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BREAKING NEWS: New Mod CowCow exposed


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Sometimes mods may not be all they appear.


God Emperor Cow, commonly known as CowCow and current junior moderator of YCM, has been hiding many secrets from his voters, a reputable source says. This source, who wishes to remain anonymous, was one of new mod's many supporters and voters in the recent election. Despite rumours of vote manipulation behind the scenes, our source remained stoically supportive, until he came across some of CowCow's early posts in the forum. 


"I was just trying to build a case for one of the best farm animals on the site, to help people understand why CowCow is more than a cow cow," they say, "but some things just didn't seem to add up when I looked them over again."


Here is the incriminating posts. Extraneous data has been removed.


"I think I'm █████ crazy.

I've been around █████ some █████ issues █████.

I just want █████ problems.

Also I'm sure many of you know that if I see an issue with something being done/posted █████ I'll punish everything 

I think █████ bad, that's silly, but I want to █████ go█████ off topic too much."


"My interest was piqued," they continued, "but I needed evidence, so I had to do some research."


Our source hacked deep into the YCM mainframe, and descended into the virtual hell that YCMaker, may He return and save us, left in his wake. Unfortunately, he only managed to grab one scrap of data before Dad let Sakurabot (who had been infused with his belt) loose on him. 


"Hacking is reserved strictly for ogs like Tormey you lil' jabroni!" Dad yelled as our source escape the facility.


"That's why I have to stay anonymous for this interview," Dova concluded with, "Can't have any of them knowing of my true power, but yeah, take the pics. Hopefully you can do a more dramatic delivery of this than I can."


The provided pics shocked this journalist to the core. He encourages the reader to look at them in order to grasp the true ramifications of this discovery.


[spoiler=View at your own risk. Contents are not suitable for children under the age of 197 months]a888f08a16.jpg



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