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[MTG] Gideons Gloryious Victory


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Planswalker 2

2 Gideon Martial Paragon


Creatures 18

2 Glorybringer

4 Ahn-Crop Crasher

4 Resolute Survivors

4 Nef-Crop Entangler

4 Gust Walker


Enchantments 8

4 Compulsory Rest

4 Cartouche of Zeal


Instants 8

4 Lighting Strike

4 Djeru's Reslove


Lands 24

8 Plains

8 Mountains

4 Inspiring Vantage

4 Evolving Winds


So this Red White deck focus on summoning mainly 2/3 cost creatures with Exert and utilizing it to the best of its ability. Gust Walker acts as a awesome White 2 cost 3/3 Flyer for the turn where Nef acts your Red 2 Cost 3/3 Trampler.


Resolute Survivor is one of the key cards in this deck for how stackable its effect is dealing damage and gaining life each time a creature is exerted.


Gideon Martial Paragon though I heard some people say he's not great, in exert he does is job really well as his + gets your exerted creatures untapped with a bonus 1+/1+, it can turn into a 5/5 creature for a turn and its ultimate basically allows you to crash through with everything for game.


Compulsory Rest acts to shut down your opponents monsters allowing you a means to bypass them for hits to your opponent.

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