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God Cards


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you saying there over powered? Come on, there dont have to be an Effect monster, they can be a normal monster sith a C load of ATT or Def points. and as for over powered, many spells and traps can destroy these cards and even monster effects, the have no effect to pretect them.


Only a couple things I dont like though. one, I would make attack or deffence 0 to make it no so powered, seconed, you forgot my 2 favorit mythilogical god and goddess. Aries God of War and Diana Goddess of the Hunt. I forgot Diana's Grek name though ^^;;


Anyway, all in all, lost better then the first cards I made.

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Diana Goddess of the Hunt. I forgot Diana's Grek name though ^^;;


artemis (like artemis fowl' date=' which btw was referenced to in most of the books)



LMAO, thanks man. I thought it was somthing like that, I cant beleave I forgot a name of my favorit Mythilogical God/Goddess. ^^;


Also, the person who asked about the artwork on the DnD book thing. I dont know about the first one, but I know Zues and Poseidon are from the net. I forgot what site, but I visited it when I was doing a class paper.

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