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PvP has always been an interesting concept, although the way you worded the prompt is a bit strange. I'm a bit confused on what the archetype does. It seems that you walled yourself off by having it entirely based on the Field Spell that you might not always have, and just said that you want the cards to protect that Field Spell. 


Instead, I might have it so all of the monster can enable PvP, where you can pay up to a certain amount of LPs to deal an equal amount of damage to your opponent. Then, you have effects that increase the intervals of effect damage you deal so you can profit. The monsters themselves would not only be inable to deal damage, but also have a focus on DEF attacking so that you don't take damage yourself from opponent's attacks. This may not have to include all of the monsters, possibly just the Extra Deck monsters.


The Field Spell would probably do something similar to the Trickstar one where every time you use the sort of effect (or just damage your opponent with a "" card) you can repeat the process of paying LPs to do damage after a monster does.


So yeah I would make the focus on a slow painful value game where even LPs matter. That would probably fit what you're looking for with this archetype. Possibly even add Stun and Protection effects specifically to screw with your opponent's ability to finish the game. 


Name feels a bit too cluttered though. I would go for something that runs off the tongue a bit better. 

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New prompt for a possible Dragon Ball adaption.


Seven Star

Archetype focused on ranking up a specific monster, similar to Harpie Lady or SPYRAL if they were mixed with Raid Raptor or Utopia. How it works is similar to Zoodiac, but don’t expect it to be so simple as to keep stacking monsters on top of each other immediately after another. Instead, you have trigger-like Quick Effects to Xyz Change into the next change. It’s slower but has more protection. This is all specifically to replicate Dragon Ball’s Super Saiyan mechanic, where they comically change their haircut to increase their power, which I would say is very similar to Xyz Change. You may also make a Synchro for Shenron and a Fusion monster that gains effects depending on the Fusion Materials (similar to Metaphys Horus if you need reference).


Already made a Synchro for Shenron to adapt what the wishes do (tbh all there really is in Dragon Ball as wishes go is either deus ex BS people back to life every time someone dies or immortality which is almost never achieved)


Xīwànglong, the Seven Starred Dragon

LIGHT - Level 7 - Dragon/Synchro/Effect - 0 ATK/2800 DEF

1 Tuner + 2+ non-Tuner

You can Tribute this card to activate 1 of these Quick Effects.

● Special Summon 1 monster from your GY, except “Xīwànglong, the Seven Starred Dragon”.

● Target 1 “Seven Star” monster you control; it cannot be destroyed by battle, is unaffected by your opponent’s card effects, and cannot be Tributed or used as a material for a Special Summon until the end of the turn.

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Please welcome Azuriena, who will be doing archetypes and reviews for the DPR. 


Also, how does everyone feel about making a Discord as a way for more interactive card discussion amongst the team? At first, I made the club for post permanence, but I think that's really only for card and archetype posts.

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The Romanticondere Archetype, an archetype that has Level 1 and 2 monsters. Their Spell/Trap Cards have effects that the opponent chooses for you, some negative and some positive. There are also effects that happens when they are returned to your hand like a love letter being returned. (Think of the GX episode of Manjoume/Chazz confessing his love for Asuka/Alexis.) They have Link Monsters called "Dramaticondere" that gives your opponent's your Spell/Trap Cards and can even force their activations. The Spell/Trap Cards vary from doing effect damage, increasing LP, drawing cards, discarding cards, etc. The Main Deck monsters search out the Spell/Trap Cards and can give control of themselves to the opponent.

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The Romanticondere Archetype, an archetype that has Level 1 and 2 monsters. K. Skeptical of the name though. I might make this LIGHT Zombies, having them be Victorian style Vampires, although that may be a overdone trope.


Their Spell/Trap Cards have effects that the opponent chooses for you, some negative and some positive. This is definitely interesting, although I hope you have some ways of “persuading” your opponent into doing what you want, like you have optional costs or something that lets you choose which effect you need. This goes well with the theme and would give you a chance to activate what would otherwise be inherently the better effect.


There are also effects that happens when they are returned to your hand like a love letter being returned. (Think of the GX episode of Manjoume/Chazz confessing his love for Asuka/Alexis.)



They have Link Monsters called "Dramaticondere" that gives your opponent's your Spell/Trap Cards and can even force their activations. Similar to my Affinfinity archetype, I would give 1 of the cards a ability to add a card from your Deck/GY to your opponent’s hand, and then have cards that can swap cards from both player’s hands. Or you could even have a card that stays revealed in their hand and forces them to let you pick which effect you get.


The Spell/Trap Cards vary from doing effect damage, increasing LP, drawing cards, discarding cards, etc. Makes sense. I might also have ways of increasing their LPs, and then having effects similar to how Nurseburn works where you can swap LP increases for Effect damage. With the whole “giving out of romance theme” it’s an interesting concept, but I wouldn’t make the Deck entirely that, more have it as something you can use the Deck for so you can run several versions of the Deck.


The Main Deck monsters search out the Spell/Trap Cards and can give control of themselves to the opponent. Giving control of the monster to your opponent is a cool idea, but I feel maybe not give every monster this since you need to get out a Link Monster. Maybe 1-2 monsters max (possibly just the searchers). If you make this Zombies, you could also have monsters that can be Special Summoned if your opponent controls a Zombie.

YEAH that’s a solid idea. There’s a lot you can do with it, and a lot of different ideas that if done right could merge together seamlessly. I would make this 1 of the archetypes we get ready for the tournament in January. I do think you should go less monsters (maybe 3 or 4 for now) and more Spells/Traps (6-9) with possibly just 1 or 2 Link monsters. If you want to go even further with the “romantic” link concept, you could have the Link monsters work like Chimeratech Fortress Dragon where you can use your opponent’s Zombie monsters, and even maybe give control of the Link monster to your opponent and have them with up pointing arrows.

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This sounds like a fun project. I'll be following it. I mostly read the rules but have yet to finish the card pool list. That'll take a little while.

I might be able to submit something here xD

My main drawback is my lack of Duel Portal. I think I had an account like 5 years ago but I never got to actually use it. I recall having been able to upload like 2 cards back then.

