much more for a hearty drink and good company than he did for wealth and fame. And so, after the celebrations were over, when the time came for Senras and the rest of his companions to go their separate ways, it seemed only natural to the lizard man to return to his home town of Greycastle, skull of the great Wyrm Skaritrix strapped to his back, and make his dream of starting his own tavern and bar a reality. And thus The Maw, a legend in its own right, was born.


At first, it was simply Senras's fame that attracted patrons to his establishment, and he relished in recounting tales of his adventuring days. But soon, The Maw took on a sort of life of its own. It became a place where adventurers of all sorts, good and evil, gathered to get away from the questing and battling that dominated their lives, meet on neutral ground, and share good food and drink. The influx of adventurer gold allowed Senras to expand the Maw over the years, adding various facilities to the building in addition to more rooms, menu items, and staff. Eventually, the Maw became almost as famous as the man who built it; a sort of mecca for those with an adventurous spirit and an empty stomach to gather. Nowadays, the massive, 6 story building can house a couple hundred guests, and is a veritable maze of rooms. Some say The Maw is becoming a dungeon in and of itself, and on any given day the establishment is packed with everyone from simple common serfs to great heroes (and occasionally even terrible evildoers with enough coin). Grabbing a meal is often an adventure in and of itself, and you'll never know who'll you'll meet or what might happen.


Naturally, you've heard the stories, and since you're passing through Greycastle, you've decided to see what all the fuss is about. But are you really prepared for what you'll find in The Maw?


[spoiler=Layout and description of The Maw]Coming Soon!




[spoiler= The Maw's House Rules]So, here's how things are going to work in The Maw. I'll split this section into OOC rules (stuff for players) and IC rules (In-universe rules that Senras has set up for The Maw that patrons should try to adhere to, lest they find themselves on the business end of his greatsword).



  • Every accepted player must write an introductory post for each character. This means that, once a character is accepted, the first post made using that character must be them entering The Maw (or leaving their room, if they are a tenant) and making their way to whichever portion of the building they wish to go to. Introductory posts must be tagged with (introductory post).
  • If you plan on having a character leave The Maw (or a scene in general) to do so you must write an exit post that wraps up their part of the scene/conversation and depicts them leaving. Exit posts must be tagged with (exit post).
  • Exit and Introductory posts are mandatory, and failure to write or tag them will result in violations of the Ghosting rule and possible warning points at my discretion.
  • In order to keep a semblance of continuity, as well as keep the RP moving if things get slow the Maw in-universe will close and re-open. Whenever I deem it necessary, Senras the owner will make an announcement that The Maw is closing for the day/evening, which means that its the last call for drinks and food, and those who haven't paid for a room must vacate the premises. When this happens, all currently active members of the RP should begin writing exit posts for their characters and wrapping up whatever scenes they are currently involved in. Once the closing announcement is made, all participants have 11 days with which to finish writing these posts, and failure to do so will result in a violation of the ghosting rule and probably bodily harm to the character's rear as Senras literally kicks them through the doorway. Once this si done, I will write an opening post for the next day/night of business, and things will continue as normal.


  • Senras is a pretty accepting man, and as a result he makes it a point to serve all who have the coin to pay for food and drink, regardless of race, alignment, or possible ill intent. That said, because The MAw is intended as neutral ground for adventurers of all kinds, physical (or magical) confrontations within the confines of The Maw are frowned upon, and if they get excessively violent, security (or oftentimes Senras himself) will get involved. The results tend not to be pretty for the aggressors, as "Security" consists of a veritable legion of armed golems, and Senras himself is every bit the master warrior he was when he helped save the world thirty years ago.
  • That is, of course, unless said aggressors are in the fighting pit. A designated, magically reinforced circular fighting ring in the basement of The Maw in which patrons can beat the ever loving sheet out of one another (occasionally to the death, much to the chagrin of the city guard), and other guests can bet on the outcome. The Fighting pit might possibly be the toughest structure on the continent, and can withstand titanic magical and physical clashes the likes of which could easily level the city of Greycastle if they breached its confines. Needless tor say, you treat Senras's fighting pit with the utmost respect, or he himself might challenge you to a brawl.
  • The Maw is a combination tavern, restaurant, hotel, gambling hall, brothel, smithy, and general shop, and as such all of these services can be procured from the staff. All you need to do is ask nicely and pay whatever the price asked is. (Reminder that the RP is rated R-16, and all interactions should fall squarely within that RP rating, you perverts)
  • Senras's number 1 rule, however, is that everyone in the Maw should be entertained. The greatest sin is boredom, and anyone he finds sitting alone in a corner and not in a drunken stupor will be summarily dragged to the bar and thrown at the nearest pack of revelers for a much needed dose of grog and a good time.


[spoiler=Applications]Apps will be simple, but the more detail you include, the better. Please Spoiler anything that goes over a few words in length and delete any of the option fields you aren't using, for my sanity's sake.



Race: (Any fantasy race you can think of is legal, and will be added to the setting if the character is accepted)

Nationality: (Optional. Feel free to make things up)


Alignment: (Optional, where the character falls on the D&D alignment scale)

Class: (Optional. How would you describe this character's job and skills in as few words as possible?)

Appearance: (just an image and a short description is fine. If you choose not to include an image, four lines of description minimum)

Personality: (four lines minimum)

Biography: (optional, but you should at least have some kind of backstory in mind for your character in order to help flesh out the world)

Drink of choice: (Mandatory. Senras is always looking to cater to his customers)

MIsc. Info: (Anything that doesn't go in the above. Optional.)



