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Heavy Weapons Guy

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You will earn money by facing off against other fighters, though, there isn't anything that says I can't give some...side jobs.

Spy: As much as the offer is enticing, I am afraid that we cannot accept due to certain time constraints.



"What do you guys think of this?"



Engineer: My teleporter, my rules. Don't like it? Y'all best get your own.


Heavy: Da, while Heavy is strongest man on team, he is not fastest. He definitely needs the teleporter first.


Medic: Ya, who else is going to clean up the bloodbath?


Soldier: I need that teleporter. How else am I going to shove my boot down maggot throats if I'm not there to do it?


Spy: While the teleporter is nice and all, I'm afraid it gives me away too easily and that obtains rather nasty results.




Demoman: Why what does that little toymaker think he's doing telling me that I can't use his toys? We've got some big ugly gals we need to put down, and I'm the man for the job, not him.


Sniper: I honestly don't really care. I mean, it's not like I'm on the front lines goin' in like some whackjob with a big gun and nothing to lose. I prefer stayin' in the backfield making those wankers come to me. Hehehe, good luck with that, mate.


Scout: I don't need no damn teleporter. I've got the skills to carry this team even when I'm respawning. Why would I ever need it?

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