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[Manga] D/D/D/D Super-Dimensional Sovereign Emperor Zero Paradox

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You may be wondering, why are we discussing this again when we only discussed it last month?

The answer is simple; there's more to this card





DDDD超次元統皇ゼロ・パラドックス D/D/D/D Super-Dimensional Sovereign Emperor Zero Paradox
Level 12
ATK 3000
DEF 3000
This card cannot be Normal Summoned, but can be Special Summoned when you Pendulum Summon a “D/D/D” monster, and the combined value of your Pendulum Scales exceeds this card’s Level.
When this card is Special Summoned, you can destroy all other cards on the field.
Once per turn, during either player’s turn, you can treat a card(s) in your opponent’s Pendulum Zone as your card(s).
Once per turn, if a “D/D/D” monster leaves the field, you can double this card’s ATK.


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so basically if you pulled of its effect its a 6000 ATK direct attacker. welp destruction removal still relevant to some degree so i guess its usable? not that knowledgeable on D/D but from what i know this at least force you to use Kepler and Newton as a high scale while at least you use Leonidas or Orthos for low scale and most D/D player not really want that. while i think the Pendulum hijacking effect is unique i can't really say that its use full much unless you face someone that somehow run super contrast scale like Supreme King Gates

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The most interesting bit I find about this card is the Summoning condition. More than 12 Scales in your Pendulum Zones is actually not all that common. I have a casual deck that uses 4 - 8 as the pair, but even that is 1 number short. I find the concept of such a condition pretty amusing. They could do stuff with it.

Only 3 ways that come to mind are Qliphs (4-9), Z-Arc (0-13), or D.D.D.s.

Less than ideal ones would be messing up your scales with something like 6-8, 7-7, etc. Of course, I'm just referring to the concept, I know the OP's card is D.D.D. reliant.


About the card:
Does the "treat it as your card" part mean your opponent cannot treat that scale as theirs to use? Like "yo kid that is part of my field now so it's off limit even if on your side"...

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What I think it means is that you can use it to complete one of your Pendulum Scales if you intentionally gimped yourself by setting up a pair of 10 Scales. So, if your opponent is playing Pendulumucho or something, you can use two 10 Scales and still PS 1-9, which (if it really works that way) is really neat and useful.

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