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Doomcaliber Knight: Discussion

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Reasoning takes skills now?


"Here' date=' I'll play a card and get a special summon"



You have to play it at the correct time...


if your opponent calls it correctly, you lose a monster...


that can be good, but still, you have to make sure you use it at the correct time


Just like you need to make sure you summon Frog the Jam at the correct time, right?

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Reasoning takes skills now?


"Here' date=' I'll play a card and get a special summon"



You have to play it at the correct time...


if your opponent calls it correctly, you lose a monster...


that can be good, but still, you have to make sure you use it at the correct time


Just like you need to make sure you summon Frog the Jam at the correct time, right?


With Ultimate Offering...Frog the Jam and Mechanical Snail in the same turn!!! Instant Pwnage!!! *cough*

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Reasoning takes skills now?


"Here' date=' I'll play a card and get a special summon"



You have to play it at the correct time...


if your opponent calls it correctly, you lose a monster...


that can be good, but still, you have to make sure you use it at the correct time


yeah, because milling your deck is bad, specially on early turns... right?

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ok first of all ladd is epic


the only reason you would have it is to gain uber advantage most of the time it a -2 to your opponent as they want to get rid of it then it becomes a plus 0 as you then sp summon dmoc then you get another spell from your grave ladd creades somewhat rediculous advantage...if used right


also WANT @ doomcalibur

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Good card.


Raiou is better.


Combine them.

Pachy-Gadgets with Raiou and Doomcaliber?

Quite likely.


Right, so you have Raiou who prevents the Gadgets from replacing itself (or you can choose not to, which is essentially the same thing); Doomcalibur who not only prevents the Gadgets from replacing itself, but also destroys the Gadget trying to replace itself; and you have Raiou again, doing what Royal Oppression already does without wasting your normal summon. k.

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Good card.


Raiou is better.


Combine them.

Pachy-Gadgets with Raiou and Doomcaliber?

Quite likely.




You need to come to OCG land right nao.

Seriously' date=' I was joking about Raiou in Gadgets, but Doomcalibur is pro.



I've been to OCG land. Emperor Control is not what you described.

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