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60 card Lightsworn Invoked for Regionals


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[spoiler=Big image warning]nOUF2Ml.jpg





3 Aleister

3 Lonefire

3 Scorpio

1 Cobra

1 Garnet

1 Clown

1 Thousand Blades

3 Fairy Tail - Snow

3 Raiden

3 Wolf

2 Goblindbergh

1 Gofu

3 PSY-Framegear Gamma

1 PSY-Frame Driver

3 Ash

3 Ogre

1 Maxx "C"



3 Charge

3 Brilliant

3 Desires

3 Left Arm

3 Terraforming

3 Meltdown

2 Invocation

1 Grass

1 Rota

1 Foolish

1 Soul Charge


1 Seraphinite

2 Mechaba

1 Magellanica

1 Purgatrio

2 Omega

1 Scarlight

2 Minerva

1 Baguska

1 Invoker

1 Decode

1 Proxy

1 Miss Radiant






Hate all of the top decks right now so decided I'm taking a lawnmowing deck so I can have some fun but still be competitive. I can't play noids for sheet and I find zombies too bricky so I came up with this.
Plays similar to the usual 60 card bricks with plant and clownblade combos just less Omega spamming and more sitting on Mechaba. Scorpio + Aleister usually ends on Decode + Mechaba + Minerva. Another cute play is left arming for Grass with Aleister in hand then activating milled Invocations in grave. Obviously has synergy with Snow too.
Probably cutting Gofu and putting Goblind to 0 or 1, it's nice to unbrick hands but can be a brick itself. Not sure what to replace with, any suggestions are welcome. Also dislike the side as it is so some suggestions would be appreciated.
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Yeah 2 Minerva is probably a bad idea, thinking about throwing in tornado.


Don't really know how I'd run this at 40, at that point I'd rather just play pure Invoked which I was considering but it's an auto lose to Magician which I feel is gonna have a high representation.


update: So the event was yesterday, friend who was meant to be lending me Ashes and Gammas and a few other things couldn't make it so I had to go with a gimpy Magician build with Ogres and half the extra missing as it was literally the best thing I could make with what I had.


Lost 2-1 to Trickstar in time round 1 because I didn't have Trapeze or Tornado, then lost to mirror (an actual full version) round 2 and dropped. Luckily live in the area so didn't waste much travel money. Think I heard SPYRAL won and something rogueish (ABC?) came second.
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