[spoiler=Current Staff, Tenants, and Patrons]

Senras Ulhmara

Lambert Iana


Ebxes Hymn



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First rp I've ever seen with the bio being optional (since it's usually a major player in whether or not you'll be invited). I'll try and whip something up soon.
[spoiler= Kirby, The Star Crossed Crusader (WIP)]


"You shouldn't judge a girl by her pink hair, you know." 



Name: Kirby "Pinky" Lysanderove


Age: 212 years


Race: Moon Child


Gender: Neutral/Female for convenience


Alignment: True Neutral


[spoiler= Appearence]


Kirby is a pretty average sized for a female (despite her believing to be quite tall), standing at a height of 5"2 and weighing 100 lbs. Since she's essentially just a pair of rocks, she had to create her current form out of an average rock's knowledge of a regular girl, which is the reason behind her pink hair and other slightly unordinary details. Her skin tone seems to be slightly lighter than average and her eyes are of a murky green colour. Her birthing rocks can be seen directly adjacent to her ears. 




[spoiler= Personality]

Kirby can be an outright careless person. When presented with a task involving chance with large rewards but dire consequences, she's likely to take it, granted it doesn't affect her or anyone she cares about directly. In life or death situations, she can be trusted to make the intelligent choice and not get anyone killed, but in less serious times, she feels the need to be a little selfish and benefit from the situation in any way she can. This has gotten her in trouble on more than one occasion and that has ever so slightly affected her decision making in those types of situations, but for the most part, she hasn't really learnt her lesson.




[spoiler=Drink of Choice]

Kirby's criteria is simple. Anything purple, strong and/or with an umbrella. She will only deviate from this if it has a cool name.




[spoiler= Misc]









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[spoiler= Lambert Iana, The Kind Pine Kid]





Age: 3 Blooms (21 Human years)

Race: Mandrake (Plant-like Humanoids with green-tinted skin, fully black eyes, and foliage for hair)

Gender: Stamen (he/him)

Alignment: Chaotic Evil (I think?)

Class: Offensive Botanist


Height: 7' 3"

Weight: 192 lbs

Lambert's black eyes are what people notice first about him. Not because of their unusual voidlyness, but because of how cheerful they are. The next thing they notice is that his hair isn't actually hair, it's pine needles. His snub nose mingles with his cheek's yellow rose blush, and the little maroon freckles scattered across his face make him look almost lily-like. To play the cutesy flower motif up, Lambert wears nothing but green; Green overalls with pockets all over embroidered with yellow flourishes, tough green gloves with a soft green and yellow fleur de lis, and low-cut green work boots is his usual attire. The only non-green thing he wears is his botanist's belt. Styled in the traditional brown, bark-like leather, the belt is lined with a multitude of tools essential to any botanist: A small watering can, a garden trowel, and many small pouches (which Lambert could get in green) filled to bursting with seeds.



Kill Them With Kindness

Lambert is kind above all else, not because of any moral reason, but because he's found it's the easiest way to get the widest audience of people to do what he wants for him. Besides, it also means he has lots of favors ready to use whenever he needs a meatshield or something.

Internal Records System

Blessed with a great memory, Lambert is able to recall most everything he knows about a person, from their favorite color to that nasty nickname they were called in gradeschool, even any juicy rumors that he's heard offhandedly.

Smile and Nod Dissmisively

When Lambert comes into contact with someone he can't cooperate with, he won't fuss about it. He'll simply dismiss whatever they say with something along the lines of "That's a wonderful thought." , smile a fake smile, and continue on with whatever he was initially doing.



Biography: Old Mandrake Proverb: Only Mandrakes know how Mandrakes grow.

Drink of choice: Prickle Cone Pour-Over (Prickly Pear Juice, Fantasy-Equivalent Chareau, Gin, shaken and poured over a sugar cube.)

Misc Info:

Chat theme: https://youtu.be/We3i4qmTP1Q


Battle theme:





I feel like I almost had too much fun building this thing.

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Here's mine. Not too sure about a lot of things, but we'll see what happens.

[spoiler=Sansara]Name: Sansara Crown (friends call her Sam)


Age: Twenty-three (23)


Race: Luminary (See Appearance)


Nationality: The Luminarian Hive


Gender: Female


Alignment: Lawful Good. Luminaries as a race tend towards the chaotic, but Samsara is so attached to the success of her hive that she acts towards its success as much as the greater good.


Class: Warrior


[spoiler=Appearance]Luminaries are what happen when you take a moth, scale it up to the size of a young adult human, and give it human-like features as well. Compound eyes, proboscises, even the two extra appendages are all lost in favor of a more human-like appearance, though some have vestigial half-inch long nubs sticking out of their hips, remnants of arms that could never be. Luminaries are as various as the moths they are based after, but the most common (if only barely) resemble peppered moths. Samsara is included in this “most common” set.


The name “Luminary” comes from their bioluminescent wings, which are perhaps their most defining feature. Each Luminary is born with their own unique pattern -- like a fingerprint -- which they can light up at will. It’s generally no brighter than a candle, though an individual’s brightness depends on a number of factors from the physical (size and age in particular contribute a great deal) to the emotional.


Sansara stands at about five feet and four inches and her wingspan is just past that. She’s lightweight, but she won’t tell you how light. When travelling outside her hive, she tends to wear beige or other neutral colors, though she does travel with Hive-made silk for special occasions. Her money is kept in a small brown pouch she keeps tied to her hip, and her other belongings she keeps in a similarly-colored knapsack.


Sam’s weapon of choice is a spear. It’s not a particularly impressive spear and in fact shows a lot of wear, but it is special, because it’s hers. In fact, she carries it everywhere she is allowed, like it is a part of her, and when she does need to surrender it, she only does after much negotiating.


