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Great Maju Garzett

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Guest JoshIcy

lol, the good days of beatsticks XD....


the only way i would use this card would be if it could be summoned like a quick-play spell, but then it would be overpowered...

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Guest JoshIcy

I used Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon as tribute to make the atk strong' date=' and it make your oppoenent loose +8000 lp, cause it double, but Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon ATK is 4500



that may be true, but your either loosing 4 cards or 5000 Life Points either way you look at it. not to mention, should those blue eyes have been face-up on the field then youd loose even more cards....



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This card's awesome in a fiend-type deck which isnt based around power. Like the other maju's it can help ya out in a really tight spot... Say all your strategies went belly up, if ya only got a few monsters on the field, this fellow can come out and clean up for a while... I think he's pretty cool and excellent as a back-up plan.

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I mostly finish my duels against my friends with this guy, because it will end up having 3800 or 6000 ATK (when my opponent playes Lava Golem). But once again, they also rally on lol ATK, except one guy (which is running burn).


Yeah, this guy is not great as it looks. But it is atleast better then it's Normal Form, Maju Garzett.

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I think this cards overpowered.


Book of Moon

Limit Area - Level A

Labyrinth of Nightmare

Skill Drain


And more...


This guy is waaaaay to easy to stop. It's nothing else then a gigantic beatstick, plus, it's required to be Tribute Summoned to have a good ATK.


Also, why is this card also in rare? I got it as a freaking common.

Even I use this guy, I'm recomming not it to use it... AT ALL!!! I only have this guy once in my deck, and I barely use it, unless nessecary.

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Lol atk.

Lol tribute.

Lol' date=' doesn't destroy anything.

Lol, no protection.


Best card?

Uhm, no.



and best case is DMK for 10000 ATK but that's not worth doing if your opponent has a face down enemy controller "bang" deffense mode with 0 DEF ahh FMC = screwed

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I think this cards overpowered.

Say you use Creature Swap and get E Hero Thunder Giant from your opponent' date='

tribute that and youve got 4800 ATK and gotten rid of a strong monster on your opponents side of the field (happened to me on Tag Force 2).

And its not even Semi-Limited!!



Epic post.

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lol best scenario ever:

Opponent chimeratechs to get 12000 atk chimeratech i threating roar.

Me brain control then tribute for this 24000 atk lol (this was on wc08)


Wouldn't that result in a 0 ATK Great Maju Garzett?



The original ATK and DEF of this card are 800 x the number of Fusion Material Monsters used for the Fusion Summon of this card.


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lol best scenario ever:

Opponent chimeratechs to get 12000 atk chimeratech i threating roar.

Me brain control then tribute for this 24000 atk lol (this was on wc08)


Wouldn't that result in a 0 ATK Great Maju Garzett?



The original ATK and DEF of this card are 800 x the number of Fusion Material Monsters used for the Fusion Summon of this card.



I seem to remember that Great Maju Garzett + Fusiliser Dragon the Dual-Mode Beast = 5600 ATK.

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