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Lord Metallium

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Oh my. Where do I start with this?

  1. Threads meant to discuss topics of a political nature (as this is clearly such a thing, given your topic seems to be the correlation of gamers to the alt-right and your opposition to the notion) belong in Debates. This is not Debates. This is General.
  2. I'd mention requiring a prompt to generate discussion, but seeing as I never specified written prompts, I'll take the video as your prompt this time. However, this doesn't seem like a thread made to generate discussion so much as to share your displeasure with NBC's latest antics.
  3. Your grammar and spelling in the opening post are atrocious. Finding a spellcheck to use before posting your thread is not difficult.
  4. The video you've so loudly lashed out against is practically clickbait (I'd expect no less from American media, but that's neither here nor there). It was stated multiple times in the video that people are fully aware that not all gamers are alt-rights, white supremacists, etc, and it failed to really go into detail how the gamer community (which was really more Discord and shitty human beings than anything) led to these sorts of things so much as just saying "Yeah that happened".

The short of it is that this thread is a goddamn train wreck. If you can polish this up and send me a non-spammy/inflammatory version, we'll take things from there, but until then, I'm shutting this down before it becomes a spamhole. Case closed.

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