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Anime mnsters (second try)


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i put it on the first one before the mods locked it. i tryed to make them as realistic as posible with card effects that havent been used, there are cards that efect certain things, monster spaces, fusion decks, i wanted to make cards with somthing new, card effects that limit them selfs and support each other. i am friggin sick and tired of people abusing cards just because they can have 3 copies of it or because they have some broken @$$ effect with no down sides, i just want to make somthing new and unusual.


and yes i suck at spelling and whatever the heck else you say, but i dont care cause i got the point across.

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I don’t care what anyone else says I give you 7.5/10 these are awesome. All though it does not take too long to use spell check(or use firefox)... if you did take the time I would have given you a 9, but awesome job regardless. To many people on here are nit picky... lol you can really tell that you actually took time to think about your cards here, unlike a lot of people who just but mumbo jumbo and 9999 attack and defense. so kutos to you :)

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imo good job with the cards, it probably took a lot of time to put that many cards together without your grammer going into the blender, tho as other said you could google a yu gi oh website and use the grammer on official cards as references.


BTW wtf is up with people on the Pop Culture forum criticizing people for being overpowered on every thread? if they were going to be anal about the balancing, they would make cards under the Realistic Cards forum right? Pop Culture cards are more for fun than for actually seeing it as a real card.

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imo good job with the cards' date=' it probably took a lot of time to put that many cards together without your grammer going into the blender, tho as other said you could google a yu gi oh website and use the grammer on official cards as references.


BTW wtf is up with people on the Pop Culture forum criticizing people for being overpowered on every thread? if they were going to be anal about the balancing, they would make cards under the Realistic Cards forum right? Pop Culture cards are more for fun than for actually seeing it as a real card.



Exactly, since when is a lvl 4 card with 2000/300 over powered? I've seen quite a few ACTUAL yugioh cards that are exactly like that. I assume they may mean it is if its combined with an effect maybe.. *shrugs*

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