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Spellcaster Swarm


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Dark Magician x3

Dark Magician Girl

Dark Eradicator Warlock

Sorcerer of Dark Magic x3

Skilled Dark Magician x3

Mythical Beast Cerberus x2

Chaos Command Magician

Rapid Fire Magcian



United We Stand

Mage Power x2

Sages Stone

Monster Reborn

Diffusion Wave Motion x2

Mystical Space Typhoon

Magical Dimension x2

Spell Absorption x2

Lightning Vortex

Magical Blast x2

Nightmare's Steelcage

Dark Magic Attack

Dark Magic Curtain



Magician's Circle

Miracle Restoring x2

Pitch-Black Power Stone x2

Spellbinding Circle

Divine Wrath


i know someone is going to comment about the Sorcerer of Dark Magic

truth is hes out in at least 3 turns since i always have a dark magician out in at least 1-2 turns dmg helps the process with magicians circle sending her out and then sages stoneing her

dark magic curtain is more of a tight spot card for me if i absolutely half too

the decks mostly based around utilizing counters to their fullest potential to send out a field of magicians against my opponent

Diffusion wave motion to destroy their entire monster row with one monster.


questions? comments? Tweaks? Rating(1-10/10 being best)?

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no way....far from it i completely variated it the only thing that is still in the same aspect as the structure is the dark eradicator warlock since the structure deck was mostly based upon burning the opponent away and at the same time supporting dark magician with magic cards this deck is mostly based upon utilizing counters to massively summon high level/attack monsters in less then 6 turns and beat the opponent down all with the support of magics

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firstly you need weaker cards so you can summon the stronger secondly sometimes you need to counter some cards like there's a card that you can choose a type like spellcaster and then it is sent to the grave also there's Gravity bind witch lets only cards level 4 and under so other than that its great

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nightmare steel cage wtf?

spellbinding cricle wtf?

double spell wtf?

No heavy storm wtf?

No torrential tribute wtf?

No mirror force wtf?

Also if you have no skilled dark magicians you pitch black stones are dead draws, allure of darkness would speed this deck combine with ddr for a dark magician for the cost of a discard

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i dont just use them for skilled dark i use them for the mythical beast as well as miracle restoring and its never been a dead draw for me i have always had a use for it, heavy storm would annihilate this deck i need the magics on the field or else i am done for, spellbinding in case of tight situation, nightmare's steel cage same reason torrential would be stupid as well in this deck based on the way it works and mirror force i am working on getting a second as i only have one and its in my D.D. deck at the moment.

Sorcerer of dark i know isnt that good but based on how fast i get out 6+ level monsters as if they were level 4s it isnt that half bad to have him in their for the lock on my opponents traps

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you think the best stalling cards are nightmare steelcage and spellbinding circle?

What about swords of reavling light


Also most decks run heavy storm because you use it when you don't have m/t on the field, trust me it helps every deck to put it in (except gem beasts)


TT is also a must for any deck where beatsticking is involved as again it can help in a tight corner

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i always have magic and/or traps cards needed on the field and otherwise, torrential tribute wouldnt help since by annihilating my monsters i leave myself open as someone else commented to have weaker ones, i dont need weaker ones but if i run torrential then thats another story...


and as for swords, i can replace nightmares steelcage, at the time when i constructed the deck i didnt have any swords handy( i have like 8 decks so.....)

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giant trunade only works for OTK decks heavy storm is definatly a must though


*shrugs shoulders* personally, I love giant trunade... I'd put it in all of my decks if I had more of them... it can allow you to get in a free attack without destroying your spells/traps


and I agree, Heavy Storm is a must...

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  • 2 weeks later...

The deck eats children. (I know this because I know Hinote personally' date=' and most of His decks I've been obliterated by, except His D.D., Burn took care of it no problem.)



thats because you played 3 wave motion cannons over a 5 period turn....thats not skill thats luck and cheapness...so in reality you barely held a candle to my deck because if it wasn't for me you wouldn't even have those wave motion cannons(I got you 2 out of those 3...)

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