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Broken’s AMA [Serious]

The Warden

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Does flame have an AMA? I think I missed that.


He might have done, once upon a September.



Would you rather have down syndrome or lose both your arms and both your legs?


That's a hard one to be honest. Either way you lose the ability to really care for yourself, so the question is would you rather be a literal sack of potatoes or lose your mind. I don't think I can answer that because I don't know which is worse tbh.



What are your upcoming plans for TCG/OCG?


To be posted soon.



Thoughts on the RPs you're a part of? And do you think you'll be joining more any time soon?


I enjoy the GCRP and am glad that is has been ongoing for three years in spite of the RPs having a habit of dying off. I am also highly looking forward to running the eventual sequel to the GCRP as well. As for current ones... probably not. I just don't have the interest and motivation for RP that I used too.

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How do you intend to fix the major issues of the first GCORP when you do the sequel?




Rank the Digimon series from best to worst.

With the former, I plan to be a lot more active than Adam is, and also try not to railroad people too hard, unless necessary. Arc 3 suffered for a variety of reasons, and Arc 4 is just suffering from the decay caused by Arc 3. My intention is to capture the fun that was Arc 2 and apply it to most of my Arcs.


As for the latter, I don’t think I can really rank them. They each had something good and bad about them. If I had to choose a winner though, then probably Tamers because of the beautiful macabre that is the D-Reaper. It’s hard to top something as grotesque as it was. As for a loser, then it’s Young Hunters because the protagonist was a pain in the ass. Quartzmon was pretty cool however.

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