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[AMA] Striker needs a distraction from the stresses of school. Striker needs social interaction. Striker needs attention. Striker needs...

Nathanael D. Striker

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*Glares at Sig*

No way. Is that Black Luster Soldier? You are now my best friend.

(My real question is, if that is BLS, who drew that for you?)

Ah yes, my two BLS sigs that I have on rotation. Someone on DNF made them for me out of the blue, which was a very kind act. Shame I didn't stay there longer, but their CC section was subpar compared to YCM's.

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What is the meaning of life?


That's an easy one: 42.


What do you think of the "Super Soldier" and other upgrades for BLS?


Wait, he got more upgrades? I thought Envoy of the Beginning was a great one. *looks at Super Soldier* Sorry, but I still prefer EotB, though I like how they did a call back to his Ritual days.

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Do you think you've improved as a person over the past few years? (IRL and on-site, it's up to you) and if Yes what would you say you've improved upon?


That's a very good question. On-site, most definitely. I'd say that I'm more able to go with the flow of site happenings, and I'm better able to take and give out jokes here. I think my on and off hiatus that I had for a year or so helped with that as it allowed me to distance myself from everything.


IRL, a bit I'd say. Socially (during my Undergrad years), I improved. Currently, I'm not that social, though I am a part of a bible study group, so that helps a bit.

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That's a very good question. On-site, most definitely. I'd say that I'm more able to go with the flow of site happenings, and I'm better able to take and give out jokes here. I think my on and off hiatus that I had for a year or so helped with that as it allowed me to distance myself from everything.


IRL, a bit I'd say. Socially (during my Undergrad years), I improved. Currently, I'm not that social, though I am a part of a bible study group, so that helps a bit.


It's always good to look at yourself every now and again, I'm glad that you consider yourself a better person. Even from my short time you seem much more laid back which is great.


On-site, it's important to note that at the end of the day what goes on here will not impact your life in any meaningful way, so it's important to treat it that way (to some extent)

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Did you know this is the last post of this page?


I did, considering I know it's 20 posts a page (unless someone finds the method for changing that).

It's always good to look at yourself every now and again, I'm glad that you consider yourself a better person. Even from my short time you seem much more laid back which is great.


On-site, it's important to note that at the end of the day what goes on here will not impact your life in any meaningful way, so it's important to treat it that way (to some extent)


Well, I am on medication for depression now, so I suppose that's helping.

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I did, considering I know it's 20 posts a page (unless someone finds the method for changing that).


Well, I am on medication for depression now, so I suppose that's helping.


I can't say I've ever personally felt anti-depressants have had a huge impact on me, what did, however, was my undiagnosed blood condition (b12 anaemia), gotta have injections for the rest of my life but it helps a huge deal and actually has a lot to answer for.

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