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We're not using it all that much at the moment since we're in the process of making the cards, but I've been every once in a while putting the cards we've made thus far on the Duel-Portal. As for now, what do you want to be signed in for? We have occupations we don't care too much about but it tells people what we're doing and what we're good at. 



Archetype Designer

Archetype Support Designer

Generic Designer



DPR Tester


Eventually (like a year from now maybe) I'd like to get the cards programmed on YGOpro, but 1 victory at a time. 

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We're not using it all that much at the moment since we're in the process of making the cards, but I've been every once in a while putting the cards we've made thus far on the Duel-Portal. As for now, what do you want to be signed in for? We have occupations we don't care too much about but it tells people what we're doing and what we're good at. 



Archetype Designer

Archetype Support Designer

Generic Designer



DPR Tester


Eventually (like a year from now maybe) I'd like to get the cards programmed on YGOpro, but 1 victory at a time. 


I kinda wanna be Generic Designer primarily, and Reviewer

Veeeeery occasionally I can be artist (my profile header is a sample of what I draw like, even though it's all traditionally), but I don't usually have a ton of time for that.


I'll first try to get to know all the cards made so far and see what's up. Gotta get a feel of the intended power level, speed level, and what mechanics are accepted (in case there might be any that are not).

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I'll put you on the list. Everyone welcome Sleepy to the DPR!


Thanks xP


Um just to clarify:

The generic list from the OP is all in, but the archetype spoiler is only for the concepts.

Are all archetypes currently on debate within the comments or is any of them officially in?


Also, does the finishing product entail a format exclusively with these made cards, or does it intend to mix them with the entirety of the Konami-made card pool? Or maybe it'll have some Konami cards and mainly consist on custom cards?

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The archetype PROMPTS are just the concepts. They haven't been made yet unless they're displayed in the archetypes list. I did make Affinfinity and Scrap-Iron but it was kinda overpowered so I'm reworking them. 


As for what makes cards official, you have to test them in the Duel Portal, since otherwise you really have no idea how fun a card is to use. I'll be posting Affinfinity by December, I'm working on Future Purged which attacks their own monsters, Nekomata has been working on Paperplanes which look like they're going to be a fun take on Xyz Pendulums, and Fukato is at the moment working on Romanticondere with some strange and dubious takes on romance adapted into Yugioh Mechanics (which I haven't added to the prompts list yet whoops.) By the time 2 of us make a archetype we'll have enough cards to start testing. 


There's a generic list on a Google Doc that's more up to date since I haven't updated it recently (since it's hard to add each card individually I tend to put a dozen or so in all at once). I'll send you the link.


We haven't discussed it yet, but I'm planning to make the rule that you can run 5 cards made by Konami (including Extra Deck). This is more to just give the option of running the essentials while not breaking the format with cards that were made outside of it.



I have a 4 day weekend after tomorrow, so I should be able to get a lot done if I can stay motivated. 

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If a generics card whose thread is a little on the old side is found, I'll talk about it in this thread instead.


I'm just looking Main Deck monsters from bottom up right now, and the second one is Silly Slime.

It makes me remember Fox Fire, though this card actually protects the player, and right off the bat has a natural counter in this card pool: Spying Through the Cracks. Of course that'll still require you burning through your protection on your own turn, and having S/T removal (or maybe not S/T one.... for all I know at the moment you might be aiming for a faster format than drawing into removal generics).


Silly Slime's cost is fine, but I'm not sure I'm on board with the LP gain bit. Being mostly infinite Tribute fodder should be good enough at the expense of your LP, and shouldn't replenish itself like this, especially if this format ever dwells into quick Tribute Summons existing, like Escalation of the Monarchs, Ehther the Heavenly Monarch, Dark Advance, Rival Arrival, etc.
IMO, it is better to tackle these sorts of issues before they arise, seeing how this card even has a Miracle Flipper wording that comes back without caring from where (wow, hadn't mentioned that card in YEARS xD )

- - - - - - - -


The "until the End of your next turn" bit is a little confusing. Does it mean that Scapekid needs to be used before the due date, to be able to use the Tokens as materials, or does it mean your Scapekid cannot be used until past the due date, and you have to keep it alive that long with a fully defensive field?


Speaking of the other bit, I think intercepting its effect is not much of an option, being a Damage Calculation effect, very few cards can enter that activation window, and by the time the battle is in that stage, the attack is pretty much irreversible. If you want a reaction window, you maybe could reveal this card from your hand when the attack is declared involving the opponent's monster, and then after damage calculation you proceed to Summon it and do the Token spam effect. I know I know, my suggestions are making pretty much every card in this set weaker xD sorry about that. Just throwing out suggestions. Combos might connect better than anticipated in these sorts of projects more often than not.


I for one, agree with Polaris there: I also am excited for this card's Tribute Summon capabilities. I sure hope it isn't a neglected mechanic like it is IRL, and we do get a few Level 7+ goodness at some point. Just for that, I think this card is pretty good even if it loses its Extra Deck capabilities, making it solid overall.

- - - - - - - -

Interdimensional Argonaut (I think I can reword that):
You can only activate 1 "Interdimensional Argonaut" effect per turn. When your opponent activates a card/effect, apply 1 of these (Quick Effect).

-Return 1 card you control to the hand.

-Discard this card; banish 1 monster you control, until your next Standby Phase.


IDK, my version sounds a bit off too.... hmmm. Well anyways.

It IS a better Time Escaper. Generic to all monsters, doesn't target your monster, and can return itself to the hand. At this point the hard OPT clause is almost negligible.

More importantly, I am not sure how to feel about such an early inclusion of hand traps into the game. I feel like this could be Attribute support rather than generic one at the very least. Or you could probably Tribute this card from your field to quick-banish something (fully chainable rather than in response to an opponent's effect if done this way). This way you get to stay fully generic and quick. Maybe have "this Summoned card" do it, so you could have this card "return" with the banished monster, and no longer be live if you do.
The suggestion would encourage outside means to Special Summon it (which I'm sure there's an upcoming Zombie in this list that does something like that) and drop the need for bullet point separations.


