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Putting the "suit" in "Fursuit"


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Objection sustained.

Your Honor, this meme is incorrect! According to the statistics, only a minority of furries are even fursuiters, even fewer are yiffers, and I'd bet you a million dollars that I can count the number of bestial furries on my hands!


Counter-objection sustained.

The internet has it all right, furries are all yiffers! Your "stats" are a lie! How many reports of bestiality have there been on the Internet? And tell me, exactly how much yiff is there on the Internet?

My stats are a lie? If you go on any formal webpage that bothers to count these, you will see that you're greatly mistaken! Also, you seem to have it in your head that all bestiality is committed by furries. In all the cases I've read, there has been no indication that the perpetrator was a furry, and strange behaviors are not limited to furries. If we will allow such bigotry into our cases, we become the sworn enemy of justice. And while there is a lot of yiff on the Internet, the number of yiffers in relation to the rest of the fandom still remains the same. Numbers don't lie. And if you're factoring in Sonic/MLP/HTF/Other similar works Rule 34 in your definition of yiff, then you are, again, assuming that these unethical behaviors are restricted to furries, which they're not.



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