Horu Posted February 8, 2018 Report Share Posted February 8, 2018 With this set, I will be introducing Pokemon with Basic, Stage 1, Stage 2 and Mega subtypes. I'm posting here due to forum rules. Anyway, these work just like Xyz monsters for the most part, aside from the fact that these go into the deck. Some cards will be reworked to go into the Extra Deck since they would technically be fusions anyway. Effect suggestions are welcome as always. I haven't found a way to inflict poison or burn damage yet. The Evolution Summon is the same as the Evolution mechanic in the Pokemon TCG. The Stage 1, Stage 2, and Mega cards are placed in the main deck unless other wise stated. For Pokemon like Slowbro, Magneton, and Dugtrio, they are technically fusions of 2 or more pokemon and will be Evolution Summoned from the Extra Deck similar to how the Xyz Summon works. Generally, you start out with your Basic monster, then you overlay your Stage 1 if you have the proper material(s), then repeat the process with Stage 2 if possible. So first, I would Summon something llike Bulbasaur, then overlay Ivysaur, then repeat the process with Venusaur. If I were lucky enough to equip a Mega Stone to Venusaur, I could then overlay a Mega Venusaur. PCContinuous SpellOnce per turn: you can shuffle and number of cards from your hand into your Deck and draw the same number of cards.[spoiler=Gen 1][spoiler=Pokemon]BulbasaurEARTHPlant/Basic*400/400 IvysaurEARTHPlant/Stage 1***1300/1200"Bulbasaur"Cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Can only be Evolution Summoned using the above material(s). VenusaurEARTHPlant/Stage 2*****2100/2000"Ivysaur"Cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Can only be Evolution Summoned using the above material(s). CharmanderFIREReptile/Basic*500/300 CharmeleonFIREReptile/Stage 1***1500/1000"Charmander"Cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Can only be Evolution Summoned using the above material(s). CharizardFIREReptile/Stage 2******3000/2000"Charmeleon"Cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Can only be Evolution Summoned using the above material(s). SquirtleWATERReptile/Basic*300/500 WartortleWATERReptile/Stage 1***1200/1300"Squirtle"Cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Can only be Evolution Summoned using the above material(s). BlastoiseWATERReptile/Stage 2******2400/2600"Wartortle"Cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Can only be Evolution Summoned using the above material(s). CaterpieEARTHInsect/Basic*600/200 MetapodEARTHInsect/Stage 1**0/1600"Caterpie"Cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Can only be Evolution Summoned using the above material(s). ButterfreeWINDInsect/Stage 2***1500/1000"Metapod"Cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Can only be Evolution Summoned using the above material(s). WeedleEARTHInsect/Basic*500/300 KakunaEARTHInsect/Stage 1**0/1600"Weedle"Cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Can only be Evolution Summoned using the above material(s). BeedrillWINDInsect/Stage 2***1600/900"Kakuna"Cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Can only be Evolution Summoned using the above material(s). PidgeyWINDWinged Beast/Basic*500/300 PidgeottoWINDWinged Beast/Stage 1****1800/1500"Pidgey"Cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Can only be Evolution Summoned using the above material(s). PidgeotWINDWinged Beast/Stage 2******2600/2400"Pidgeotto"Cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Can only be Evolution Summoned using the above material(s). RatattaEARTHBeast/Basic*500/300 RaticateEARTHBeast/Stage 1****1800/700"Ratatta"Cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Can only be Evolution Summoned using the above material(s). SpearowWINDWinged Beast/Basic*600/200 FearowWINDWinged Beast/Stage 1****1900/1400"Spearow"Cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Can only be Evolution Summoned using the above material(s). EkansEARTHReptile/Basic*700/100 ArbokEARTHReptile/Stage 1****2300/1000"Ekans"Cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Can only be Evolution Summoned using the above material(s). PikachuLIGHTBeast/Stage 1****2000/1300"Pichu"Cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Can only be Evolution Summoned using the above material(s). RaichuLIGHTBeast/Stage 2*******3000/2800"Pikachu" + "Thunder Stone"Cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Can only be Evolution Summoned using the above material(s). SandshrewEARTHBeast/Basic*300/500 SandslashEARTHBeast/Stage 1****1900/1400"Sandshrew"Cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Can only be Evolution Summoned using the above material(s). Nidoran♀EARTHBeast/Basic*300/500 NidorinaEARTHBeast/Stage 1***1200/1300"Nidoran♀"Cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Can only be Evolution Summoned using the above material(s). NidoqueenEARTHBeast/Stage 2*******2600/3200"Nidorina" + "Moon