- - - - - -


Gargoyle of the Sanctuary:
Depends for now on the play-style you intend to build towards. If you wanna have it be similar to modern Yugioh, this card is going to be super relevant and super flexible. It can be Special Summoned with ease, has the biggest stats up until now, and you could attack with an already present copy to turn it off, do your needed draws, and Summon a second copy to keep the lock going.


Or if your searching tools intended for this format are moderate enough, a search per turn or so might make this card more bearable. I'll be honest, I can't tell how powerful this will be yet, until we define things better. At the very least its stats are great. Just saying it is something to keep an eye on.


- - - - - - -


I don't really like Catchy Plague. It sounds like you just need to build with Level 4 or lower monsters and you can just Special Summon all of them into the field the moment you draw into this. Though their in-field effects are otherwise pretty much negated. The flavor is in turning them into mindless Zombies, but I think there should be some sort of cap to this. It is more of a speed power play for laddering, and a more or less safer swarm than Pendulum Summon, with less setup.


I think the card could be a little more tame and flavorful if it Summoned a single Zombified monster with out right negated face-up effects, and the rest of the plague came into battle contact form (as in, monsters battling it became zombies while face-up, and lost their effect for a turn or something).

It is a sort of Marauding Captain or Goblindbergh, which is about good enough IMO, especially if it were a Tuner, though maybe you don't wanna include Extra Deck just yet.
I gotta go read what people think on this card though. Maybe I'm in the minority xD



[spoiler=Spells and Traps]
The Madness Method. I'm not sure I like the "can activate it the turn it is set" clause, but otherwise I like the nuke through damage. It is at a very hard to counter timing.

Oh, actually, I just realized it is a field nuke rather than a monster nuke. This is a very dangerous card. I like this. Worth trying out for sure.


Sudden Cyclone is like a non-destroying Torrential, that even if it returns the monsters, it still causes great disruption and leaves weak materials lying around for you to take care of as they return at your most advantageous timing. It offers D.D. Burial putting monsters in the GY to never come back, it offers replacement of your Extra Deck Summons so you open up other stuff, it offers triggers when banished like Shiranui, it has combo potential. You can even respond to your opponent's copy with your own, only so that the monsters come back during your Standby instead of the opponent's.

I wonder if this'll end up as a card that encourages conservative play, or as a momentum change. The implementations make me wanna test it out or design around the concept in some way.


Second Rat is very nice removal. You force it up through a good old normal Trap, and bam! Wasted if not chainable. I do like it more than the First Rat. Maybe if anything, it is a random-looking name without the context, but otherwise I am on board.

Oh, just saw that First Rat is also on the list. Isn't that a straight up better version of this card? 


- - - - - - - - -


Lightningrod is very much an awesome card. You get to negate the same things as Dark Bribe without giving them a draw, potentially destroying something you want them to pop, and it still requires you to know what you have placed on the board and what hasn't. I think it might need a clarification of "(if any)" and a way to not let them target "Lightningrod" itself, since the opponent will likely choose it for pointless destruction instead of anything else once they suspect something is up with your other backrow there. This way they have to go for what you want them to go for, and can still be used if you simply don't have any more backrow.


Lost and Found is a half-Desires that doesn't hurt your deck so much but is still essentially an Upstart Goblin improvement. Then 1 turn later you get a better Duality that fulfills the overall +1 that Desires achieves (although a little more slow). Aaaaand immediately after typing this, I found out the first reply in its thread says the same thing.
You could make it slower as a suggestion. Banish 5 when used. Next turn add 1. Then next turn add another 1.  Both opponent's choice letting them see your 5 ones. Maybe that'd be too much.

Or you could go the CardCarD route and outright draw 2 for an automatic turn end.

Or you could have your opponent return 1+(up for calibrating this variable) cards from your GY into the Deck before adding either of the cards, so that you ultimately fatten your deck more than you thin it, in exchange for the plus 1 you'll end up with.

Just throwing out ideas.

Overdose on Destruction seems like a more balanced Dark Hole in terms of you not really moving freely here either, especially as a Spell Speed 1 effect. It doesn't have timing so if you set it and another effect forces it up, it'd be trouble. I think it might be a tad abusable with floaters a la Yang Zing if you ever need to thin your deck because this card will trigger 3 times ( BP, MP2, EP). 


Then Horus LV6 effects will breeze through it all. If there was a way to reduce it to 2, so you get a BP one and a MP2 nuke and that's it. Also, a hard OPT for this card. Can you imagine copies as is and nuking 9 times? xD
IDK, something feels off about that concept....

- - - - -


Name change detected, but I think Saturated Rainbow's thread already covered that bit.
Hmm it is a pure heal card. It prevents damage but doesn't protect the monster itself. It seems a little pointless at the moment if your opponent is gonna aim at the equipped monster regardless and you'll only mostly pay a few more times with Silly Slime. I feel like instead of reduced damage and full heal through direct attacks, it could have been a more full blown lifelink (MTG keyword) effect, where you do inflict damage, and get healed by the same amount (Like Vampire Koala or Fushi No Tori). Though extended to any damage inflicted in battles involving it, so that you get to gain as much LP as you just lost through battle damage (to the same result as nullifying damage, but at a more combo-friendly procedure).

This is, of course, at expense of the direct attack ability (or keeping it with that classic 1/2 damage drawback like that of Masked HERO Anki)

It still offers no protection for the actual monster, but it prevents damage, keeps direct attacking (nerfed), keeps giving you LP, and it is overall I think not super overblown. Though tell me what you think of the suggestion.

- - - - - - -

Winded Wind super flexible. It recycles your stuff in a Giant Trunade fashion, and if the opponent doesn't let it be a proper Spiritualism, it threatens to be back until they let it be, which keeps forcing their chains to happen if they did that so they are better off letting it happen. Naisu.

