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Guess Who's Waifu!


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Pretty much just what it says in the title. Also, I am adding a rule that prevents you from guessing your own thing, and to also not just give it away in this very thread.


I'll give out likes to correct guesses, but this is probably a stupid idea.


Also, you can cheat if you want to take the time to look through the archive in my profile (aptly in my interests section), but oh well. Things can't be thought out that well. So, I have decided to remove that from my profile, even if you can still find it in other ways. So yes, this is about who as a YCM member chose in any of those threads the character as a waifu.



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Yui? (I honestly don't know tbph, and probs won't know any of these member waifus)


To be fair, it'll probs be hard for some older members as well. I don't even know where you were searching anyway  :Kappa:  .

Oh, I found I waifu making an x with their arms, which I can use for (some) incorrect answers!



Also, to give more options, I'll add another that can be guessed, but won't create a rule against guessing them both at the same time unless it's too easy for some people.


So, between this: 200453.jpg AND THIS: 199133.jpg


(they're probably both some of the harder ones...)

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