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How do warning points work?



5 answers to this question

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Exactly what it says on the title.


You can just look at the rulebook thread. 


But that being said, warn points basically say "alright, you did something that was against the rules and these are reminders that you got them". Normally, you'd have access to it on your warn logs, but the warning system is shot and as such, you'll have to read the reasoning via PMs between you and the moderator who gave out the warn.


If you hit 7 warn points, you get content locked for three days. This means no status bar or posting. 

10 warn points means you get suspended/banned for a week.

20 warn points means 2 weeks.

999 warn points means a permaban (though this is just given straight out if a perma is warranted)


Most WP will expire after a certain time period, but a handful are permanent warns (meaning they don't expire). 

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999 warnings is a perma ban? CHALLENGE ACCEPTED (kidding pls don't ban me I won't do anything)


Well, it's just some arbitrarily large number to make sure you get perma'd and stuff, given how the warn system works. But as I said above, that's given out en masse; you either get that many points or none for a perma.


Or we can just ban you via the ACP without needed to go through the WP and all.



We can deviate from this chart in rare cases, but usually we don't.

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