Upstart Zombie
I've been reading into the discussion of the thread, and the card is deceptively interesting. It is worth a shot. In custom format, it might require that OPT clause as Sakura said though, depending on stuff.... because if the game is reactive enough, you might not care about the turn ending, but maybe that's over-balancing it so for now, I don't think I'll suggest any changes to it until tested xD



I didn't read the entirety of the discussions within those threads, so hopefully I did not just repeat something already said in there without anything new.... and I will check out the document later to see what's different and what's not in this list.

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[spoiler: Monsters]

Silly Slime

The LP gain bit means you gain 1000 LPs instead of losing 1000, which is pretty good until you consider how little Decks these days Tribute monsters. This and Scapekid were attempts at making good Tribute Fodder that doubles as protection in a way that Battle Fader used to be well known for. 


However, I have just realized you can activate its effect if it returns to your Deck, which is a bit too obscure and cheap for a card that could otherwise possibly have a weakness. I guess I could say “If this card is sent from the field to the GY, except as a material for the Special Summon of a monster:” which could properly nerf the card enough to keep the LP gain.


“Until the end of your next turn” would mean if you activate it during your opponent’s turn, you’d go through your next turn and your opponent’s next turn until you can use it properly. It was meant to delay your ability to use the Tokens as Materials. However, that was mean being stupid. I got the recommendation from a reviewer, but after testing it the card wasn’t nearly as good nor was it something I would want to run. It didn’t originally have this part, and since testing has shown it’s fine without the restriction I’ll remove that bit.


After Damage Calculations is a bit weird, but the idea is that it works after that battle, not before. This delay is meant so you can activate on what you think is your opponent’s last battle so that Scapekid has more of a chance of surviving (rather than zero if it said battle step). I’m thinking I’ll use Tragoedia’s wording instead which states “if/when you take battle damage” which is technically worse but whatever it’s not by much.

#still have no Tribute Summon Archetype prompts

Interdimensional Argonaut

You seem to have mistaken what the effect does. It can either return itself to the hand similar to a Quick Effect version of Honest, or discard itself to banish another monster you control until your next Standby Phase. Should probably reword it. However, your version lacks a colon or “:”


Currently I’m trying to make relevant cards. Hand Traps are inherently good, so I feel it’s fine as long as they don’t negate. This protects your monster in a more situational manner, and otherwise just works as Chain Beat esc monster.

Gargoyle of the Sanctuary:

At the moment, it’s a Thunder King Rai Oh. I think giving it the “This card cannot be Special Summoned” clause would do well to try to balance the card, so I’ll do that.

The idea of having a couple, doing your draws and stuff, and then Summoning another is interesting, but you have to wait until your MP2 so I feel that coincidental self synergy should be fine. Testing may prove otherwise though.
Giving it the Droll & Lock Bird (where they get the first search but after the fact they can’t anymore) clause could actually be a lot more fair as far as stun goes, so I feel like I should also test that part of the card

Catchy Plague

If it gets out of control, I’ll make a Maxx C. However, I feel the card isn’t all that great. Sure you can just run a bunch of monsters, but that probably means not running as much draw power. This is here because I don’t plan on making that much Pendulum support for the first tournament.


Effects that activate every time your opponent Special Summons are a lot better against this than Pendulum Summoning, like Maxx C which can draw several cards vs 1 if you Special Summoned them all at once via something like Pendulum Summoning. Not like that means much, but the several vulnerabilities and negation effects make this at least balanced to Special Summon 2 monsters from your hand. If it’s any more than that, you probably built your Deck in a way that uses a lot of monsters, which even then if you’re going a Link 3 or 4 you get a severe card disadvantage.

[spoiler: Spell/Traps]

The Madness Method

The whole “can activate the turn it was Set” is to make a dangerous reason your opponent could be Setting during the Main Phase 1, where they could potentially counter it with Spell/Trap removal. This is in contrast to it being a Quick-play Spell, which is harder to play around. I’ll make a couple cards like this to make them more common, but for now I at least want that thought to be put in people’s head.


Sudden Cyclone

The card’s meant to spur creativity. Free up Extra Monster Zones? Go ahead. Banish tech? Right on you. Discourage Summoning further monsters since otherwise they can't get all of their monsters back? Sure. Save your monsters? If you can. Crazy OTK enabler? Impress me.

Second Rat isn't just a worse First Rat. For starters, it works on Set monsters. That’s fine, but it's also more adaptable. Instead of just letting the activation happen if it doesn't miss timing, it destroys the card. This mean it can get past Continuous Traps that wouldn't miss timing, and Set monsters with flip effects. While situational, there is a more guaranteed vantage of playing Second Rat than First Rat.


I feel if a card is going to be a -1, it should be an avoidable cost. As for your concern, they're card only activates after this card’s effect resolves, so this would be in the GY before they have a chance to target.

Lost and Found

It used to be a +1 and didn't require you to skip your normal draw, but it would just take a turn to get there. That was where most of the complaints came from. This card is still awfully good, but I don't want to change how the card works. The card itself is a draw card that can later on let you top Deck any of the banished face-down cards you want. That reduces the overall luck factor of drawing, which is a really cool idea. I would like to add a restriction  that doesn't kill the card.


This does need to be changed, but I want to test it first since I really like the flavor and effect of the card.

Overdose on Destruction

Not much can float after 3 rounds of destruction, but even if there is you can't exploit it. You can use Yang Sings, but I don't think you can Summon with them anything

seems like a more balanced Dark Hole in terms of you not really moving freely here either, especially as a Spell Speed 1 effect. It doesn't have timing so if you set it and another effect forces it up, it'd be trouble. I think it might be a tad abusable with floaters a la Yang Zing if you ever need to thin your deck because this card will trigger 3 times ( BP, MP2, EP).


Majespecters can though. Good for them.


Also if anyone's silly enough to activate 2 in a turn, nothing will change, since the effects can’t be chained to so a monster that’s destroyed will have to wait until the second Overdose on Destruction’s effect to happen until it can be brought back to do something else.

Saturated Rain-Bow

I felt gaining 4000+ LPs and then not taking damage was enough to stop a otk. If I did add protection, it would be something like that it can’t be attacked but it doesn’t stop your opponent from attacking directly (tbh that sounds like a cool idea). I’ll look into changing it.


