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And a smaller note, your member levels (in stars) always show regardless of you being in a separate group.


This can be toggled per custom group so if you do not wish for your member level to show beneath your name, let me know.


Edit: If you do not have a custom group Icon, your stars will show regardless, this only affects custom groups with icons. (for example Moderator and Phantom Thieves) 

I'd like my level to not show please (._.)/

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Have only just enabled it, which is why you didn't see that before.


It isn't anything exciting so didn't feel like it warranted it's own post, but I think it's a fun little thing to see, and I know when I look at someones profile it's nice to know the sections which they are most active in.

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Have only just enabled it, which is why you didn't see that before.


It isn't anything exciting so didn't feel like it warranted it's own post, but I think it's a fun little thing to see, and I know when I look at someones profile it's nice to know the sections which they are most active in.

Is there a way to not include Misc? Cause I feel a ton of members will have that one as most active.

Hell with all my posts I have more posts in Misc than anywhere else lol

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Perhaps this will motivate people to post outside of Misc. more!


I don't mind having me be the most active in misc. though. I don't want my profile to be a lie! I'd assume my second most active place would be Anime section, cuz back in the day, I was the most active in ARC-V topic.

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Huh, so I posted that much in TCG of all places...


What caused some members to not show their star rating while some members still show them? If possible I'd like for mine to disappear too, clashes with my peach a bit much.


I enabled it so the user level shows up regardless of which user group you were in, I can disable it per group, I will disable it for you shortly.


You can opt out if you do not wish for them to show, I know some people like the level stars so it felt like a small addition with the option for those who do not want it to be easily removed.


Another reason why member stars don't show up is if a member is in two different "member" groups i.e. Elite Member / Legendary Member

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I can't seem to open Special BBCode.




Actually, more like, it takes too long to open it. I have to wait 2-5 minutes before the window appears. I remember YCM had his problem years ago, but it somehow got fixed. I didn't think I'd see this annoyance again. Maybe I'm the only one who's having this?

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