[spoiler=Personality]Sansara is, in a word, excitable. In tavern life this translates mostly to jumping from conversation topic to conversation topic, generally keeping with the theme of the conversation (that is to say, she’ll remember that she’s talking about victories in battle while jumping between various battles at the drop of a hat), though not always if the conversation is particularly dull. She can be easily distracted by an open flame, a strong gust of wind, or even simply someone calling out her name.


That being said, Sam is too proud to admit any of that. This pride also extends to other things, like the way she carries herself or the way she can sometimes look down on people she doesn’t know. But her pride is also what makes her good. She is so determined to show the good that Luminaries can do because she believes in her hive, and really wants everyone else to believe that too.


Some would say that’s too idealistic, a gross misrepresentation of reality that borders on blind nationalism. But Sansara either tactlessly dismisses these arguments or outright ignores them. She knows what she believes, and any opposed would be hard-pressed to find a sufficient enough counter to change her mind.


[spoiler=Biography]The first thing Sansara can remember is crawling out of her cocoon as her metamorphosis completed. That isn’t to say she wasn’t aware at all of her time as a pupae, crawling around, doing nothing but eating and sleeping and preparing for the future, but her first true memory was lying there, surrounded by midwives, overwhelmed by new feelings and new emotions.


Sansara’s most treasured memory is the day she was finally knighted as a soldier of her hive. She remembers the ceremony in its entirety, from the procession to the long speeches to the final cheers when it was all over. She remembers her assignment, an outpost far away, either neighboring or inside Greycastle depending on where the lines are drawn, and being so excited to see the world.


Late at night, just before she drifts off to sleep, Sam wonders what her last memory will be. Part of her, the warrior in her, hopes to die in a blaze of glory, enemy fighters on all sides, where she keeps all of them away until she finally collapses from exhaustion. But in her dreams she thinks of being with her family and friends again. When Sansara dreams, she dreams of home.


Drink of choice: Honestly, Sam will try anything so long as it comes with a big fancy sparkler (or fantastic equivalent), but if she had to choose, she’d take something similar to a Garibaldi. Maybe the sparkler on the side for that one.

Garibaldi: Blue curaçao, clear rum, and whipped cream-flavored vodka with a touch of grenadine (from 2064: Read Only Memories)


Miscellaneous Info: I went back and forth on where Sansara was alignment-wise. I imagined Luminaries as a whole to, ah, “flit around” near the Chaotic end, and I knew that I wanted Sam to be Good, but as I was writing the personality I felt I had to stop and reconsider. I went with Lawful because the second half reminded me of a stereotypical Lawful Stupid Paladin, a trope I generally dislike but am willing to try and work with in a confined environment like The Maw. That's what everything else is for: to keep it interesting.


Also, I don’t actually drink enough to know what tastes like what. I just remembered that Read Only Memories has like, fifty drinks, so I just pulled something from that. No idea if it’s actually good. I do want a sparkler, though.




February 26, 2018 -- Added a link to a Peppered Moth image for those that can't or won't use Google.

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[spoiler= Lambert Iana, The Kind Pine Kid]

Age: 3 Blooms (21 Human years)

Race: Mandrake (Plant-like Humanoids with green-tinted skin, fully black eyes, and foliage for hair)

Gender: Stamen (he/him)

Alignment: Chaotic Evil (I think?)

Class: Offensive Botanist


Height: 7' 3"

Weight: 192 lbs

Lambert's black eyes are what people notice first about him. Not because of their unusual voidlyness, but because of how cheerful they are. The next thing they notice is that his hair isn't actually hair, it's pine needles. His snub nose mingles with his cheek's yellow rose blush, and the little maroon freckles scattered across his face make him look almost lily-like. To play the cutesy flower motif up, Lambert wears nothing but green; Green overalls with pockets all over embroidered with yellow flourishes, tough green gloves with a soft green and yellow fleur de lis, and low-cut green work boots is his usual attire. The only non-green thing he wears is his botanist's belt. Styled in the traditional brown, bark-like leather, the belt is lined with a multitude of tools essential to any botanist: A small watering can, a garden trowel, and many small pouches (which Lambert could get in green) filled to bursting with seeds.



Kill Them With Kindness

Lambert is kind above all else, not because of any moral reason, but because he's found it's the easiest way to get the widest audience of people to do what he wants for him. Besides, it also means he has lots of favors ready to use whenever he needs a meatshield or something.

Internal Records System

Blessed with a great memory, Lambert is able to recall most everything he knows about a person, from their favorite color to that nasty nickname they were called in gradeschool, even any juicy rumors that he's heard offhandedly.

Smile and Nod Dissmisively

When Lambert comes into contact with someone he can't cooperate with, he won't fuss about it. He'll simply dismiss whatever they say with something along the lines of "That's a wonderful thought." , smile a fake smile, and continue on with whatever he was initially doing.


Biography: Old Mandrake Proverb: Only Mandrakes know how Mandrakes grow.

Drink of choice: Prickle Cone Pour-Over (Prickly Pear Juice, Fantasy-Equivalent Chareau, Gin, shaken and poured over a sugar cube.)

Misc Info:

Chat theme: https://youtu.be/We3i4qmTP1Q

Battle theme:https://youtu.be/HTqcJ36RWI0


I feel like I almost had too much fun building this thing.

Accepted. Someone remind me to add them to the OP if I haven’t already in a few hours.

