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Border Wall Prototypes Are So Effective Even US Commandos Can't Best Them

Ryusei the Morning Star

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There's so many blanket statements and irony in this thread I could knit a sweater for the homeless veterans under the bridge (I see them every weekend).  If y'all don't pipe down with that bullshit Imma have no choice but to ask you to move to debates with it.


Consider this your heads up.

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Random tangent for a second...


Why the funk is it always that countries are allowed to either A. sheet talk us. or B. Out right be pissed off at us.

It's not about them being allowed to it's a matter of being above that. Pettiness is not a good model for a country.


There's so many blanket statements and irony in this thread I could knit a sweater for the homeless veterans under the bridge (I see them every weekend).  If y'all don't pipe down with that bullshit Imma have no choice but to ask you to move to debates with it.


Consider this your heads up.

Wouldn't blanket statements and irony make more sense in General then >.>

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"They’re not “invading”, White. Some people are just trying to escape violence. We should be accepting them with open arms, not spending all this time and money trying to shut them out."


And just WHO are YOU good sir to say that WE must be responsible for rectifying all wrongs and ills in the world? We have every right to shut people out I don't care what they're fleeing. Just because you're getting a bad case of the feels for these people WE ALL need to pay the heavy price for you to assuage your conscience? Are you really so arrogant as to assume that people need to give up the freedoms and blessings they enjoy just so you can look at yourself in the mirror? If you feel so badly for these people you should be getting up and moving to their terrible violence-stricken countries under the Red Cross or something to help them. It is not OUR responsibility to make you feel better about yourself it is YOURS.


So unless you're willing to stop morally grandstanding and virtue signalling in your plush computer chair and go to some 3rd world country to act upon your supposed "compassion", you can stop preaching. Because nobody wants to listen to a hypocrite tell them what they should and shouldn't be doing. Good day sir.

I guarantee I've been to more third world countries, and ones you wouldn't last week in, but that's all irrelevant


I'm not anyone to tell them not to come. But there are immigration laws, and people who follow them. They're the victims of illegal immigration


We're not responsible for rectifying the wrongs in the world, so the worlds filth, imo, can stay out. It's not our problem

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just because we don't need to help doesn't necessarily mean we shouldn't.


As for the wall, I can't wait to see Mexico pay this bill. After all, that's what trump said, isn't it?


Although illegal immegration is a problem, and such a wall would reduce it, I don't believe that the net improvement is anywhere near enough to justify the price tag, let alone my own personal moral objections to the idea behind it. If we want to spend $15 billion to improve the state of the union, there are better places to put it.


Hell, just putting that much into renovating and reinforcing the nation's infrastructure would go a hell of a long way. Presidents have been wanting to do it since you could count the States on your fingers and toes, but the money always end up elsewhere.


but that's all irrelevant

yeah, I've been to California too, but if it's irrelevant, why mention it?
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just because we don't need to help doesn't necessarily mean we shouldn't.

If we have our own issues to deal with. Then yes, we shouldn't.


We as a country need to start being more selfish. We don't need to be the world's police and don't need to be the light at the end of the tunnel for people from other third-world countries. All it causes is sheet to fall on our lap at a constant rate.


Right now we, as a country, need to focus on:


Our infrastructure.


Our economy.


Improving the lives of actual documented immigrants.


Looking to improve the lives of actual citizens of this country.




I am not here to help those who didn't go through proper channels to become a citizen. It makes those who went through extraordinary effort to become citizens look absolutely stupid.

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So how true is it that the wall won't span the entire border?

even if true, a solid wall across say, 75% of the border, barring rivers and the like, would do wonders for reducing the overall search area that needs to be searched on a constant basis, all the while granting an elevated platform from which to look from (that doesn't require gas the way helicopters would). in addition, 


Hard to build a wall on top of the Rio Gran

just because you can't build over, doesn't mean you couldn't build near enough to discourage. floodlights at night from a high vantage point would be more than effective enough at discouraging the standard swim through attempt.

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