As for Lifelink, the reason it’s not there is because there’s going to be an archetype that can exploit this version, most notably a archetype with monsters that can attack your own monsters.


Winded Wind

Can also be used in Chain Beat, where you activate it, chain the card you targeted, resolve the chain, and return this card to the hand. I would like to make my own take on Chain Beat but for now here’s an enabler. Glad you like it.

Upstart Zombie

I tested it and it was exactly what was expected. The card is a -1 to your hand advantage until you’re actually able to use it. If you use it as a crutch draw without a field, it skips your Battle Phase. I never found a way to exploit having 2, and tbh that would be a pretty soul crushing experience (especially since if it's the first turn you can only use 1 of them).

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Some of my cards have been edited:


Saturated Rain-Bow Spell - Equip


You take no battle damage from a battle involving this card. The equipped monster can attack your opponent’s LPs directly. If the equipped monster would inflict battle damage, gain an equal amount of LPs instead. You can only control 1 “Desaturated Rainbow”.



The equipped monster cannot be targeted for attacks, but does not prevent your opponent from attacking you directly. The equipped monster can attack directly. If the equipped monster would inflict battle damage, gain an equal amount of LP instead. You can only control 1 “Saturated Rain-Bow”.


More protection at the cost of protecting yourself. This also makes the card a lot better for lower attacking monsters, which is a nice bit of versatility to have, but it should still be balanced considering for the most part LPs don't mean much unless it's in large quantities. Also corrected a stupid OCG mistake, so there.


Scapekid EARTH - Level 1 - Beast/Effect - 0 ATK/0 DEF


After damage calculations, if an opponent's monster attacks or is attacked: You can Special Summon this card from your hand, and if you do, Special Summon as many "Sheep Tokens" (Beast/EARTH/Level 1/ATK 0/DEF 0) in Defense Position as possible. They cannot be used as a material for the Special Summon of a monster unless you use this face-up card on the field as a material until the end of your next turn. You can only use this effect of “Scapekid” once per turn.


When you take battle damage: You can Special Summon this card from your hand, and if you do, Special Summon as many "Sheep Tokens" (Beast/EARTH/Level 1/ATK 0/DEF 0) in Defense Position as possible. They cannot be used as a material for the Special Summon of a monster unless you use this face-up card on the field as a material until the end of the next turn. You can only use this effect of “Scapekid” once per turn.


Pointless bits were removed, along with a confusing and pretty useless wording. It is a bit worse in this state though, so I made it if you only ever have to wait not as long to use your Tokens freely as materials.


Gargoyle of the Sanctuary EARTH - Level 4 - Fiend/Effect - 2000 ATK/1100 DEF


Neither player can add cards from the Deck to their hand, except by drawing them during the Draw Phase. If this card attacks, negate its effect until the end of your opponent’s next turn.



If the turn player adds a card(s) from their Deck to their hand, except by drawing them during the Draw Phase, for the rest of the turn, neither player can add a card(s) from their Deck to their hand. If this card attacks, negate its effect until the end of your opponent’s next turn.


Used to be a lot more like Thunder King Rai-Oh. Now it's more like Droll & Lock Bird. This also makes it so if you chain it's Special Summon to a search, they can still get that search. It also fixes an exploit it had with Disturbance Strategy that I felt would be contrived in its original form.

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Replies to Reviews

[spoiler: Monsters]

Silly Slime

The LP gain bit means you gain 1000 LPs instead of losing 1000, which is pretty good until you consider how little Decks these days Tribute monsters. This and Scapekid were attempts at making good Tribute Fodder that doubles as protection in a way that Battle Fader used to be well known for. 


However, I have just realized you can activate its effect if it returns to your Deck, which is a bit too obscure and cheap for a card that could otherwise possibly have a weakness. I guess I could say “If this card is sent from the field to the GY, except as a material for the Special Summon of a monster:” which could properly nerf the card enough to keep the LP gain.



“Until the end of your next turn” would mean if you activate it during your opponent’s turn, you’d go through your next turn and your opponent’s next turn until you can use it properly. It was meant to delay your ability to use the Tokens as Materials. However, that was mean being stupid. I got the recommendation from a reviewer, but after testing it the card wasn’t nearly as good nor was it something I would want to run. It didn’t originally have this part, and since testing has shown it’s fine without the restriction I’ll remove that bit.


After Damage Calculations is a bit weird, but the idea is that it works after that battle, not before. This delay is meant so you can activate on what you think is your opponent’s last battle so that Scapekid has more of a chance of surviving (rather than zero if it said battle step). I’m thinking I’ll use Tragoedia’s wording instead which states “if/when you take battle damage” which is technically worse but whatever it’s not by much.

#still have no Tribute Summon Archetype prompts

Interdimensional Argonaut

You seem to have mistaken what the effect does. It can either return itself to the hand similar to a Quick Effect version of Honest, or discard itself to banish another monster you control until your next Standby Phase. Should probably reword it. However, your version lacks a colon or “:”


Currently I’m trying to make relevant cards. Hand Traps are inherently good, so I feel it’s fine as long as they don’t negate. This protects your monster in a more situational manner, and otherwise just works as Chain Beat esc monster.

Gargoyle of the Sanctuary:

At the moment, it’s a Thunder King Rai Oh. I think giving it the “This card cannot be Special Summoned” clause would do well to try to balance the card, so I’ll do that.

The idea of having a couple, doing your draws and stuff, and then Summoning another is interesting, but you have to wait until your MP2 so I feel that coincidental self synergy should be fine. Testing may prove otherwise though.

Giving it the Droll & Lock Bird (where they get the first search but after the fact they can’t anymore) clause could actually be a lot more fair as far as stun goes, so I feel like I should also test that part of the card

Catchy Plague

If it gets out of control, I’ll make a Maxx C. However, I feel the card isn’t all that great. Sure you can just run a bunch of monsters, but that probably means not running as much draw power. This is here because I don’t plan on making that much Pendulum support for the first tournament.


