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Tormented opinions on feeble souls


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I'm not feeble. I'm an important person, dammit. D:


You seem to have mellowed out a lot recently, which I'm glad to hear, seem relaxed enough albeit some of what you do still makes me cringe a little. All in all, good dude.





I've always respected you and I believe you've been given a bad wrap by some people, all in all you are a sound person and I believe you make a fine moderator.



Work huh? Whose heart are you stealing today?


I cannot divulge the targets of the Phantom Thieves.


You're an interesting dude, I first thought you were all but a spicey memestar from Discord but you actually have turned out to be chilled out and bring up interesting points, as well as helping the growth of the place, get my seal of approval.





Fellow gif lord. Much like Black you have my respect, I will admit I do not know you awfully well but you've always been a positive influence when you post, which I think is a rare ability and one that I greatly appreciate, fantastic member and I'm pretty sure you are a fantastic person too.




I have nothing bad to say but I don't really have much good to say either? Not that-that is a bad thing or anything, just I don't really talk to you enough to have an overly strong opinion. You seem to post decent content and seem like a positive influence on the place. Good sheet boi.

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I don't think we've ever talked, but sure. You did make YCM pretty




hello fellow gentleman


Love a good shitposter, you're pretty good.



I don't know you.

You don't know me.

So you don't have an opinion... Probably.



You seem chill enough, I can't say enough to warrant one way or another.



hi hi~




I am curious, as we've hardly (if ever) interacted with one another.


We don't you're right, but your comments always interest me and I believe you are a positive influence in the community.

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