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[Written] sphinx-Exxod,master of the guard support


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Me, like most players forgot that this archtype actualy exist.Yesterday i was looking for nice structure deck, so i found this deck with good idea, but not realized properly.


Dune raider



Lvl 4

Atk 1800

Def 800


When this card destroys opponent monster active one of this effects:

•add 1 Lvl 4 "Dune" flip monster from your deck to your hand.

•special summon 1 lvl 4 "Dune" flip monster from your hand if face-down deffence position.


Dune turtle



Lvl 4

Atk 400

Def 1900

Flip:Target 1 spell/trap card your opponent controls, destroy it.

When this card is destroyed ,and sent to graveyard, destroy 1 card your opponent controls.


Dune vallure



Lvl 4

Atk 800

Def 1600

Flip:Add 1 "sphinx" or "Exxod master of the guard" from your deck or graveyard to your hand.

When this card is destroyed ,and sent to graveyard, destroy 1 card your opponent controls.



Dune statue



Lvl 4

Atk 600

Def 1700

Flip:special summon 1 lvl 4 "Dune" from your hand.

When this card is destroyed ,and sent to graveyard, destroy 1 card your opponent controls.


Exxod guardian of the sphinx



Lvl 5

Atk 0

Def 2500

If you control 2 or more set monsters, you can special summon this card.If this card is summoned this way return all face-down monster you control to your hand and all monsters your opponent controls to his hand, then add 1 "Exxod,master of the guard" from your hand or graveyard to your hand.


Ancient sphinx



Lvl 5

Atk 1200

Def 2400

If this card is flip summoned, inflict damage to your opponent equal to number of monsters your opponent controls × 300.

Once per turn: You can change this card to face-down Defense Position.


Great Desert


All rock-type monster gains 300 def.

If you control "Exxod,master of the guard" it cannot be targeted with card effects.

Once per duel, you can pay LP, so you have only 100, switch ATK and DEF of all rock-type monsters you control,also for each 1000 LP payed you can special summon 1 rock-type monster from your graveyard.


Oasis of ancient guardians


Each time rock-type monster is fliped face-up draw 1 card.


Ancient guardians gauntlet


This card cana only be equiped to rock-type monster with 1000 or less atk. Equiped monster can attack directly,but battle damage is halved, also set it during end phase. If equiped monster would be destroyed you can destroy this card, then draw 1 card

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