Here's mine. Not too sure about a lot of things, but we'll see what happens.[spoiler=Sansara]Name: Sansara Crown (friends call her Sam)Age: Twenty-three (23)Race: Luminary (See Appearance)Nationality: The Luminarian HiveGender: FemaleAlignment: Lawful Good. Luminaries as a race tend towards the chaotic, but Samsara is so attached to the success of her hive that she acts towards its success as much as the greater good.Class: Warrior[spoiler=Appearance]Luminaries are what happen when you take a moth, scale it up to the size of a young adult human, and give it human-like features as well. Compound eyes, proboscises, even the two extra appendages are all lost in favor of a more human-like appearance, though some have vestigial half-inch long nubs sticking out of their hips, remnants of arms that could never be. Luminaries are as various as the moths they are based after, but the most common (if only barely) resemble peppered moths. Samsara is included in this “most common” set.The name “Luminary” comes from their bioluminescent wings, which are perhaps their most defining feature. Each Luminary is born with their own unique pattern -- like a fingerprint -- which they can light up at will. It’s generally no brighter than a candle, though an individual’s brightness depends on a number of factors from the physical (size and age in particular contribute a great deal) to the emotional.Sansara stands at about five feet and four inches and her wingspan is just past that. She’s lightweight, but she won’t tell you how light. When travelling outside her hive, she tends to wear beige or other neutral colors, though she does travel with Hive-made silk for special occasions. Her money is kept in a small brown pouch she keeps tied to her hip, and her other belongings she keeps in a similarly-colored knapsack.Sam’s weapon of choice is a spear. It’s not a particularly impressive spear and in fact shows a lot of wear, but it is special, because it’s hers. In fact, she carries it everywhere she is allowed, like it is a part of her, and when she does need to surrender it, she only does after much negotiating.

[spoiler=Personality]Sansara is, in a word, excitable. In tavern life this translates mostly to jumping from conversation topic to conversation topic, generally keeping with the theme of the conversation (that is to say, she’ll remember that she’s talking about victories in battle while jumping between various battles at the drop of a hat), though not always if the conversation is particularly dull. She can be easily distracted by an open flame, a strong gust of wind, or even simply someone calling out her name.That being said, Sam is too proud to admit any of that. This pride also extends to other things, like the way she carries herself or the way she can sometimes look down on people she doesn’t know. But her pride is also what makes her good. She is so determined to show the good that Luminaries can do because she believes in her hive, and really wants everyone else to believe that too.Some would say that’s too idealistic, a gross misrepresentation of reality that borders on blind nationalism. But Sansara either tactlessly dismisses these arguments or outright ignores them. She knows what she believes, and any opposed would be hard-pressed to find a sufficient enough counter to change her mind.

[spoiler=Biography]The first thing Sansara can remember is crawling out of her cocoon as her metamorphosis completed. That isn’t to say she wasn’t aware at all of her time as a pupae, crawling around, doing nothing but eating and sleeping and preparing for the future, but her first true memory was lying there, surrounded by midwives, overwhelmed by new feelings and new emotions.Sansara’s most treasured memory is the day she was finally knighted as a soldier of her hive. She remembers the ceremony in its entirety, from the procession to the long speeches to the final cheers when it was all over. She remembers her assignment, an outpost far away, either neighboring or inside Greycastle depending on where the lines are drawn, and being so excited to see the world.Late at night, just before she drifts off to sleep, Sam wonders what her last memory will be. Part of her, the warrior in her, hopes to die in a blaze of glory, enemy fighters on all sides, where she keeps all of them away until she finally collapses from exhaustion. But in her dreams she thinks of being with her family and friends again. When Sansara dreams, she dreams of home.

Drink of choice: Honestly, Sam will try anything so long as it comes with a big fancy sparkler (or fantastic equivalent), but if she had to choose, she’d take something similar to a Garibaldi. Maybe the sparkler on the side for that one.Garibaldi: Blue curaçao, clear rum, and whipped cream-flavored vodka with a touch of grenadine (from 2064: Read Only Memories)Miscellaneous Info: I went back and forth on where Sansara was alignment-wise. I imagined Luminaries as a whole to, ah, “flit around” near the Chaotic end, and I knew that I wanted Sam to be Good, but as I was writing the personality I felt I had to stop and reconsider. I went with Lawful because the second half reminded me of a stereotypical Lawful Stupid Paladin, a trope I generally dislike but am willing to try and work with in a confined environment like The Maw. That's what everything else is for: to keep it interesting.Also, I don’t actually drink enough to know what tastes like what. I just remembered that Read Only Memories has like, fifty drinks, so I just pulled something from that. No idea if it’s actually good. I do want a sparkler, though.


Also this one, same as above

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"What's life without a bit of discord~?"




Titles: Captain Price / Black Rose

Name: Janne-Mary Price

Age: 27

Race: Human

Nationality: Frosrieche | Isles of Fyore

Gender: Female

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Class: Pirate [Rogue is probably the closest to Pirate since Pirate isn't necessarily a class in a lot of things]




Height: 6'1"

Weight: "Hohoho! Haven't you been taught not to ask a lady that?"









Reckless, overconfident, and greedy. All traits a good pirate should have, and traits that Janne-Mary holds in her hand of cards with pride. She is willing to go far to get what she wants, and she wants a lot. Deception, manipulation, black mail, and even good ol' violence are not beneath her - anything to get what she wants. And what she usually wants is money; afterall, money makes the world go round! Above money, however, she values personal freedom. Freedom, of course, comes as the "cost" of chaos, but what's life without a bit of chaos?  She suffers from terrible gambling addition, specifically when it comes to blackjack at the table. The money that can be gained is just too enticing, and if there's one thing Janne-Mary is good at, its tricking people. 





Janne-Mary was one of the many orphans at the orphanage that resided on Frosrieche. The orphanage itself didn't really have much in terms of funding; in fact, it would of probably shut down if it weren't for one key detail - the orphanage was run by a band of thieves known as the Silver Tongues, called that for their way with words. The orphanage's true purpose, of course, was not that of a normal orphanage. Rather, it was built with the intention to train up and raise young orphans to one day join their ranks. 


