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Shien Turbo?

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Yet another combo, yet another deck. The aim is simple. Get out shien/jinzo/plasma as quickly as possible, as most decks in the format are spell/trap heavy. Just an idea at the moment, so any comments would be appreciated. (might have been done before?)


Monsters - 20

2x Shien

2x Jinzo

1x DMoC

1x Stratos

1x Dasher

1x Disc Commander

2x Fear Monger

3x Plasma

2x Cyber Valley

2x Horus Lv6

1x Horus Lv8

2x Malicious


Spells - 14

3x D-Draw

3x Trade-In

2x Allure

3x Reasoning

2x Monster Gate

1x Dimension Fusion

3x Spell Economics


Traps - 3

1x Solemn

1x Mirror Force

1x Torrential

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Or you can just use Spell Canceller.


That always works.


Yeah' date=' but "Spell Canceller" do you really think this cards works? In this deck I mean?



Drop Shiens, Horus, Monster Gate, Spell Economics, Trade In, Reasoning.


Add 1 more Plasma, 1 Jinzo, 1 Dasher, add a Reaper, 1 Reborn, 1 Premature Burial, 2 Dark Grepher, 1 Reinforcements of the Army, 1 Machine Duplication, 1 Brain Control, 1 Solemn, 1 Crush Card Virus, 1 more Valley, and 1 Goat.


Yeah it works, it makes it better.(ninja fixed)

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