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Mound of the Bound Creator

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Level 10 or higher monsters on the field cannot be targeted or destroyed by card effects. If a Level 10 or higher monster on the field destroys a monster by battle and sends it to the Graveyard: The player who controlled the destroyed monster takes 1000 damage. When this card on the field is destroyed by a card effect and sent to the Graveyard: You can add 1 DIVINE monster from your Deck to your hand


So y'all know how decks summon a ton of annoying cards these days. Spyral are tier 1-0


1) Give your opponent Mound of the Bound Creator, give yourself Ravine

2) Pitch something to mill Destrudo

3) Summon Destrudo

4) Go into AFD

5) Pop both Field Spells, add Sphere Mode


There's your free 3x Kaiju


Edit: Mound does miss timing if you add the field spell, so it's a matter of what you need

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Or go into Yazi instead of AFD, Yazi pop Mound and itself. Get to search Sfear Moad and summon Mare Mare off Yazi's effect. Mare Mare can then either go Link spam or just summon AFD. Downsides are that you use another Extra Deck space and that you have to run Mare Mare which is a garnet, but so is Mound so who cares.

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A few weeks ago I saw a Cubic build teching these in with Metaverses to protect Crimson Nova and picked up a playset, got my Metaverses too at the Sneak so might try them out once the CIBR Special Eds drop. It'll probably slow the deck down some but sometimes you've got to compromise some speed for insurance and whatnot. 

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Or go into Yazi instead of AFD, Yazi pop Mound and itself. Get to search Sfear Moad and summon Mare Mare off Yazi's effect. Mare Mare can then either go Link spam or just summon AFD. Downsides are that you use another Extra Deck space and that you have to run Mare Mare which is a garnet, but so is Mound so who cares.

That works!


You can always discard used mare for ravine and shuffle it back with resort

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