The tongues would train the orphans, including Janne-Mary, their ways, teaching them how to go undetected and how to talk their way out of a situation. When she was old enough to start stealing money herself, she saw how quickly she went from rags to riches, becoming intoxicated with gaining money. However, there was one issue. While she was allowed to keep a fraction of what she stole, most of it went to the Silver Tongues as a group. Fueled by greed, Janne-Mary left her home town, stealing a ship and venturing out into the world to see what treasures it held.







Frosrieche Blood: Frosrieche is one of the Isles of Fyore, and is the coldest of the set of already fridged islands. Frosrieche is constantly covered in a coat of snow, and suffers from terrible blizzards and snow storms during the harshest of winters. Because of this, the people that live there have adapted and evolved for the cold. Those with Frosrieche Blood have a higher tolerance for the cold, and even ice-based attacks. However, warmer temperatures make them uncomfortable. Also due to most of them believing that drinking alcohol keeps you warm, almost every Frostriechian is a heavy drinker.


Sneaky: After years of training in the arts of stealth, Janne-Mary can become a figurative shadow, knowing how to stay quite and out of sight if need be. While now she's slightly above it, if need be she is very adept at picking people's pockets without them noticing. This also makes her great at sneak attacks and ambushes - Janne-Mary is a professional at fighting dirty.


Acrobat: Alongside learning how to be sneaky, she also learned how to be agile. She's quick on her feet, and is able to slip and slide without much problem. This can make it hard to land a solid hit on her, although she is still limited within what a human is capable of doing. Her reflexes are also honed, which makes a deadly combination with her agility.





The Lottery: A golden multi-barreled pistol she always carries around. The pistol has 6 barrels and, while it is meant to be fired one barrel after another, she can unload all 6 for a deadly, if inaccurate, attack.


Poison: Whenever you need someone dead. Tends to carry at least 1 flask on her at all times.


Weapons: Alongside her trusty pistol, she also has the standard fair - swords, muskets, pistols, small grenades; you name it and she has it. Usually, however, she will only carry around The Lottery, 2 grenades, a smoke bomb, 2 daggers, and a cutlass. 










Drink of choice: Rum due to just how much she's drank in the years she's been captian

Character Theme: The Whims of Fate

Battle Theme: 




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Seems like you need some RP Veterans to help out to show the newbies how to work around here.


[spoiler=Lute Hero]


"Music is the greatest force. Those who hear it's melody, bend and turn in time with it's notes, as it even changes their disposition."



Personal Information


Name: Ebxes Hymn

Age: 24 (In Human Years)

Gender: Male

Race: Tiefling

Nationality: Fluca





Height: 5'

Weight: 130 lbs


Depicted above is Ebxes' general appearance. He has his lute carried on his back by the strap, while his rapier is found on his left side. His outfit is a normal Fluca attire, combining this outfit style with that of those at the Bards College.





What do many people think when they see a Tiefling? Nothing good, right? Well, that's something that Ebxes hopes to change with his own attitude and how he conducts himself.


Ebxes is quite the gentleman and a smooth talker, specifically with the ladies, and respectful to those older and much wiser than he. He is always willing to lend a hand or a tail in most given situations, and when those aren't good enough, he's more than willing to lend his musical talents and even his voice. Most of these things are just due to him being a bard and was taught by both his parents and the Bards College to be quite the respectable gentleman, but he just finds it to be his personality and nothing more. Also, this Tiefling, while he enjoys a good drink every once and a while, can get really drunk if things get out of hand.


As a bard, Ebxes is a lover of music and poetry and will often mention this in some sort of lament, to reflect on how great they are. He also goes to great lengths to dedicate every song he plays to his favored deity: Xara. However, recently he's been doing this a lot more quietly and to himself, rather than just announcing it out loud like he's normally used to doing.


In combat, which is something he isn't in too often, Ebxes is more of a supporter. He makes sure his allies are strengthened and also healed, while at the same time, trying his best to attack or even defend when he can.





"All great melodies begin with the first note. So allow me to weave you the melody that is my story..."


Ebxes Hymn was born in the city known as Fluca, where it was primarily inhabited by humans. Fortunately, these humans didn't have much problem with any other race living in the city, so long as they didn't start any trouble. So naturally, with this in mind, Ebxes' family settled down and went to work actually setting up shop, as his father was a skilled Tiefling blacksmith. Being a blacksmith actually helped not only them out, but it helped the city out as well, in regards to their being another blacksmith to go and commission weaponry and armor in order to survive. However, Ebxes wasn't one to follow in his father's footsteps...his heart belonged to the music.


As he grew, the young Tiefling often told his parents his dream and aspirations about being a musician and eventually a bard, which didn't sit too well with his father. Eventually he came around, given how he remembered how his own father was and not approving of his own dream of being a blacksmith. Finally with his father's approval, Ebxes set his sights for one place: the Bards College of Glamour in Steelhorn. He was going to learn how to put his love for music to a career...and possibly learn a bit of bardic magic as well.


It wasn't long before Ebxes found a way to get to Steelhorn to apply for the Bards College and immediately was enrolled and was told he had potential by a Dragonborn teacher: Tazvull. Tazvull took the Tiefling under his wing and taught him what it truly meant to be a bard and to follow where the music leads him. Ebxes took to Tazvull's teachings well enough, showing quite the eagerness to learn and to apply what he was taught whenever he could. The teacher and student began to have a friendly bond with one another and they became the friends throughout his time at the college. It wasn't long, however, till Ebxes finally learned enough and it was time for him to move on in search of his own music, to make his own tales. Upon his departure, Tazvull handed him his favorite lute, as a parting and gift of friendship. Ebxes took the gift humbly before leaving Steelhorn and began his own adventures as a bard.


