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MACHISMO’s assumption was correct

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but his status was only half right as mutant monster raeg is the unfortunate end result of raeg absorbing hapyp after Dr. Phil C. Beefstein said everything would work perfectly.


Moral of the story: @@God Emperor Cow, next time don’t let your evil bovine nemesis pose as scientist cowcow.


@; umadbro

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Dr. Phil C. Beefstein was once CowCow’s top scientist/researcher until CowCow declined his idea to weaponize dairy products against Carl the Cow. So, Phil went to the Evil University of Evilness to become a bad cow.


He currently operates a Philly Cheesesteak stand. They say his cheesesteaks are 5 times better than CowCow’s burgers, but, Phil is a mad scientist. Maybe he makes them good so he can conduct secret yet wtf experiments using them. Maybe he’s using them and ice cream and stuff to fulfill his goals. Or something. He’s evil. That’s all you need to know.

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