Stone"Cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Can only be Evolution Summoned using the above material(s). Nidoran♂EARTHBeast/Basic*500/300 NidorinoEARTHBeast/Stage 1***1300/1200"Nidoran♂"Cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Can only be Evolution Summoned using the above material(s). NidokingEARTHBeast/Stage 2*******3100/2700"Nidorino" + "Moon Stone"Cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Can only be Evolution Summoned using the above material(s). ClefairyLIGHTFairy/Stage 1****1400/1700"Cleffa"Cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Can only be Evolution Summoned using the above material(s). ClefableLIGHTFairy/Stage 2*******2500/3300"Clefairy" + "Moon Stone"Cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Can only be Evolution Summoned using the above material(s). VulpixFIREBeast/Basic*500/300 NinetalesFIREBeast/Stage 1*******3000/2800"Vulpix" + "Fire Stone"Cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Can only be Evolution Summoned using the above material(s). JigglypuffLIGHTFairy/Stage 1****1300/2000"Igglybuff"Cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Can only be Evolution Summoned using the above material(s). WigglytuffLIGHTFairy/Stage 2*******2300/3500"Jigglypuff" + "Moon Stone"Cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Can only be Evolution Summoned using the above material(s). ZubatDARKWinged Beast/Basic*300/500 GolbatDARKWinged Beast/Stage 1****1800/1300"Zubat"Cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Can only be Evolution Summoned using the above material(s). OddishEARTHPlant/Basic*100/700 GloomEARTHPlant/Stage 1****1400/1900"Oddish"Cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Can only be Evolution Summoned using the above material(s). VileplumeEARTHPlant/Stage 2*******3100/2700"Gloom" + "Leaf Stone"Cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Can only be Evolution Summoned using the above material(s). ParasEARTHInsect/Basic*600/200 ParasectEARTHInsect/Stage 1****2000/1300"Paras"Cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Can only be Evolution Summoned using the above material(s). VenonatEARTHInsect/Basic*500/300 VenomothWINDInsect/Stage 1*****2500/1500"Venonat"Cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Can only be Evolution Summoned using the above material(s). DiglettEARTHBeast/Basic*500/300 DugtrioEARTHBeast/Stage 1****1900/1300"Diglett"Cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Can only be Evolution Summoned using the above material(s). MeowthEARTHBeast/Basic*600/200 PersianEARTHBeast/Stage 1*****2300/1700"Meowth"Cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Can only be Evolution Summoned using the above material(s). PsyduckWATERAqua/Basic*500/300 GolduckWATERAqua/Stage 1*****2400/1600"Psyduck"Cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Can only be Evolution Summoned using the above material(s). MankeyEARTHBeast/Basic*700/100 PrimeapeEARTHBeast/Stage 1*****2800/1200"Mankey"Cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Can only be Evolution Summoned using the above material(s). GrowlitheFIREBeast/Basic*500/300 ArcanineFIREBeast/Stage 1*******3200/2600"Growlithe" + "Fire Stone"Cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Can only be Evolution Summoned using the above material(s). PoliwagWATERAqua/Basic*700/100 PoliwhirlWATERAqua/Stage 1****1800/1500"Poliwag"Cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Can only be Evolution Summoned using the above material(s). PoliwrathWATERAqua/Stage 2*******2900/2900"Poliwhirl" + "Water Stone"Cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Can only be Evolution Summmoned using the above material(s). AbraDARKPsychic/Basic*100/700 KadabraDARKPsychic/Stage 1***1600/900"Abra"Cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Can only be Evolution Summoned using the above material(s). When control of this card changes: Evolution Summon 1 "Alakazam" from your opponent's hand or Deck. AlakazamDARKPsychic/Stage 2*******3000/2800"Kadabra"Cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Can only be Evolution Summoned by the effect of a face-up "Kadabra" whose control has been switched to your opponent. That "Kadabra" must be used as Evolution material for this card. MachopEARTHWarrior/Basic*700/100 MachokeEARTHWarrior/Stage 1*****2200/1100"Machop"Cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Can only be Evoution Summoned using the above material(s). When control of this card changes: Evolution Summon 1 "Machamp" from your opponent's hand or Deck. MachampEARTHWarrior/Stage 2********3500/3100"Machoke"Cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Can only be Evolution Summoned by the effect of a face-up "Machoke" whose control has been switched to your opponent. That "Machoke" must be used as Evolution material for this card. BellsproutEARTHPlant/Basic*600/200 WeepinbellEARTHPlant/Stage 