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Naruto Card Set! (90 cards! Akatsuki added!)


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two more cards 4 now, and i think this is what everyone been waiting 4!

the akatsuki members! ^-^

yayx! this is just itachi and kisame 4 now, but sasori and deidara will be next

EDIT: just added sasori and deidara.

[spoiler=Itachi Uchiha]71074tu2.jpg


[spoiler=Kisame Hoshigaki]71074sh3.jpg


[spoiler=Sasori of the Red Sand]71074me3.jpg




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Hey you don't have to, but here's an idea instead of making them like

[Warrior/Leaf Ninja/Effect] Add an effect that when you summon the monster place one Leaf Village Token of it, this way you won't have any made-up types.Anyways I think I already left a comment, but here is another if I did GREAT JOB!!! 10/10...no 100/10...no Here ∞/10 : )

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I give it a 8/10 really good cards. My suggestions are to put Akamaru as a union monster that goes with Kiba. You could also fuse them. You should give the original japanese names of cards like in Might Guy it's actually Maito Gai. Otherwise really good. You should also make some fusion cards that could be Ninja teams like Haku and Zabuza. Oh, please use spoilers and seperate the monsters and magic cards and trap cards because it actually makes the page shorter (ask someone, ((not me)) if you don't know, how to use them and make them).

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well, im trying 2 post the cards in the order i made them

when the set is finished, ill prolly reorganize the cards


im also mostly trying to use the english names, because they make more sense 2 me

as far as fusion monsters go, i dont think ill really make any...and i kept kiba and akamaru as seperate, because unlike sakon and ukon, they dont really rely on each other.


right now, im kinda stuck...i dont know what 2 make next...>.<

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Pretty good so far. Some of the cards, in particular your Cursed Seal ninja seem incredibly hard to summon, maybe more than it's worth. I don't really know what to suggest at the moment though, I'm trying to think of something different to what I did. Also, I say this all the time but I prefer to see artwork images, it just seems more like a card to me if it's like that, but don't worry about having to chnage that, it would be too much hassle for you and I must say, you've managed to pick out some nice pics from the anime here, so really good job there. Now, I haven't looked at all the cards in detail but what I want to comment on is your types. Now, you yourself have said you don't like fake types and so far that's what I see here. True, you have also kept the normal types in as well but what I'm wondering is, does the extra type have a purpose? If not, I'd suggest you either get rid of it or give it a purpose. Of course, feel free to ignore this as I know it could take you a long time to redo all of your cards (I wouldn't do it so I can't exactly expect you to either). So yeah, if you can somehow make use of that second type you've given them then you'll score some extra points from my point of view (If you already have and I've missed it then I apologise).

Also, I've noticed you made (can't remember if it was Sakon or Ukon) a union card. Now, as I'm sure you know, the Union is meant to replace the effect. If you can't do this then I'd be willing to do it for you as I've just been learning a few tricks on photoshop. That's all from me for now, if you want any more advice on any (or even all) of your cards I can review them independently and give my comments and opinion. I've made a pretty good Naruto Set myself which you can have a look at in my card archive if you wish:


It hasn't had as many comments as this one, but I hope it can be of some help. Anything else just let me know, I look forward to your improvement.

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well' date=' im trying 2 post the cards in the order i made them

when the set is finished, ill prolly reorganize the cards


im also mostly trying to use the english names, because they make more sense 2 me

as far as fusion monsters go, i dont think ill really make any...and i kept kiba and akamaru as seperate, because unlike sakon and ukon, they dont really rely on each other.


right now, im kinda stuck...i dont know what 2 make next...>.<


The english series (no offense) is the one that changes the techniques and everything into what they want so please stich with the original names like Maito Gai. No card depends on union monsters so you can actually put Akamaru as one. If you're not doing fusions then at least put a card (for example) like Kiba & Akamaru. Effect: "You have to sacrifice a Kiba Inuzuka and Akamru in your field to summon this card". That was only part of it but you know what I mean. Some cards don't make sense like Kurenai being weaker than Lee but I guess that's ok.

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well, some of the cards do have uses 4 the types.

and i will be making more support cards that make more use of them


as 4 union replaceing effect, i do no that, but i cant do it myself. if u can 4 me, thatd be great ^-^



anyway, i might make some fusion monsters later...it just depends on who would be good fusion monsters

and lee's ATK is higher than kurenai's because he relies completely on taijutsu, and kurenai uses mostly genjutsu, so thats why his ATK is so high

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