Effects that activate every time your opponent Special Summons are a lot better against this than Pendulum Summoning, like Maxx C which can draw several cards vs 1 if you Special Summoned them all at once via something like Pendulum Summoning. Not like that means much, but the several vulnerabilities and negation effects make this at least balanced to Special Summon 2 monsters from your hand. If it’s any more than that, you probably built your Deck in a way that uses a lot of monsters, which even then if you’re going a Link 3 or 4 you get a severe card disadvantage.

[spoiler: Spell/Traps]

The Madness Method

The whole “can activate the turn it was Set” is to make a dangerous reason your opponent could be Setting during the Main Phase 1, where they could potentially counter it with Spell/Trap removal. This is in contrast to it being a Quick-play Spell, which is harder to play around. I’ll make a couple cards like this to make them more common, but for now I at least want that thought to be put in people’s head.


Sudden Cyclone

The card’s meant to spur creativity. Free up Extra Monster Zones? Go ahead. Banish tech? Right on you. Discourage Summoning further monsters since otherwise they can't get all of their monsters back? Sure. Save your monsters? If you can. Crazy OTK enabler? Impress me.


Second Rat isn't just a worse First Rat. For starters, it works on Set monsters. That’s fine, but it's also more adaptable. Instead of just letting the activation happen if it doesn't miss timing, it destroys the card. This mean it can get past Continuous Traps that wouldn't miss timing, and Set monsters with flip effects. While situational, there is a more guaranteed vantage of playing Second Rat than First Rat.



I feel if a card is going to be a -1, it should be an avoidable cost. As for your concern, they're card only activates after this card’s effect resolves, so this would be in the GY before they have a chance to target.


Lost and Found

It used to be a +1 and didn't require you to skip your normal draw, but it would just take a turn to get there. That was where most of the complaints came from. This card is still awfully good, but I don't want to change how the card works. The card itself is a draw card that can later on let you top Deck any of the banished face-down cards you want. That reduces the overall luck factor of drawing, which is a really cool idea. I would like to add a restriction  that doesn't kill the card.


This does need to be changed, but I want to test it first since I really like the flavor and effect of the card.


Overdose on Destruction

Not much can float after 3 rounds of destruction, but even if there is you can't exploit it. You can use Yang Sings, but I don't think you can Summon with them anything

seems like a more balanced Dark Hole in terms of you not really moving freely here either, especially as a Spell Speed 1 effect. It doesn't have timing so if you set it and another effect forces it up, it'd be trouble. I think it might be a tad abusable with floaters a la Yang Zing if you ever need to thin your deck because this card will trigger 3 times ( BP, MP2, EP).


Majespecters can though. Good for them.


Also if anyone's silly enough to activate 2 in a turn, nothing will change, since the effects can’t be chained to so a monster that’s destroyed will have to wait until the second Overdose on Destruction’s effect to happen until it can be brought back to do something else.


Saturated Rain-Bow

I felt gaining 4000+ LPs and then not taking damage was enough to stop a otk. If I did add protection, it would be something like that it can’t be attacked but it doesn’t stop your opponent from attacking directly (tbh that sounds like a cool idea). I’ll look into changing it.


As for Lifelink, the reason it’s not there is because there’s going to be an archetype that can exploit this version, most notably a archetype with monsters that can attack your own monsters.



Winded Wind

Can also be used in Chain Beat, where you activate it, chain the card you targeted, resolve the chain, and return this card to the hand. I would like to make my own take on Chain Beat but for now here’s an enabler. Glad you like it.


Upstart Zombie

I tested it and it was exactly what was expected. The card is a -1 to your hand advantage until you’re actually able to use it. If you use it as a crutch draw without a field, it skips your Battle Phase. I never found a way to exploit having 2, and tbh that would be a pretty soul crushing experience (especially since if it's the first turn you can only use 1 of them).


Silly Slime sounds better with the nerf, yes. It demands the action of putting it on the field, and has potential outs to it outside of negating its effect. I like it much more.

Hmmm net gain of 1k LP instead of 1k loss, hadn't looked at it that way. Alright then xD


So Scapekid's current lore is:

You taking battle damage brings it out and floods the Tokens, and the Tokens' lingering effect is that they cannot be materials for anything, until that Scapekid is used too.

I have a suggestion, what if you worded the Tokens' lingering effect along the lines of "Sheep Tokens cannot be used as materials, unless Scapekid is used too"? So that if they get rid of Scapekid, you can Summon a new copy or revive the old one by other means or whatever, and use them, but every time a Token wants to be a material, you gotta use Scapekid with them (as opposed to using the specific Scapekid and unlocking the Tokens for whatever from then on, or getting permanently screwed if Scapekid gets taken care of).

I mean, both ways have their pros and cons, so this isn't a "fix" as much as it is just an idea thrown in.

Looking at how Gorz' giant body and giant Token don't usually stay long these days, I think Scapekid is either way fine nowadays, in modern IRL Yugioh that is.

It is cards like this one that make me wanna splash Token Sundae once in a while in a build.


Yes, I could try to cook up a Tribute Summon prompt. Sounds like fun xD



I didn't misread the effect, but I did screw up my writing of the correction. IDK why I put on the "1 card you control to hand"... I meant to write that it returns itself as well xD

Yes hand traps are inherently good, but like, look at Konami's hand traps, they more or less seem like they replaced the need to use actual generic trap cards. It might also not be as easy as "no negation", Snow Rabbit doesn't really negate and it is pretty good, but can't say they can't exist either, we've had them since times of D.D. Crow and Kuriboh.

And I can't say I know what's "relevant". Is there a defined meta in Duel Portal I should know about, or what's more or less the highest tier you are testing these against?

Well it IS true Time Escaper isn't exactly seeing use at the moment, and this is more of a "protect my cards" kind of card rather than the kind that screws up the opponent's play, so alright.



My complaint was not so much that it was "overpowered", but rather that it seems a little bland to me xD

It is pretty much a speed play for your hand, and not much else. So the suggestions I posted were not to make the card "balanced", as much as they were to give it variations of gameplay without making it too weak. Though yeah, at the end of the day they were just ideas thrown to the table to see if any were amusing enough to pick up. No real complaints.


