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Need help with my first deck =D

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Sacred Axle Synchro's version is bound to be horrible, since he runs HERO Flash.


After removing the cards I listed in my last post, add these to your original decklist:


1 Elemental Hero Clayman

1 Elemental Hero Sparkman

2 Elemental Hero Wildheart

3 Elemental Hero Prisma

2 Giant Rat

2 Cyber Dragon

3 The Light - Hex-Sealed Fusion

1 The Earth - Hex-Sealed Fusion


1 Mirror Force

1 Torrential Tribute

2 Royal Decree


2 Miracle Fusion

2 Dark Calling

1 E - Emergency Call

2 Reinforcement of the Army

1 Heavy Storm

1 Mystical Space Typhoon

1 Smashing Ground


That should put you in the right direction.

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So HERE IS what I would do to this deck... I have ran Many E-Hero Decks, and I have learned what works, and what is a total blow out.



Take out the Kuribohs, and the basic crud heros... Avian Burstinatrix, bubbleman, and clayman. Also, Get RID of the wroughtweiler... only a dead draw if u don't have poly AND E hero in ur grave. Add a Sangan, if you can get them, Cyber Dragons... and Snipe Hunter. Also add another King of the Swamp, and another wildheart, Bladedge, and Necroshade


Second... Get Rid of Captain Gold, and the Ocean... and Add another King of the Swamp, and another Wildheart.


You should end up with This



1x Stratos

2x Sparkman

3x Wildheart

3x King of the Swamp

2x Bladedge

2x Necroshade

1x Morphing Jar

1x Sangan

1x Snipe Hunter


Yes, I know, only 16 Monsters, but we'll fix this with 24 awesome Spell and Trap Cards...



Next... Spells, Get Rid of the Skyscrapers, and the Trancendent Wings... No more De-Fusion, also get rid of emergency provision, fusion gate, and spark blaster. Oh yeah, and the Warrior Returning alive, and the O Oversoul.


Add in, 2 More Emergency Calls Premature, and Monster Reborn, Heavy Storm, MST, 2 More Miracle Fusion, Swords of Revealing Light, and Scape Goat.


Here is how it should look.



3x Miracle Fusion

2x Polymerization

3x E-Emergency Call

1x Monster Reborn

1x Premature Burial

1x Future Fusion

1x MST

1x Heavy Storm

1x Swords of Revealing Light

1x Scapegoat




Okay, Clear all the Traps, there are PLENTY Better Cards to run.


We are gonna run these, it shall be Much Better...



2x Sakuretsu Armor

3x Bottomless Trap Hole

1x Mirror Force(If you cannot Afford Mirror Force, you can add another Sakuretsu Armor, or add a Magic Cylinder)

1x Torrential Tribute

3x Draining Shield * (Optional, If you cand find another Beatter Card No matter what it is, you should replace this card first)



So That Settle Main Deck, it Should Look Like This...



2x Sparkman

3x Wildheart

3x King of the Swamp

2x Bladedge

2x Necroshade

1x Morphing Jar

1x Sangan

1x Snipe Hunter



2x Miracle Fusion

3x Polymerization

3x E-Emergency Call

1x Monster Reborn

1x Premature Burial

1x Future Fusion

1x MST

1x Heavy Storm

1x Swords of Revealing Light

1x Scapegoat



2x Sakuretsu Armor

3x Bottomless Trap Hole

1x Mirror Force(If you cannot Afford Mirror Force, you can add another Sakuretsu Armor, or add a Magic Cylinder)

1x Torrential Tribute

3x Draining Shield * (Optional, If you cand find another Beatter Card No matter what it is, you should replace this card first)


Here is What you Should Have your Fusion Deck Look Like.


Fusion Deck:18

3x Cyber Twin Dragon

3x Darkbright

3x Shining Flare Wingman(If not, then Phoenix Enforcer Works)

3x Cyber End Dragon

3x Wildedge

3x Plasma Vise


I Hope that this review and fix of your deck helps, and If you ever need side deck help, don't be afraid to ask me, or anyone else.

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I never said that MY DECK is the best deck ever, I am just saying it is better than most of the Crappy Hero Decks, and It can stand it's own against the Removal, Monarchs, Zombies, DAD, Magical Explosion, and Six Samurai that are out there... It isn't that bad, and what is so Funny about regionals and locals, I think that isn't that funny, I know that they aren't a Nation SJ Tournament, but they aren't NOTHING, they mean SOMETHING...

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Hello' date=' I am a new member and decided to make a elemental hero deck.



stopped reading there...


Stopped reading at CalluW.....gay username ftw?


I want suggestions not some random comments when I said not to thrash this deck. Like it or not I am a new member and this is my FIRST deck. Learn to read..........


direct flaming, you shouldn't do that

you can get banned for that


the reason why i didn't leave any comments is that the majority of e-hero decks on this site aren't up to par ('sept tonisanoob's one), and since this is you FIRST deck it means that hte standard of this deck won't be that great either


so yea, that is why i didn't leave any comments


o, and FYI, post reported

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