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The RP: Roleplaying Pow-wow


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I'm against the once per 60 days limit on pardons for ghosting. Some people live more turbulent and/or busy lives than others (coughcoughGiga), and this limit will discourage them from RPing at all if they can only get the one free pass every other month. It also doesn't account for if something comes up, you deal with it and think everything's fine, but it turns out there's now another thing. Say the holidays come and go while you live in a large family and won't have time to RP. You excuse yourself temporarily so okay it's all good, then you come back but suddenly I dunno your house burns down or a beloved family member passes away and you need some time to yourself or something. I can see where you're coming from with the limit, but I don't believe it should be a once-per-60 day thing. Once per month should be fine.


Also, since nobody seemed to bring it up:

Thirdly, and I don’t think we should but I’d like to run the idea anyway, warning points for ghosting? Maybe 1-2 per instance?

We should absolutely not hand out wp for ghosting.

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I'm against the once per 60 days limit on pardons for ghosting. Some people live more turbulent and/or busy lives than others (coughcoughGiga), and this limit will discourage them from RPing at all if they can only get the one free pass every other month. It also doesn't account for if something comes up, you deal with it and think everything's fine, but it turns out there's now another thing. Say the holidays come and go while you live in a large family and won't have time to RP. You excuse yourself temporarily so okay it's all good, then you come back but suddenly I dunno your house burns down or a beloved family member passes away and you need some time to yourself or something. I can see where you're coming from with the limit, but I don't believe it should be a once-per-60 day thing. Once per month should be fine.


Also, since nobody seemed to bring it up:

We should absolutely not hand out wp for ghosting.

I def agree with you about the WP but I felt it should be mentioned.


As for the leniency, 30 days seems fine to me, though I also feel that it should be handled on a case by case basis (like me! Haha!)

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Dear god these rules are out to get me.


That said, I support them, with a simple change that may have been suggested already because I stopped reading after the first page: RP hosts can arbitrarily excuse participants exceeding the however many days it ends up at. Sometimes RPs really do go that slow, and though it's frustrating, it's a reality that we need to take into account. People have schedules, stuff comes up. As long as it is properly communicated and understood by the host, and isn't too excessive, inactivity shouldn't come with punishment.

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Dear god these rules are out to get me.

That said, I support them, with a simple change that may have been suggested already because I stopped reading after the first page: RP hosts can arbitrarily excuse participants exceeding the however many days it ends up at. Sometimes RPs really do go that slow, and though it's frustrating, it's a reality that we need to take into account. People have schedules, stuff comes up. As long as it is properly communicated and understood by the host, and isn't too excessive, inactivity shouldn't come with punishment.

I actually don’t think that’s been mentioned, and its worth adding to the rule.

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How would you want these to be enforced? The host bringing it up to the mod? Also should we have a thread to compile a list of who has a penalty and what penalty they have? Just so someone can't sneak past it by a host not realizing it.

The idea is that the mod will keep track of it and hosts will report it, yes. I suppose we could have a thread to display it publically too, but that seems kind of mean spirited.

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The idea is that the mod will keep track of it and hosts will report it, yes. I suppose we could have a thread to display it publically too, but that seems kind of mean spirited.

In theory, maybe it seems like it's mean spirited, when in all actuality, it is just a helpful thread. For example, it can exist, and no one would even have to use it, because the sheer fact that it's there might scare people away from the idea of ghosting. Or, it can be helpful as being the way a host can contact a mod (other than via PM) about the aforementioned issues. The OP would be the list of current "Banned" users, and would also contain the rules about ghosting.


EDIT: While we're on the topic, I'm a host for my RP, and I have called for all of my participant/players to contact me multiple times, and none of them have, other than my cohost. Does this mean they all have ghosted?

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The idea is that the mod will keep track of it and hosts will report it, yes. I suppose we could have a thread to display it publically too, but that seems kind of mean spirited.

To be fair if it is mean spirited the idea of banning people from RPing for a time is also mean spirited. Basically I mean that it's only mean spirited for people who are upset and don't think it was fair they were punished. Which is its own issue that might need addressing btw.


In general most people know who is ghosting anyway, this'd just make it easier. I get it seems like putting a highlight on "hey they did a bad" but since it's more out of the way and meant purely for record-keeping, I think it should be fine.

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Draft the fourth!




Any player who fails to post in a roleplay after at least 10 days have passed since either their last post or the host’s last post is considered to be ghosting. Roleplayers who are ghosting are barred from joining or creating any new roleplays for a duration of time equal to their absence from the roleplay (in other words, a minimum of 10 days). The same rule applies to hosts who fail to keep their own roleplays running by not posting in them. These penalties stack if someone is ghosting in more than one roleplay. Should a player or a host inform the other participants of an unavoidable absence of any length, they are granted leniency, but this can only be extended to an individual once every 30 days. As well a host may at any time and for any reason grant leniency to an absent player at their discretion. All hosts (or players, if the host is MIA) are required to inform the Roleplaying Section moderator of any ghosting absences, and the section will be kept updated with a list of penalized roleplayers at [insert link here].

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"Any player who fails to post in a roleplay after at least 10 days have passed since either their last post or the host’s last post is considered to be ghosting."


Is there separate circumstances for if it's based on their last post or the host post? Unsure when you'd use one or the other here.

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"Any player who fails to post in a roleplay after at least 10 days have passed since either their last post or the host’s last post is considered to be ghosting."


Is there separate circumstances for if it's based on their last post or the host post? Unsure when you'd use one or the other here.

Its whatever comes last. Everyone has to post once every ten days, or within ten days of the host moving things. So if, say the host makes a post and you make a post 2 days later, you have ten days from your own post. Likewise if the host posts again 2 days later-


Wait that just allows people to ghost with no penalty as long as the host continues to move the rp. Pehaps it should just be based on each individual’s last post, so that in essence everyone has to post in an rp at least once every ten days.

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Did anyone see my question from before? If not, I'll repost it:


While we're on the topic, I'm a host for my RP, and I have called for all of my participant/players to contact me multiple times, and none of them have, other than my cohost. Does this mean they all have ghosted?

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Doing it ten days from the person's last post has already been explained the issue. If they post the day after a host post, and the host posts 6 days later, that's 7 days, so they'd be required to post within 3 days. Thus punishing them for posting quickly the first time.

I think you missed what I said. I meant that, regardless of anyone else’s activity, you must post at most ten days after your last post, so the only thing resetting the clock as it were would be posting again yourself. Easier to keep track of.

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I hope not! I mean, it still has the "Hot Topic" status, so I know people are still actively watching it, they just aren't replying. It's my Pokemon RP: "Where it all Began".


To be honest, the RP isn't even off the ground. It's still in OOC and I thought it was dead considering the lack of activity and interest on the OOC.

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