Oh, but please don't put in a Maxx C-like interaction into this. If Maxx C becomes a need, that's more like a patch than anything, and I do hope this format doesn't reach that kind of speed where you fear the opponent drawing 10+ cards when they drop something like that.....


Madness Method:

Oh, ok. Sounds like an interesting experiment.


Yeah, Sudden Cyclone had no complaints from me. I remember posting at the thread originally, though I more or less posted on it again here (sorry if it sounded like a complaint on the card, it wasn't meant as one). It does sound like a bit of a swiss knife, so I'd still keep an eye on it.


Oh, I was wondering what the change was between First and Second Rat. Thought one was a prototype for the other  and that the more nerfed-looking one was the final product xD

That's what happens when I don't properly read the comments (there were quite a few cards to visit, but yeah, my bad lol).


Lost and Found

I didn't originally catch that detail that the second add was in exchange for your turn's draw. That is more reasonable. I buy into the idea better.

Though it is still kind of a better Upstart Goblin.

IDK what the best method to balance it would be. I think having your opponent see the 5 banished cards and the cards and choose the first card rather than it being random, and have you next turn choose the second but in a way that lets your opponent know what it is you are adding, that's a potential extra drawback due to mild information giveaway. Just an idea.


Overdose on Destruction:

Err IDK. Deck thinning and GY setup is legit, and Dark Hole at 1. Your nuke is less helpful for aggressive plays post nuke, but is this really a card that can stay at 3 here? 


Saturated Rainbow:

I did mention no protection as a drawback it has, but I did not really suggest adding protection. Just felt like I needed to point that clarification here. I know some people at the card's thread did though. I more or less suggested the "gain as much LP as damage inflicted to any player in battles involving this card", and a "halve ATK for a direct hit" combo kit.

The "damage 0" would be about the same result canceling each other out (although not for all intents and purposes), and the card would offer offensive capabilities, because it is rare that a card that's 100% heal and wall, ages well. 


I think the idea of a healing theme is a wonderful one, and an archetype could be prompted for it.... but between Saturated Rainbow and Silly Slime, the chunks of +LP are a tad big with "my equipped monster's full ATK" and "+2000 LP". I think branching out the theme can really escalate quickly there. It is really my main concern. The other nitpicks are more secondary.

I'll reserve my judgment until I see the archetype though. Guess it's a "we'll tackle that when we get there" kind of thing.


Upstart Zombie: True enough I guess. To be fair, the suggestion was more "over-preparing" than anything else.




I covered less cards because I basically agree with a lot of points xP

This little exchange helps me get more up to date with what the cards are at the moment.


NOTE: This reply does not include the post right above. I'm gonna read that as soon as I post this comment. 

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Some of my cards have been edited:


Saturated Rain-Bow Spell - Equip


You take no battle damage from a battle involving this card. The equipped monster can attack your opponent’s LPs directly. If the equipped monster would inflict battle damage, gain an equal amount of LPs instead. You can only control 1 “Desaturated Rainbow”.



The equipped monster cannot be targeted for attacks, but does not prevent your opponent from attacking you directly. The equipped monster can attack directly. If the equipped monster would inflict battle damage, gain an equal amount of LP instead. You can only control 1 “Saturated Rain-Bow”.


More protection at the cost of protecting yourself. This also makes the card a lot better for lower attacking monsters, which is a nice bit of versatility to have, but it should still be balanced considering for the most part LPs don't mean much unless it's in large quantities. Also corrected a stupid OCG mistake, so there.


Scapekid EARTH - Level 1 - Beast/Effect - 0 ATK/0 DEF


After damage calculations, if an opponent's monster attacks or is attacked: You can Special Summon this card from your hand, and if you do, Special Summon as many "Sheep Tokens" (Beast/EARTH/Level 1/ATK 0/DEF 0) in Defense Position as possible. They cannot be used as a material for the Special Summon of a monster unless you use this face-up card on the field as a material until the end of your next turn. You can only use this effect of “Scapekid” once per turn.


When you take battle damage: You can Special Summon this card from your hand, and if you do, Special Summon as many "Sheep Tokens" (Beast/EARTH/Level 1/ATK 0/DEF 0) in Defense Position as possible. They cannot be used as a material for the Special Summon of a monster unless you use this face-up card on the field as a material until the end of the next turn. You can only use this effect of “Scapekid” once per turn.


Pointless bits were removed, along with a confusing and pretty useless wording. It is a bit worse in this state though, so I made it if you only ever have to wait not as long to use your Tokens freely as materials.


Gargoyle of the Sanctuary EARTH - Level 4 - Fiend/Effect - 2000 ATK/1100 DEF


Neither player can add cards from the Deck to their hand, except by drawing them during the Draw Phase. If this card attacks, negate its effect until the end of your opponent’s next turn.



If the turn player adds a card(s) from their Deck to their hand, except by drawing them during the Draw Phase, for the rest of the turn, neither player can add a card(s) from their Deck to their hand. If this card attacks, negate its effect until the end of your opponent’s next turn.


Used to be a lot more like Thunder King Rai-Oh. Now it's more like Droll & Lock Bird. This also makes it so if you chain it's Special Summon to a search, they can still get that search. It also fixes an exploit it had with Disturbance Strategy that I felt would be contrived in its original form.


I think Saturated Rainbow gained a good quality here. Before it was just a +LP anti-OTK potential -2 play.

The uptake would be either suggesting protection or suggesting an offensive trait of sorts. It now has the former.

I like it. Maybe, if you equip it to a monster that prevents your opponent from attacking anything but itself, this could maybe be a soft-lock?



Gargoyle has a nice change. It lets search exist, but it doesn't let it go overboard, and the other good traits it already had all still remain.


Scapekid probably needs a comma before "after the end of the next turn". I feel like the sentence running off like that is what makes it a little weird.

Other than that, no real objections to it. I suggested something in my post above, but it doesn't really mean I don't also agree with how it sounds at the moment. 


Overall I like the update.

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Hmmm what are your thoughts on the concept of a Tribute Summon support archetype?
Something like reverse-Monarchs. Instead of being big bulky bosses that trigger upon Tribute Summon, be it the fodder that triggers upon usage for certain Tribute Summons.

