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Angelic Ally

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Heya! My name's Angelic Ally, but people call me Ally. I know nothing bout YuGiOh, but my boyfriend does, and he is the one who got me onto this site. Anywho, I love to sing, Play xbox, babysit. And i HATE school... I'm here becuz @ convinced me to join here so I can try RolePlaying. He thinks I would like it, so Imma give it a try. (Even tho I probs don't know what I'm doing lol). But, yea, I'm here, and glad to meet all of you!!

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Well, unless you want to take up Yugioh, there's always role playing and discussions you can get into. Or hang out in Miscellaneous or Games.


Though before you post you should look at the rules, especially since some differ between sections.


But with all that said, have fun and make yourself comfortable.


welcome to Yugioh Card Maker. Enjoy your stay.



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I skipped the rules business earlier, but as Nyx already noted, just make sure you read them. A lot of them are common sense, but do check them over.


Since you're going into RP, the rules for that area can be found over there. In particular, ask Zai, Cow or Yui for help if you need it (if Kyumi isn't around); former is assigned to the area, whereas latter two are frequent vets. 

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I'm here to welcome you too. Better late than never.


Hey there Ally, welcome to YCM! I'm Yui, the guy that does the things when he greets new members like telling them to read rules. But everyone's already done everything I normally say so, oh well. That's fine; it's late and I should be asleep anyway.


Be good, don't make an ass of yourself, you're here forever, etc etc. If you end up with any questions about the RP section, feel free to ask me or Cow. We're both glad to help new members, and are on the site pretty often so it's a good way to get a quick response.

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Oh, hiya.

I'm Draconus, my friends call me Drac, most people call me "that jerk who makes cards and runs that one group that's literally everywhere".

Welcome to hell YCM.

Kyumi, your boyfriend, is a member of the AGM, and generally speaking the AGM is a tight-knit little family, so you might want to work your way in there if you like the game and/or creating cards.

Also, become friends with Yui. He's good people.

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