It's been about six months since his departure of the Bards College and Ebxes has his sights on a new location...a tavern of a certain war hero. After all, the hero must have many stories and tales to regale to others...and if one of them was a bard, new music and songs would definitely be born.




Drink of choice: Any Drink that can be turned into a Flaming Beverage. Dude's a Tiefling, go figure.x393wz.jpg

"Combat" Information


Class: Bard

Alignment: Neutral Good

Armor Class: Light Armor

Favored Deity: Xara, the Goddess of Poetry and Music



  • Languages: Ebxes is fluent in his native tongue of Infernal, as well as the Common tongue. Oddly enough, Ebxes also knows how to speak Deep Speech, though he's never been able to find anyone who "speaks Deep".
  • Darkvision: As Ebxes is a Tiefling, he is granted the ability to see in the dark.
  • Hellish Resistance: Ebxes is a Tiefling, as such, he is immune/able to resist to any damage that is cause by fire.
  • Virtuoso: As a bard, Ebxes has gotten to learn how to play different musical instruments. As such, he knows the basics of many instruments, however he is more proficient in the stringed instruments. That said, he is always willing to learn other instruments just to keep his skills fresh.
  • Bardic Inspiration: He's a bard...he inspires people through his songs...what more do you want?





Songs Played

These are the songs that Ebxes has gathered either during his time at the Bards College or during his travels from home, and the story they tell through the music is also presented:

  • The Song of the Golden Dragon: An instrumental song that lets the listeners envision a village that would be terrorized by a dragon adorned in golden scales. However, through this song, a brave knight challenges the accursed beast in order to free the village. Through the melody, it becomes clearer and clearer that the true hero of this story is actually the golden dragon, who is the sole guardian of the village and that this is being retold by the wicked knight who laid to waste the majestic beast for his own gains.
  • Return to Me Under the Tree: An instrumental song that tells the story of two young lovers, sitting under an apple tree, when the young man tells the young girl he'll be leaving on a small quest and he'll be gone for a bit. However, he makes the promise that he'll return to her and marry her. They promise to meet once more under this tree's shade and the young man leaves. The young girl comes every single day to wait under the apple tree, in hopes that he'll return, it goes on for quite some time. Two years pass and the girl stopped waiting under the tree for a bit of time, but out of the blue one day, she decides to return to that hill. When she returns, she sees someone waiting for her under the apple tree: the man she loved had returned. With an embrace, they reunite and marry underneath the shade of the tree.
  • Sand Through the Hourglass: An instrumental song that tells the story of a man's last minutes. Through these last minutes of his life, he can see his past unfold before him. His youthful days, the ones where he was a happier child, up to the point where his life took a different turn. During his adolescent years, the man became one that was a rebel, a troublemaker. And upon one day in his life, before he finally found happiness, he was confronted by a stranger in a cloak that was as black as night. From this stranger, he was given an hourglass, with quite a bit of sand going through it. Some was normal, but the current set that fell was black, just as his soul. After this was handed to him, the stranger was gone. This hourglass was his life and it reflected this oh too well. The man finally found happiness within a woman and the sand turned normal once more and remained that way for a number of years. However, like the sand that fell through the hourglass, things began to change. As the song continues, the man would lose his wife and fall into a despair, making the sand once more turn black like his soul. All the things he did after that, drinking to forget, gambling away everything...nothing changed his hourglass sand back to normal. As his life finally arrived to where he was now, he would finally look once more at the hourglass. The man began to regret everything in his life and wished for his sand to just become normal once more, and to pass from this life as a good man. Soon he was met with a familiar figure, the stranger who handed him this hourglass all those years ago now stood before him. This stranger would move and take the hourglass in his bony hands and sigh. "I gave you this to make sure you did the right thing...all I can see is that you are truly rotten to the core", the stranger said, before watching the last few drops of sand fall through the hourglass and with it, the man would draw his last breath. Once the man left from this mortal coil, the stranger flipped the hourglass over and left...to find another to hand their hourglass to.


  • Song of Healing: A healing spell that targets a group of individuals in a touching distance with the caster. This melody will heal wounds of those around the caster, however, it doesn't have any effect on constructs or undead.
  • Song of Courage: A spell that imbues the listeners of the melody with courage and bravery, along with giving them a buff in strength.
  • Fire Bolt: Hurling a bolt of fire at a target.
  • Wall of Fire: Creates an opaque wall of fire that is either: 60 feet long, 20 feet high, and 1 foot thick, or a ringed wall up to 20 feet in diameter, 20 feet high, and 1 foot thick.






  • Lute: Ebxes' go to instrument, one he is the most proficient at using. This lute is dear to him as his teacher at the Bard College presented this to him during his graduation.
  • Rain Stick: For the song "Sand Through the Hourglass", Ebxes tends to use this rain stick while he plays. Oddly enough, he uses his tail to use this instrument.


  • Elegant Melody: A rapier that Ebxes carries with him on his left side. When the situation calls for it, he'll use it, but normally it's there just for decoration.




Misc. Information


Ebxes' Voice: Charles Klausmeyer

Ebxes' Theme | Battle Theme (Alternative)

  • The name of this character was brought up using the Fantasy Name Generator in the D&D section under Tieflings. Therefore, an exact definition/meaning for Ebxes' first name is unknown, however, according to the generator, Tieflings often choose a name of goal or dream they wish to fulfill. This is the same for Ebxes' surname: Hymn - a religious song or poem, typically of praise to God or a god. This was selected, due to his class and role as a bard.
  • Ebxes is the first of many things for characters for me: 1 - He's a Tiefling, not a human like a normally create, 2 - He's a bard rather than a normal fighter, which is something I normally make.
  • The spells that Ebxes has are based upon different spells that can be found in D&D: 1 - the Song of Healing can equate to Cure Wounds or Healing Words. 2 - the Song of Courage can equate to Heroism.
  • Ebxes' voice is basically the same for Raphael from the Soul Caliber series, due to the fact that most usually in things regarding fantasy, bards have quite the dulcet tone, to which would make many ladies fall for them.
  • Ebxes being able to speak Deep Speech is a reference to a character from the D&D show, "Heroes and Halfwits" by Rooster Teeth. The character who has this ability, Albus Cumberbatch, has this and has never met anyone who speaks this language. As such, he normally would ask if they "speak Deep" when in new encounters.



