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Fear. Humans face it every day of their lives. At times, fear can be a friend that fights by your side. Making your reflexes quicker and senses sharper. Other times, fear is a liar. Confusing you until you can't believe your own eyes.

Some fears such as a fear for certain creatures are for survival. Others may not aid in survival at all. Nonetheless, the fear persists.

What do you fear most?

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The future is not certain. Someday, something that happens to other people may happen to me. I could be killed or severely injured in a car accident, unable to use my limbs and left a caged husk to rot away without any quality of life. I could be killed slowly and painfully by radical terrorists no matter where I go, perhaps while watching strangers, friends, and family dying as well. I might not be able to pay for everything it takes to keep myself alive when the time comes and end up rotting away as a homeless person cast aside to die. People will reject my artistry in novelism and my writing will not pick up or become popular. No one will ever love me, not only because men interested in men are so uncommon, but also because I lack redeeming qualities.


Essentially, at any moment, my rather pleasant life could be stripped away from me and I will end up experiencing everything I do not want to experience.

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Honestly as cliché as it sounds I fear death. There's just so much in this world that I don't know and will never get to know because of how short our lives are.

I feel this.

Especially, for me, cause of the possibility of just...not existing.

Not to get religious but personally I...mostly believe there's SOMEthing after but I can't ever shake the idea that maybe I just stop existing and that terrifies me.

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