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Hypocrites Attack Logan Paul

Just Crouton

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I laughed my ass off when he talked about food compared to suicide. I stopped at 1:39.


Oh? Well of course you'd laugh about it. While you laugh, animals cry. Chickens cry as their newborn sons are dumped into meat grinders to become pink slime for chicken nuggets! Those chicken nuggets that you take out of your freezer to rub your nipples with to get them hard! But I guess a guy filming a dead body in a forest is worse that arousing yourself with frozen, dead baby flesh, right? funk you, you virtue-signaling cuck!

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Oh? Well of course you'd laugh about it. While you laugh, animals cry. Chickens cry as their newborn sons are dumped into meat grinders to become pink slime for chicken nuggets! Those chicken nuggets that you take out of your freezer to rub your nipples with to get them hard! But I guess a guy filming a dead body in a forest is worse that arousing yourself with frozen, dead baby flesh, right? f*** you, you virtue-signaling cuck!


He (((knows))).

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