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Welcome to YCM.

I'm Sakura, one of the Super Moderators for this site and the lone Custom Cards moderator. So...if you decide to make cards, you'll probably see me a lot. 


Anyway...before you post further, I have to ask you to read over the rules; both the general site stuff and any section specifics in Custom Cards. Please note that there are some minor differences between Casual and Advanced. 



As for TCG...the focus is generally on competitive aspects, so you will see members talking a lot about competition / metagame and less on "fun" stuff. Just be mindful of that if you post a Deck or try to talk about stuff. Nothing's stopping you from going in though. 



That being said, feel free to PM me if you have any questions.


have fun :D

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Welcome! YCM shouldn't have you falling short of new friends or new ideas for cards, and I hope you enjoy yourself!


Any questions in regards to card design, rulings, or whatever related to the game, feel free to ask me or any of the mods/admins of the custom cards forums. There's also a community outside of custom cards in the rest of the site, but I'm not a part of it. No reason not to check it out though!

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