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Plasmic Wok [Written]


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Plasmic Wok


Tribute 1 monster. Activate 1 of these effects:

-Gain 1500 LP

-Gain 700 LP; Inflict 700 damage to your opponent.

-Inflict 1500 damage to your opponent.

-All monsters you control gain 700 ATK until the End Phase.

-Target 1 monster you control: it gains 1500 until the End Phase.

-All monsters your opponent controls lose 700 ATK until the End Phase.

-Target 1 monster your opponent controls: it losses 1500 ATK until the End Phase.

During your End Phase; activate this card from your GY (if possible), then add this card to your opponent's hand. Only 1 "Plasmic Wok" can be activated per turn.

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