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+ Poll Tournament Rules +

Flash Flyer - Sakura

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Please read the following before posting in this section.




1. All general site rules apply.
This should be self-explanatory by now. You may find them either here or as a forum-wide announcement.


2. All threads in here are tournament threads for "popularity" contests.

These include, but are not limited to: YMB (YCM Member Brawl), Grand Pokemon Tournament, Fire Emblem Tournament, Summer Anime Characters, etc.


Non-tournament polls (or stuff that deals with yes/no type questions and the like) must be posted in the section most appropriate for them.


For instance...

  • "Best Shonen" or whatever is related to fictional characters and so forth goes in Animation & Graphic Novels.
    • Same with opinions on literary characters, traditional books and the like in Literature.
  • Opinions on card design goes in TCG Discussion or Banlists; depending on the subject.
    • Custom Cards currently does not have the luxury of permitting these given the layout; Card Contests may be used for possible interest checks and such.
  • General may be used to ask about everyday life or opinions about more serious topics. (i.e. More mundane things like favorite color, what's the weather like where you live, etc)
  • Video game stuff, well, goes into Video Games. (i.e. best games, what kind of stuff should be fixed in future releases of a franchise, etc)
  • Stuff about writing Fan Fiction or Roleplaying goes to their respective sections.
  • Miscellaneous for random questions / joke polls.

Make sure you consult the rules for that particular area before making your poll there, as they may prohibit certain types of threads or be stricter on the quality required. If in doubt, ask a staff member.

3. Tournaments threads must be tagged for what tournament they are a part of.
Because there may be multiple tournaments going on at any given time, you need to tag what yours is for. Also will make it easier to reference later. Please use topic tags to mark them.

Example tags being:

  • GPT: Grand Pokémon Tournament (number not required)
  • YMB: Member Brawl (you don't need to put the number)
  • GFET: Grand Fire Emblem Tournament
  • SACT: Summer/Fall Anime Character Tournament
  • BLT: Best Little Treat

4. Restrictions
To avoid flooding the section, the following are in place.

  • No more than 3 tournaments at any given time.
    • For instance, if the GPT, the anime character tournaments and the YMB are currently running, you cannot make your tournament until one of them ends or goes on hiatus.
    • Just refer to the ongoing tournament thread stickied at the top for what's coming up.
  • Maximum of 10 threads per batch.
    • Basically, if you have a large match schedule for tournaments in specific rounds and wish to keep matches in their own threads, break up the rounds into batches and spread them out. 
    • Otherwise, you may simply group multiple matches in one thread and leave an abstain option for the polls if people do not wish to vote in all of them. 

5. Posting standards
You are permitted to short/shitpost in this section, provided it is done in MODERATION and does not turn the thread and/or section into a spam hole. Please note that we reserve the right to revoke post count and/or punish for spam if it gets out of hand. 

Certain tournaments may have their own internal rules on post quality, which should either be stated either in the tournament thread or any matches; you must abide by them.




These rules are subject to update at any time if the activity in the section warrants it, but all updates will be accompanied with a post below explaining the changes. 


Ultimately, these are the same rules that were pitched in the discussion thread, save for rewording and fleshing out. There shouldn't be anything new.



If there are any questions or concerns about how the rules are applied, please PM a moderator. 

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