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[EXFO] World Legacy - "World Shield"

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World Legacy - "World Shield"

Level 6 DARK


You can only use this card’s (3)rd effect once per turn.

(1) Monsters Special Summoned from the Extra Deck cannot activate their effects.

(2) While this card is in the same column as a “World Legacy” card you control, this card can neither be targeted nor destroyed by your opponent’s effects.

(3) If this card is in your GY: You can pay 1000 LP during the Standby Phase; Special Summon this card from the GY. Then, your opponent can Special Summon 1 monster from their hand or GY.

ATK/0 DEF/3000


So a Shield that can prevent Fusion, Synchro, Xyz and to some extent Pendulum Effects protects itself its in a column as another World Legacy card and being able to revive it is nice though the revival does come at a 1000LP cost and gives your opponent a monster from their grave.


So what are your thoughts on this.

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