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After death


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You just reload your save file and try living again with little or no memory from your previous life.
Not sure what counts as your save point yet. Probably the most memorable moment in your life. Or the last time you went to the Church. OR you just start from your birth.

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To think I have been thinking on this topic quite a bit lately. While a fortunate or unfortunate few are allowed to ascend into immortality after their death on Aelion, it is still unknown what happens to the souls of most mortals or to the Immortals that fade from existence. I doubt even Aeli found the answer to that question.

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There's reincarnation, which I find amusing since with that there's a possibility that I may one day become an actual doggo.


And there's heaven and hell, which I like to imagine as you die, then you instantly get teleported to like a gate behind the escalator to heaven and the elevator to hell. Then this angel or something has this weighing scale on a table, with two chair nearby. He then starts telling you about the good and bad deeds in your life and starts applying the weight of them on the scale. After he is done, he sees whether the weight of your good outweighs the bad, or vice versa. 

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