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Dance of the Fire Dancer [Written]


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Is there a particular reason this negates the summon? I think it'd be better overall if it let the monster(s) get summoned before destroying them. It opens up utility better imo and allows on-summon effects to trigger which could be useful (for example, as it is worded now, Fire King High Avatar Garunix's won't be able to nuke the field and then it won't be able to summon itself the following turn since it didn't get sent to the grave). There's also a bit of a generic awkwardness in negating a normal summon which... I dunno how it'd be resolved.


Outside that, though, it's a nice Allure for FIREs that enables a good amount of them to trigger in exchange for potentially losing out on, at worst, a Normal/Pendulum Summon. I like it.

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I like this card, too. At worst, a deck thinner that takes your Normal Summon. At best, it can trigger would-be Special Summoned FIRE floaters. I agree that destroying a monster on-Summon, rather than negating the Summon, would be a welcomed addition, since it would be usable on FIREs Summoned by card effects.

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