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Stray Arrow Archer (Written Link Monster)


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Stray Arrow Archer

Warrior Effect/Fire Attribute/ ATK 1000 / Link-3

-Link Arrows- 

[ Top Left, Top Right, Bottom Center]




3 Effect Monsters

When this card is Linked Summoned in your Extra monster zone, you may destroy this card and send all card this card points to, To the GY (Including your opponents cards), Depending on the number of cards sent by this effect, activate the following effect(s). 

1+: All monster(s) on your side of the field gain 500 ATK Points tell your End Phase.

2+: Target 1 Set Spell/Tarp card on the filed, banish the card Face-Down, return the card to during your opponents Draw Phase.  

3: All Monster on your opponents side of the filed and GY have there effects negated tell your End Phase.

you can only Link Summon 1 "Stray Arrow Archer" once per turn.

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