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I AGREE that Penudunulums are OP!!!!!! I oce told my frien that that was dueling with penduls how degenenene-ate the crards were and know w e r not frien but now when duleing agian w/ penduls I the LINK 4mat mdae them unplayinabele but pendul summmon 5 from ed still posibl wit LINK combs PEndul 5 stil hapen my frined did it with ignithgs & FTKs me XD but penduls still  Op cos links are to ez too degendreate ly sumon lik iniftei cpmobos wit FIRE wall DARGON eittch need 2 b BANNED

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I AGREE that Penudunulums are OP!!!!!! I oce told my frien that that was dueling with penduls how degenenene-ate the crards were and know w e r not frien but now when duleing agian w/ penduls I the LINK 4mat mdae them unplayinabele but pendul summmon 5 from ed still posibl wit LINK combs PEndul 5 stil hapen my frined did it with ignithgs & FTKs me XD but penduls still  Op cos links are to ez too degendreate ly sumon lik iniftei cpmobos wit FIRE wall DARGON eittch need 2 b BANNED


eloquent as ever

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