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Seems like you need some RP Veterans to help out to show the newbies how to work around here.


[spoiler=Lute Hero]



"Music is the greatest force. Those who hear it's melody, bend and turn in time with it's notes, as it even changes their disposition."



Personal Information


Name: Ebxes Hymn

Age: 24 (In Human Years)

Gender: Male

Race: Tiefling

Nationality: Fluca





Height: 5'

Weight: 130 lbs


Depicted above is Ebxes' general appearance. He has his lute carried on his back by the strap, while his rapier is found on his left side. His outfit is a normal Fluca attire, combining this outfit style with that of those at the Bards College.





What do many people think when they see a Tiefling? Nothing good, right? Well, that's something that Ebxes hopes to change with his own attitude and how he conducts himself.


Ebxes is quite the gentleman and a smooth talker, specifically with the ladies, and respectful to those older and much wiser than he. He is always willing to lend a hand or a tail in most given situations, and when those aren't good enough, he's more than willing to lend his musical talents and even his voice. Most of these things are just due to him being a bard and was taught by both his parents and the Bards College to be quite the respectable gentleman, but he just finds it to be his personality and nothing more. Also, this Tiefling, while he enjoys a good drink every once and a while, can get really drunk if things get out of hand.


As a bard, Ebxes is a lover of music and poetry and will often mention this in some sort of lament, to reflect on how great they are. He also goes to great lengths to dedicate every song he plays to his favored deity: Xara. However, recently he's been doing this a lot more quietly and to himself, rather than just announcing it out loud like he's normally used to doing.


In combat, which is something he isn't in too often, Ebxes is more of a supporter. He makes sure his allies are strengthened and also healed, while at the same time, trying his best to attack or even defend when he can.





"All great melodies begin with the first note. So allow me to weave you the melody that is my story..."


Ebxes Hymn was born in the city known as Fluca, where it was primarily inhabited by humans. Fortunately, these humans didn't have much problem with any other race living in the city, so long as they didn't start any trouble. So naturally, with this in mind, Ebxes' family settled down and went to work actually setting up shop, as his father was a skilled Tiefling blacksmith. Being a blacksmith actually helped not only them out, but it helped the city out as well, in regards to their being another blacksmith to go and commission weaponry and armor in order to survive. However, Ebxes wasn't one to follow in his father's footsteps...his heart belonged to the music.


As he grew, the young Tiefling often told his parents his dream and aspirations about being a musician and eventually a bard, which didn't sit too well with his father. Eventually he came around, given how he remembered how his own father was and not approving of his own dream of being a blacksmith. Finally with his father's approval, Ebxes set his sights for one place: the Bards College of Glamour in Steelhorn. He was going to learn how to put his love for music to a career...and possibly learn a bit of bardic magic as well.


It wasn't long before Ebxes found a way to get to Steelhorn to apply for the Bards College and immediately was enrolled and was told he had potential by a Dragonborn teacher: Tazvull. Tazvull took the Tiefling under his wing and taught him what it truly meant to be a bard and to follow where the music leads him. Ebxes took to Tazvull's teachings well enough, showing quite the eagerness to learn and to apply what he was taught whenever he could. The teacher and student began to have a friendly bond with one another and they became the friends throughout his time at the college. It wasn't long, however, till Ebxes finally learned enough and it was time for him to move on in search of his own music, to make his own tales. Upon his departure, Tazvull handed him his favorite lute, as a parting and gift of friendship. Ebxes took the gift humbly before leaving Steelhorn and began his own adventures as a bard.


It's been about six months since his departure of the Bards College and Ebxes has his sights on a new location...a tavern of a certain war hero. After all, the hero must have many stories and tales to regale to others...and if one of them was a bard, new music and songs would definitely be born.




Drink of choice: Any Drink that can be turned into a Flaming Beverage. Dude's a Tiefling, go figure.x393wz.jpg

"Combat" Information


Class: Bard

Alignment: Neutral Good

Armor Class: Light Armor

Favored Deity: Xara, the Goddess of Poetry and Music



  • Languages: Ebxes is fluent in his native tongue of Infernal, as well as the Common tongue. Oddly enough, Ebxes also knows how to speak Deep Speech, though he's never been able to find anyone who "speaks Deep".
  • Darkvision: As Ebxes is a Tiefling, he is granted the ability to see in the dark.
  • Hellish Resistance: Ebxes is a Tiefling, as such, he is immune/able to resist to any damage that is cause by fire.
  • Virtuoso: As a bard, Ebxes has gotten to learn how to play different musical instruments. As such, he knows the basics of many instruments, however he is more proficient in the stringed instruments. That said, he is always willing to learn other instruments just to keep his skills fresh.
  • Bardic Inspiration: He's a bard...he inspires people through his songs...what more do you want?