My Magic Pea card was a sort of prototype for this idea, though the idea for THIS thread that I wanted to pitch was that of fodder for the Tribute Summon of vanillas of certain Type/Attributes (or depending on the card, vanillas in general).


Though I'm not sure if you'd even want vanillas to be a thing in this project, which means this pitched idea is still prone to change.

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I LOVE Vanillas. Just make sure they have cool lore because cool lore. 


For starters, Level 4s with low ATK (not even 0) and 2500 DEF are apparently "balanced" so keep that in mind for defensive Normal Monsters. The ones with that high of DEF usually have a weakness, but not much of one so 2500 DEF should be fine. 


Second, I would focus on Fusion Continuum, the crazy Fusion Spell Black D'Sceptyr made, and Normal Support in itself. If you want to make Normal Monsters of higher calibers of competitive then I suggest making Normal Support, for example, a Instant Fusion + Unexpected Guy (Level 5 or lower restriction is probably better for the game than Level 4 or lower).


If anything I could just give free reign to those that want to use Normal Monster and let people use any of the Vanillas Konami made since there isn't much that can accomplish other than saving us the hassle of making them. 



If you're making just a Tribute Fodder archetype, I would start by considering a monster that requires 5 Tributes. Not sure on the requirements, but it just sounds like a bunch of fun to design around, like stacking up cards that reduce the amount of Tributes for a Tribute Summon, possibly even making it so you must Tribute 5 monsters for it's Tribute Summon but have a restriction so you can't even Tribute Summon it.

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I LOVE Vanillas. Just make sure they have cool lore because cool lore. 


For starters, Level 4s with low ATK (not even 0) and 2500 DEF are apparently "balanced" so keep that in mind for defensive Normal Monsters. The ones with that high of DEF usually have a weakness, but not much of one so 2500 DEF should be fine. 


Second, I would focus on Fusion Continuum, the crazy Fusion Spell Black D'Sceptyr made, and Normal Support in itself. If you want to make Normal Monsters of higher calibers of competitive then I suggest making Normal Support, for example, a Instant Fusion + Unexpected Guy (Level 5 or lower restriction is probably better for the game than Level 4 or lower).


If anything I could just give free reign to those that want to use Normal Monster and let people use any of the Vanillas Konami made since there isn't much that can accomplish other than saving us the hassle of making them. 



If you're making just a Tribute Fodder archetype, I would start by considering a monster that requires 5 Tributes. Not sure on the requirements, but it just sounds like a bunch of fun to design around, like stacking up cards that reduce the amount of Tributes for a Tribute Summon, possibly even making it so you must Tribute 5 monsters for it's Tribute Summon but have a restriction so you can't even Tribute Summon it.


A big boss 5-Tribute monster could be made. Though I quote mostly to say that it's probably important not to go overboard with vanillas here. Like, that is mostly a prompt idea, and ideally we could test the idea with a single vanilla inclusion and have the effects revolve around that monster's traits (Type, Attribute, stats, subt-ypes, Level, name, etc). Being that my title here is more towards the generic-ish route, I'd mostly make generic-sounding effects that just happen to work better with the stats of a certain vanilla (or a small group of them). 


- - - -


I got the Extra Deck ideas. So I take it the current priority is targets for the Fusion Spells. Got it xD


- - - -


While I am already writing a post though, I'll pitch in another idea I thought was interesting, in case anybody likes it:

A reverse form of Legendary Ocean, where relatively functional low Level monsters (4 or less stars) can get their Levels boosted by Field Spells (or any other effect really), and have the monsters get an additional bonus effect for being Tribute Summoned (which can only happen when they get their stars raised in hand with these effects). The individual Level-modulation effects would take care flexibility for the sake of not bricking with high or low levels xD


- - - - 


Ok, I'll check through the list again and see if I can come up with Fusions ideas.

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Cometower Archetype: An archetype that consists of Level 4 Normal Monsters and utilizes Counter Trap Cards to negate stuff and bring them out. This is the new Counter Fairies, except they aren't, for they are LIGHT Rocks. They have Fusion Monsters that are basically "Guiding Ariadne" on larger bodies and more. Furthermore, their Counter Traps can force phase skips. They have only 1 Spell Card, a Field Spell Card because that is pretty much what every Archetype needs.


Also, do we have a form of "Terraforming"?

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Cometower Archetype: An archetype that consists of Level 4 Normal Monsters and utilizes Counter Trap Cards to negate stuff and bring them out. This is the new Counter Fairies, except they aren't, for they are LIGHT Rocks. They have Fusion Monsters that are basically "Guiding Ariadne" on larger bodies and more. Furthermore, their Counter Traps can force phase skips. They have only 1 Spell Card, a Field Spell Card because that is pretty much what every Archetype needs.


You know, I feel those kind of cards would be better as to use generics, like Counter Traps that would otherwise be generic but has a mandatory effect to Special Summon a Level 4 or lower Normal Monster from your Deck, which makes it less generic. 


Also, do we have a form of "Terraforming"?


Not at the moment. Not sure if we need it though, since most the archetypes have a Field Spell and this would otherwise just increase the speed of the game. If we did make one though, I feel like it would be a Field Spell as well, so if any ideas there that are good then go ahead. As for restrictions it should search a Field Spell with a different name, and have a hard OPT. Possibly give it another effect that usually doesn't matter but might help if you use it a particular way. 

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Missing Period

Continuous Trap Card

Effect: Any cards banished on the field returns during the 2nd Standby Phase after the turn they were banished. Once per turn, if a card is activated that would destroy exactly 1 card on the field: You can banish 1 other card you control; the activated effect becomes "Banish 1 card on the field, except "Missing Period"".

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Well that's pretty cool.


I may make the first effect different though, since its interactions with Normal Spell/Traps that would be sent to the GY, but then you have something like Macro Cosmos.


I may make it only work on your monsters, but have it so the monsters that would be sent to your GY are banished instead. This would make it better since there hasn't been a Dimensional Fissure or Macro Cosmos in the DPR as of yet.

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