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GFET 3 Final Match


A clash of heroic lance-users!  

21 members have voted

  1. 1. Ephraim vs Cynthia

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I would say I'm a little disappointed that this is the final match, mostly in that each of these characters feel like "runner-ups" in different ways, in that each of them have interesting dynamics with characters I like a lot, but it's those other characters I prefer. For example, Ephraim and L'Arachel are fun, and I like that Sacred Stones focuses on twin protagonists, but Eirika is my favorite of the two. Likewise, while I like Cynthia, particularly her supports with Severa or Owain… well, Severa or Owain are the ones I honestly like more.


So, just focusing on these two, on their own? I'm voting for Ephraim. I think Sacred Stones does an excellent job at not making him or Eirika seem more important than one another, which helps me appreciate him on his own rather than having to view him solely as "But what about Eirika?"


Also, Ephraim basically adopts Myrrh as another sister, so that's pretty adorable.

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You know, it was kind of strange to see L'Arachel have a one vote lead above Ephraim for a while, and then suddenly Ephraim gets the 2 votes he needs to win.




Anyway, I'm picking Ephraim.

Yeah...I felt the same way...Jill was leading by 3, and suddenly three people who normally vote, but seemed to be sitting out the round voted and Cowcow removed his vote sinking Jill




sheet just really sucks sometimes 


*Grumbles about the tie rule*

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I gotta go for Ephraim here.


I love Cynthia, I really do. She's fun, and she has her good moments, but that's kinda it. She doesn't really do a lot else, I can't even remember a lot of her supports off the top of my head, and I played Awakening a lot.


Ephraim wasn't perfect, he was a little bland sometimes, but I liked him. I felt like he was a solid lord and a character that had good room for growth. I liked his supports with Myrrh, even if they were a little... Odd at one point, and I can't really say he was a bad character.


It's... A weird final match, honestly. I don't think either of these are really standout characters, but I was kinda checked out during most of the tournament.

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josh actually told me the finals were up.


he thought I was gonna vote for cynthia at first


it was actually close for me :

Josh also hasn't played this whole tournament. And neither of you even voted in the bronze match. 

You mean...Polaris, or Yui? Because that's the only ones I think.

Black, Birdie, Melon, Brit. 


Yui and Pol commented on your reminder iirc


This smells dirty

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Josh also hasn't played this whole tournament. And neither of you even voted in the bronze match. 

Black, Birdie, Melon, Brit. 


Yui and Pol commented on your reminder iirc


This smells dirty


I think he actually voted for fairly early on? Seems more like he just stopped voting after a certain point. Or I missed when he did vote.

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Well Sethra and Muddy normally vote, and then haven't shown up in days...so enjoy the win I guess

I think he actually voted for fairly early on? Seems more like he just stopped voting after a certain point. Or I missed when he did vote.

Not since the time I've been unbanned afaik


Still doesn't change Yui, Pol, Melon, or Brit

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Josh also hasn't played this whole tournament. And neither of you even voted in the bronze match. 

Black, Birdie, Melon, Brit. 


Yui and Pol commented on your reminder iirc


This smells dirty

All three of those barring Melon, who voted really early, have voted in past rounds. Yui commented because he wanted to break the tie (most likely so I didn't have to remove my vote like last time and get shouted at for it again honestly) Polaris didn't. He voted much later. Trust me I check this sheet way too closely. I don't know exact numbers but I do remember general stuff.


As for Muddy and Sethera, Muddy vanishes a lot, and I consistently tell Sethera to vote but they are often busy.


I don't say sheet about the fact that you, who knows little about the games, vote. Because I am okay with votes based purely on appearances. I don't care WHO wins, only that the favorite wins.

Ephraim and Cynthia are both two of my favorites.


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And the two people who consistently vote for Cynthia just, haven't showed up yet. 


Guess it all worked out /s



I'm perfectly capable of mobilizing a vote if I need it, Trishula, but I can walk away from this saying I played fair 


Wonder how many others can

Everyone can. There was nothing shady about this, though I am confused by Polaris. Also Sethera likes Ephraim and Sacred Stones and Muddy likes his game so we can't say who they'd vote for.


Muddy has missed several rounds, including ones with Cynthia in them. In fact Muddy only voted in a couple recent rounds.


You have seen all I have done to get votes. Those statuses of mine. That is all I have done beyond occasionally in chats mentioning what the results are so far. Like the FE RP chat. I have a few times mentioned the scores so far. And not everyone there voted, in fact many didn't. My only input in how many votes were gained were those statuses that say how much time remains.

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Sethra didn't even vote for Ephraim in the semis


Your boy Ephraim will finally move from the 3rd to 1st place this time


To make it sweeter, I'll kill my vote, not interested in endorsing a rigged game

Sethera also didn't vote for his competition. They didn't vote in a lot of matches. They often can't decide. Sethera is also my best friend and I know how they feel about characters and I can say they most certainly may have voted Ephraim in this match.


Also, just to prove to you how much I put into making sure things are on the up and up. Sethera voted for Ephraim in every match that had Ephraim in it that they voted at all


What, you think I...somehow prevented Sethera from voting? They knew it'd be up, they haven't voted, simple as that.

Let's look at the recent votes okay?


For Ephraim, Black and Nai. Both of them have voted multiple times in the past, Nai more often, but Black still fairly often.

Hina was somewhat recent, has voted a few times, and I highly doubt she'd vote a specific way because asked.


For Cynthia: Yui and Polaris. Yui who voted due to my status and to break a tie. Polaris...idk why, still confused about that.


Those who didn't vote who usually do is...basically just Sethera and they've been off and on with voting.


Those who voted who don't usually do are BS, who voted in a few and I have literally not talked to him directly in forever and also voted early.

Melon, who I didn't even know cared, and voted early.

Yui and Polaris who I already covered.


So take away the ones who don't usually vote and it's still the same score.


Also apparently Bree took away her vote so good job you got what you wanted with that one.


Now tell me again which of these are concrete evidence of rigging it?

Hell, the ones that seem most suspicious are Yui and Polaris who voted Cynthia.

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