1****1800/1500"Bellsprout"Cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Can only be Evolution Summoned using the above material(s). VictreebelEARTHPlant/Stage 2*******3000/2800"Weepinbell" + "Leaf Stone"Cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Can only be Evolution Summoned using the above material(s). [spoiler=Evolution Stones]Thunder StoneEquip Spell CardEquip to a Basic or Stage 1 monster you control. Evolution Summon 1 monster that from your hand or Deck that has both "Thunder Stone" and the equipped monster listed as material(s). Moon StoneEquip Spell CardEquip to a Basic or Stage 1 monster you control. Evolution Summon 1 monster that from your hand or Deck that has both "Moon Stone" and the equipped monster listed as material(s). Fire StoneEquip Spell CardEquip to a Basic or Stage 1 monster you control. Evolution Summon 1 monster that from your hand or Deck that has both "Fire Stone" and the equipped monster listed as material(s). Leaf StoneEquip Spell CardEquip to a Basic or Stage 1 monster you control. Evolution Summon 1 monster that from your hand or Deck that has both "Leaf Stone" and the equipped monster listed as material(s). Water StoneEquip Spell CardEquip to a Basic or Stage 1 monster you control. Evolution Summon 1 monster that from your hand or Deck that has both "Water Stone" and the equipped monster listed as material(s). [spoiler=Fields]Professor Oak's LabField SpellSpecial Summon 1 "Bulbasaur", "Charmander", "Squirtle", "Pikachu" or "Eevee" from your Deck. Veridian ForestField SpellAll face-up Insect-Type monsters gain 300 ATK and DEF for each face-up monster your opponent controls.Once per Turn: You can Special Summon 1 Insect-Type monster from your hand. Pewter City GymField SpellAll Rock-Type monsters you control gain 200 ATK and DEF for each card in your hand. Once per turn: You can Special Summon 1 Rock-Type monster from your hand. Mt. MoonField SpellAll face-up Fairy-Type monsters on the field gain 300 ATK and DEF for each card in your hand. Once per turn: You can Special Summon 1 "Clefairy" from your hand, Deck or Graveyard. When this card leaves the field: Add 1 "Helix Fossil" or "Dome Fossil" from your Deck to your hand. [spoiler=Items]PokéBallQuick-Play SpellSelect 1 face-up monster your opponent controls and roll a six-sided die. If the Result is 1: The selected monster is added to your hand. PotionSpell CardYou gain 1000 Life Points. Old AmberSpell CardAdd 1 "Aerodactyl" from your Deck to your hand. Helix FossilSpell Card Dome FossilSpell Card Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flash Flyer - Sakura Posted February 8, 2018 Report Share Posted February 8, 2018 For one thing, you do have to explain how Evolution Summoning works, since we currently don't in the context of Yugioh. As for poison/burn damage being correlated into our mechanics:Poison could probably result in weakening the controlling player's LP every turn. Reflect the affected monster's ATK as damage, though it's up to you to determine an appropriate value.Burn can weaken the opposing monster's stats, similar to Venom Swamp (though for playability reasons, you may have to use a set amount or increase it to half its ATK removed). Then, if it hits zero, destroy it.Though, you would likely have to incorporate a counter thing to reflect that a monster has been Poisoned/Burned/Paralyzed/Sleep. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Horu Posted February 8, 2018 Author Report Share Posted February 8, 2018 Thanks for the suggestions. I'll get back to this project in a couple hours. After some more planning. Aside from that, any complaints about the actual stats? Added: Spearow, Fearow, Ekans, Arbok, Pikachu, Raichu and Thunder Stone. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Horu Posted February 11, 2018 Author Report Share Posted February 11, 2018 I'm currently remaking/rebalancing the cards and mechanics so please be patient and I will have some improvements up soon . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flash Flyer - Sakura Posted February 11, 2018 Report Share Posted February 11, 2018 For the most part, the statlines are fine, though without knowing how Evolution Summoning works (or the Thunder Stone since no text), there isn't much that we can say at the moment. I know you said that they are currently WIP, but yeah. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Horu Posted February 12, 2018 Author Report Share Posted February 12, 2018 I expanded on the Evolution Summoning mechanic a bit and added a few cards. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Yairnet Posted February 12, 2018 Report Share Posted February 12, 2018 I also create Pokemon Cards.I think you can get some good ideas from them :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Horu Posted February 12, 2018 Author Report Share Posted February 12, 2018 I also create Pokemon Cards.I think you can get some good ideas from them :)Maybe I can take a look at them sometime. