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Ask the Ooze

Ivan Ooze

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I suppose not knowing who you were supposed to be fighting may have accounted for your defeat. But to settle some curiosity, what technology did to utilize for your Ectomorphic Titans?


Firstly, Ectomorphicon Titans, but since you seem to be interested about them, I'll let that slide.


Both my Titans, I suppose you could say is made of alien technology. After all, I am not of this world itself. Both Hornitor and Scorpitron have served me well and each one of them have been given life thanks in part to my ooze and my magic.


In a sense, I suppose you could call this what kids these days call "Magi-tech".

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By you wanting my autograph when you first met me, I get the feeling you know more about me than the, ahem, average person. So tell me, what do you know?


I may've been in a hyper-lock for 6000 years, but I do find ways to keep up with culture. After all...I DID miss the Brady Bunch Reunion...


Anyway, I know quite a lot about you, Mr. Clown Prince of Crime. The fact that your quite the resilient clown when it comes to being in danger against your nemesis. At the same time, the laugh is the most distinguishable feature that almost any villain can hear and know who it is. It's almost like most of those Disney villains fawning over that Scar fellow.

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Have you thought of using another Titan? If it took 5 zords to beat 2 Titans, then 3 must overwhelm tiny baby Rangers.


A thought of having more than one of my Ectomorphicon Titans would be interesting. At the same time, I was, at the present time before I was sealed, could only create two.


Oh. Oozie. I do have a question. The rangers have their own badass theme. What's yours?


Shall I direct you to this place's little profile?


Here's the actual link to it:

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Which of the Monsters would you most like to brainwash if you could, and why?


Eh, hardly any of these monsters.


Not because I can't...some of them are pretty good to work with WITHOUT having to brainwash them. After all, seems like me and the koopa are currently doing well.


And besides. Some people just don't think I should have the fun with all this brainwashing. But I digress...two at most that I want to brainwash and control: Shu and Mauvache. For Shu...just because he is quite the annoying individual...nothing more. Now for Mauvache, this individual is quite powerful and I can tell they would be a hell of an ally.


Though from what I've seen...they aren't easy to get along with. So would I be brainwashing them or trying to play nice? Who can really tell at this point.

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Ever considered making smaller titans?  Like, Oozing Rangers?


Hmmmm...Ooze Rangers...that sounds interesting.


It would be interesting to utilize, won't lie. However, it makes me immediately think of the Psycho Rangers. Do we really need a repeat on that?


So uh, what are you exactly? Like, what does your species call themselves?


I'm a morphological being. Not sure on the exact race I am, since no one ever bothered to think that through.


Oh, my, Mr. Ooze. I must say I am flattered. But why do you not think I am easy to get along with?


Call it a bit research I've done on you, Mauvache.


From what I've seen...you are quite the wild card.

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