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finished contest

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Shut up. Stop it, or I can have YCMaker, Falling Pizza, or Tkill93 ban you.


Stop it, Please. Or, you can leave forever.


It is people like you who are killing YCM, but you would not know about our struggle since you are part of the problem.


Cut it out.

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anime911 wants to enter...





Pay 2000 Life Points. Special Summon 1 LIGHT, DARK, FIRE, or WATER Dragon-Type monster from your hand. According to the Special Summoned monster's Attribute, apply the proper Effect.

-LIGHT: Destroy 1 monster on the field.

-DARK: Special Summon 1 Level 4 DARK Dragon-Type monster from your Graveyard.

-FIRE: Inflict damage to your opponent equal to half the Special Summoned monster's ATK.

-WATER: Destroy all Spells and Trap Cards on the Field.

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