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flash Flyer - Sakura Posted February 13, 2018 Report Share Posted February 13, 2018 https://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/366608-the-original-poke-setby-yairnet/https://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/369205-reposted-the-original-poke-set-part-2by-yairnet/https://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/367398-the-forms-setby-yairnet/ A lot of them are Xyz though, but I know a few of them no longer exist since content was removed. But it's up to you on how you design YOURS. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Horu Posted February 13, 2018 Author Report Share Posted February 13, 2018 I remember looking at those sets a while back. I like the overlay mechanic for evolution but I don't think it's worth the space in the Extra Deck. That's why I retained the mechanic but made them Main Deck cards. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flash Flyer - Sakura Posted February 13, 2018 Report Share Posted February 13, 2018 Well, it doesn't help that Master Rule 4 made the Extra Deck space a lot tighter too, and one of the things I said about those cards are "why would one run them over a 2-mat like, say, Break Sword or something". Main Deck is a better choice though, since you can summon them en masse and not be locked. Only problem is you getting a brick hand. IDK, I would also suggest adding something that can alleviate those issues (if you do not have the appropriate Pokémon out to evolve on the field, and don't have dead cards). You could base this on the PC, I guess. (I mean, you can technically swap out in there) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Horu Posted February 13, 2018 Author Report Share Posted February 13, 2018 I added the PC at the top because it has the same effect through all generations. I may also alter the gen 1 pokemon to be basic pokemon for that set. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Yairnet Posted February 17, 2018 Report Share Posted February 17, 2018 About the Evolution Stones, I suggest that when you create the eeveelutions, write in their text that they can only be Special Summoned by tributing Eevee while it is equipped with (the name of the evolution stone).About their effects, I suggest that you change the effects to "equip only to a (their real type (grass, electric, etc....) ) Pokemon". I also liked the idea that the Pokemon have a type and a secondary type (for example: Plant / Tuner). Keep it up :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Horu Posted February 18, 2018 Author Report Share Posted February 18, 2018 If you look at the cards like Nidoqueen, Wigglytuff, Raichu, or Ninetales, you'll see that the Evolution stone is included in the materials needed to summon them. I decided to do it that way because it will narrow down the number of cards that would get jammed into the Extra Deck and just serve no purpose. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Horu Posted February 21, 2018 Author Report Share Posted February 21, 2018 Still adding cards. I'm now up to Victreebel. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Yairnet Posted March 2, 2018 Report Share Posted March 2, 2018 I, Personally, don't think that the cards you created using the Evolution Stones like "Victreebel" should be fusion monsters, but I understand the mechanics of why you did it this way. Also, put some effects on your cards. Just putting "Cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Can only be Evolution Summoned using the above material(s)." make the cards dry and boring. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
theflukeman93 Posted March 2, 2018 Report Share Posted March 2, 2018 Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must first be Special Summoned (from your hand) by Tributing 1 "Nidorina" equipped with "Moon Stone". That's what I'd put, and its a lot easier to treat the evolution stones as Equip Spell Cards. And yeah, you should add some effects to your cards, since evey Pokemon is unique and has its own special abilities. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Horu Posted March 2, 2018 Author Report Share Posted March 2, 2018 Yairnet, this set is based on Gen 1 when abilities weren't a thing. Also, the cards like Victreebel aren't fusion monsters. The materials listed are requirements to summon them. They act more as xyz monsters and use the same evolution mechanic as the Pokemon TCG. Theflukeman93, the previous evolution isn't supposed to be used as a tribute. You're simply using the previous stage as evolution material to overlay the desired pokemon. So ideally, you would summon Bulbasaur, then Evolution Summon Ivysaur via overlay, and repeat with Venusaur. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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