Songs Played

These are the songs that Ebxes has gathered either during his time at the Bards College or during his travels from home, and the story they tell through the music is also presented:

  • The Song of the Golden Dragon: An instrumental song that lets the listeners envision a village that would be terrorized by a dragon adorned in golden scales. However, through this song, a brave knight challenges the accursed beast in order to free the village. Through the melody, it becomes clearer and clearer that the true hero of this story is actually the golden dragon, who is the sole guardian of the village and that this is being retold by the wicked knight who laid to waste the majestic beast for his own gains.
  • Return to Me Under the Tree: An instrumental song that tells the story of two young lovers, sitting under an apple tree, when the young man tells the young girl he'll be leaving on a small quest and he'll be gone for a bit. However, he makes the promise that he'll return to her and marry her. They promise to meet once more under this tree's shade and the young man leaves. The young girl comes every single day to wait under the apple tree, in hopes that he'll return, it goes on for quite some time. Two years pass and the girl stopped waiting under the tree for a bit of time, but out of the blue one day, she decides to return to that hill. When she returns, she sees someone waiting for her under the apple tree: the man she loved had returned. With an embrace, they reunite and marry underneath the shade of the tree.
  • Sand Through the Hourglass: An instrumental song that tells the story of a man's last minutes. Through these last minutes of his life, he can see his past unfold before him. His youthful days, the ones where he was a happier child, up to the point where his life took a different turn. During his adolescent years, the man became one that was a rebel, a troublemaker. And upon one day in his life, before he finally found happiness, he was confronted by a stranger in a cloak that was as black as night. From this stranger, he was given an hourglass, with quite a bit of sand going through it. Some was normal, but the current set that fell was black, just as his soul. After this was handed to him, the stranger was gone. This hourglass was his life and it reflected this oh too well. The man finally found happiness within a woman and the sand turned normal once more and remained that way for a number of years. However, like the sand that fell through the hourglass, things began to change. As the song continues, the man would lose his wife and fall into a despair, making the sand once more turn black like his soul. All the things he did after that, drinking to forget, gambling away everything...nothing changed his hourglass sand back to normal. As his life finally arrived to where he was now, he would finally look once more at the hourglass. The man began to regret everything in his life and wished for his sand to just become normal once more, and to pass from this life as a good man. Soon he was met with a familiar figure, the stranger who handed him this hourglass all those years ago now stood before him. This stranger would move and take the hourglass in his bony hands and sigh. "I gave you this to make sure you did the right thing...all I can see is that you are truly rotten to the core", the stranger said, before watching the last few drops of sand fall through the hourglass and with it, the man would draw his last breath. Once the man left from this mortal coil, the stranger flipped the hourglass over and left...to find another to hand their hourglass to.

  • Song of Healing: A healing spell that targets a group of individuals in a touching distance with the caster. This melody will heal wounds of those around the caster, however, it doesn't have any effect on constructs or undead.
  • Song of Courage: A spell that imbues the listeners of the melody with courage and bravery, along with giving them a buff in strength.
  • Fire Bolt: Hurling a bolt of fire at a target.
  • Wall of Fire: Creates an opaque wall of fire that is either: 60 feet long, 20 feet high, and 1 foot thick, or a ringed wall up to 20 feet in diameter, 20 feet high, and 1 foot thick.





  • Lute: Ebxes' go to instrument, one he is the most proficient at using. This lute is dear to him as his teacher at the Bard College presented this to him during his graduation.
  • Rain Stick: For the song "Sand Through the Hourglass", Ebxes tends to use this rain stick while he plays. Oddly enough, he uses his tail to use this instrument.

  • Elegant Melody: A rapier that Ebxes carries with him on his left side. When the situation calls for it, he'll use it, but normally it's there just for decoration.



Misc. Information


Ebxes' Voice: Charles Klausmeyer

Ebxes' Theme | Battle Theme (Alternative)

  • The name of this character was brought up using the Fantasy Name Generator in the D&D section under Tieflings. Therefore, an exact definition/meaning for Ebxes' first name is unknown, however, according to the generator, Tieflings often choose a name of goal or dream they wish to fulfill. This is the same for Ebxes' surname: Hymn - a religious song or poem, typically of praise to God or a god. This was selected, due to his class and role as a bard.
  • Ebxes is the first of many things for characters for me: 1 - He's a Tiefling, not a human like a normally create, 2 - He's a bard rather than a normal fighter, which is something I normally make.
  • The spells that Ebxes has are based upon different spells that can be found in D&D: 1 - the Song of Healing can equate to Cure Wounds or Healing Words. 2 - the Song of Courage can equate to Heroism.
  • Ebxes' voice is basically the same for Raphael from the Soul Caliber series, due to the fact that most usually in things regarding fantasy, bards have quite the dulcet tone, to which would make many ladies fall for them.
  • Ebxes being able to speak Deep Speech is a reference to a character from the D&D show, "Heroes and Halfwits" by Rooster Teeth. The character who has this ability, Albus Cumberbatch, has this and has never met anyone who speaks this language. As such, he normally would ask if they "speak Deep" when in new encounters.


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I'm really terrible at keeping up with an RP for long periods of time, so including the setting and such, this sounds awesome! Like seriously, I squee'd internally as I was reading this premise.

One question though, how will you handle the fighting pit's combat? Just thinking that unless you're making a GM post every 'turn' it might be hard to moderate.


Did I mention how awesome this premise is? Yes? Well I'm doing it again. It's a cool idea.

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So its been a bit too long for me to have said nothing in this thread, but don't worry, we'll be up and running soon.


The delay is the result of some IRL stuff (not the least of which has been this hell of a winter storm we got here in NJ), as well as some stuff related to YCM proper. Its going to take me a few days to get back to running on all cylinders, but rest assured you'll see this move in no more than a week. Sorry to jerk you all around like this.


In the meantime, I'd like to encourage everyone who hasn't posted an app yet to do so. The more people we have participating in this little experiment, the better it will go, after all.


Peace, the Maw will be open for business soon.



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