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Level 1 Synchro Monster [Written]


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I've post this card to complete the series of synchros from level 0 -12 .


Level 1 Synchros cannot be made because of duel mechanics, but who stopped crimson dragon retrains from the manga, so here it is, a card based on a star like the sun:


Zilus the Living Star


Level 1 FIRE Pyro/Synchro/Effect


Cannot be Synchro Summoned. Must be Special Summoned (from your Extra Deck) by sending 1 level 1 Tuner and 1 Xyz monster  and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways. Cannot be destroyed by batlle or other card effects. If this card take battle damage: Increase this card ATK and DEF by the same amount. If this card ATK and/or DEF is 8000 or more, destroy this card.


ATK: 100  DEF:100

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