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The Dark And The Light


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1. Do not copy art from real game cards (the second one).


2. Do not post threads in the Finished section unless they are completely finished, and are actually a set.


3. Do not double post. If you have something to add, just edit your last post.


4. You need to post a disclaimer as well as a credit and link for the artist.


5. Monsters cannot have more than one main type (as in, it cannot be Fiend / Dragon / Machine). If you want it to be all 3, you'll need to add lines in the effect saying that it is treated as the other 2 also.


6. Your wording is off. Look at real game cards to find out how your effects should be worded correctly.



Note: Moved to Any Other.

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Don't double post or spam. (that means both of you) Also' date=' these should go in the realistic card section. Could a mod move this?




Also,your first cards effect don't make sense.

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1. Do not copy art from real game cards (the second one).


2. Do not post threads in the Finished section unless they are completely finished' date=' and are actually a set.


3. Do not double post. If you have something to add, just edit your last post.


4. You need to post a disclaimer as well as a credit and link for the artist.


5. Monsters cannot have more than one main type (as in, it cannot be Fiend / Dragon / Machine). If you want it to be all 3, you'll need to add lines in the effect saying that it is treated as the other 2 also.


6. Your wording is off. Look at real game cards to find out how your effects should be worded correctly.


Thanks I Thank You for your help.[center'][/center]


Note: Moved to Any Other.

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