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Dae's opinions

Simping For Hina

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inb4 too late don't care enough

too late, don't care.


Got 'em

I don't know you.




You're mah jabroni. I only use that word for you.



I added you on Facebook, we tight. You're a cool bro that just doesn't care and that is nice to have.



do it

I respect you.



You always care about me.

You're the only one on the internet I actually have feelings for, or ever had feelings for.



You don't really talk to me so I assume you hate me

Nah, I don't know you.


Dae is bae

You're my twin. I mad love you man, like one of the few people I think of when I think of "internet friends" that I want to meet in person.


I'll take two, light mayo, hold the fries.

You have my Snapchat, I think. Rewas does, too, but like I gave it to you, not just posted it randomly. That says a lot.




I want you demodded. I can't come up with a nice hashtag but you're cool. Probably the best mod on the forum, tbh, as you're showing off your guns.

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